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Lucky I wasn't raped and murdered: Read Haryana IAS officer's daughter's harrowing tale


Mar 6, 2011
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Lucky I wasn't raped and murdered: Read Haryana IAS officer's daughter's harrowing tale
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DNA WEB TEAM | Sun, 6 Aug 2017-08:27pm , DNA webdesk
Two people were arrested and subsequently received bail.

Two persons, including the son of Haryana's BJP chief were arrested and released on bail soon after for allegedly stalking a girl in Chandigarh. The girl had accused Vikas Barala, son of Haryana BJP Chief Subhash Barala, and his friend Ashish Kumar of stalking her last night after which they were arrested.

Meanwhile, the victim thanked Chandigarh Police for rescuing her on time, and pointed out that if she was a common man's daughter the case would not be taken so seriously.

"I was coming back to my home when they started stalking me. They tried to threaten me by trying to stop my car. Suddenly, they came in front of my car and blocked the way. I reversed my car immediately and called the police. Police heard whole the matter and assured me of providing the help. Soon the police came and arrested the accused. I am very thankful to Chandigarh Police who came to my rescue on time," the victim, who is the daughter of an IAS officer, told the media.

The victim narrated the entire horrified incident on social networking site Facebook.

"I would like to share with you all a horrendous experience we went through last night. My daughter was returning home around midnight yesterday in her car when a couple of goons started following her in a Tata safari... They tried to block her car at the traffic signal, but she showed presence of mind and sped away. Chandigarh police was pretty efficient and helpful. They intercepted the goons, were responsive to her distress calls, and were neutral in filing the complaint," he said in Facebook post.

Vikas Barala was arrested on Saturday on the charges of stalking and harassing the IAS officer's daughter in Chandigarh. He was however, granted bail on the same day.

A case was registered by the Chandigarh Police against Vikas and other youth under under Section 354 D (stalking) of the Indian Penal Code and Section 185 (Motor Vehicle Act) of the CRPC on the basis of complaint filed by the woman.

Read her full Facebook post below:


That being said, I'd like to take a moment to commend and thank Chandigarh Police for unparalleled efficiency and attention to a distress call from me. They almost restore my faith in the system.Here's what went down;

I was driving home from the sector-8 market at about 12:15am, and crossed the road into sec-7, where the petrol pump is.I was also on the phone with a friend at the time, and realised about a minute later that a car was following me.It was a White SUV, and as I noticed it, it pulled up and started driving alongside my car. I was now in sec-7, heading towards the lights next to St.Johns' in 26.

There were 2 guys inside the SUV, and they seemed to really be enjoying harassing a lone girl in the middle of the night, judging by how often their car swerved,just enough to scare me that it might hit me.

By now I was totally alert and mildly panic-y, so I decided to turn right from the St.Johns' traffic lights towards Madhya Marg(a more crowded, seemingly safer road).

I tried to turn right from the lights but the SUV blocked my way, forcing me to go straight into sec-26.At the next turn, I tried to turn again, but this time they went a step further;

Right at the turn, they blocked the road in front of my car, and the guy in the passenger seat got out of the car and started walking towards me. I reversed as fast as I could and went straight and took the next right turn before they could catch up again.

I used this time to also call the cops at 100, and explain to them the situation and my exact location and where I was headed. The cop who answered my call, intuitively sensed the urgency in my voice, and promised me that help would be along very soon.

I hung up and had now reached the main road, and hadn't seen the SUV for about 15 seconds, so I hoped, that they'd seen me calling the cops and disappeared. I was wrong.

I was now on a straight road for about 5-6kms (Madhya Marg), and that entire time, the SUV stayed alongside my car, trying to bully me into stopping every 10-15 seconds LITERALLY.

I was in a full-blown panic attack by now because they would keep trying to corner me, and I'd somehow manoeuvre my way out and keep moving.

My hands shaking, my back spasming from fear, half in tears, half bewildered, because I didn't know if I'd make it home tonight.

Who knew when, or if, the cops would show up.

These guys INCESSANTLY bullied me all the way to Solitaire(end of 6kms), and at the traffic lights, blocked my car for the final time.

This time they meant business, because they left me absolutely no space to move or escape, and the passenger JUMPED out of the car and moved towards mine.

I don't know how, but I reversed my car and moved to the right where there was space, all this while constantly honking so the few vehicles around would know something was wrong.

At this point, the guy had reached my car, banged loudly on my window, AND TRIED TO OPEN THE DOOR HANDLE!

Just as he did this, I saw a PCR pull up at the lights, quite possibly in response to my call. They heard me honking, and saw the SUV swerving left and right in an attempt to block me, and a couple of cops ran out towards the SUV, nabbing it just in time, because they were blocked in by traffic.

I, still shaking from fear, drove straight home, and told my father what happened, getting him back with me to file the complaint.

The 2 boys, who of course, are from influential families with political connections, have been arrested and the complaint has been filed.

At the risk of sounding redundant, I need to mention and thank Chd Police again because had it not been for their timely response, I might not be writing this status today.

If this is what women deal with in one of the safer cities in the country, where are we going?

I find it shocking, that in a place with cameras at every light and cops every 200 metres, these boys thought they could either get into my car, or take me into theirs, just because they're from an influential background.

I'm lucky, it seems, to not be the daughter of a common man, because what chance would they have against such VIPs?

I'm also lucky, because I'm not lying raped and murdered in a ditch somewhere.

If this can happen in Chd, it can happen anywhere.

LADIES! Please be proactive about your own safety;


DON'T BE AFRAID to call the cops, The minute it starts!

Call your parents, if possible, and let them know where you are and the situation you're in.Try and run away, in the safest way possible.

YOUR LIFE IS PARAMOUNT! If he walks towards you, use whatever you can as a weapon.

I was never a big fan of weapons, till last night.

Whether it's a gun or mace or taser or a golf club or a knife,

it's going to make you feel safer and more confident.STAY SAFE, LADIES!
Haryana BJP chief’s son held for ‘stalking’ daughter of IAS officer
Talking to The Sunday Express, the woman said, “I am thankful to the Chandigarh police for promptly responding to my call. This could have gone worse.”

The vehicle used by him to ‘chase’ the woman. (Source: Express Photo)

Haryana state BJP chief Subhash Barala’s son Vikas Barala and his friend Ashish Kumar were arrested on Saturday after the daughter of a senior IAS officer accused the two of stalking, wrongful restraint and driving a vehicle under the influence of alcohol.

After a day-long flip-flop on the charges to include in the FIR, the Chandigarh police eventually charged Vikas and Ashish with bailable offences, under the IPC and Motor Vehicles Act, and they were released in the evening. Both the Haryana-cadre IAS officer, and his daughter, 29, a disc jockey, uploaded an account of her “horrific” experience on their Facebook accounts. In his Facebook post, the officer expressed the apprehension that the accused may go unpunished as they were from influential families, and hoped this would not happen.

The woman said that Vikas and Ashish followed her around for nearly 30 minutes as she drove home around midnight Friday, blocked her car repeatedly and tried to open her door. The victim was alone, driving from Sector 8 in Chandigarh to her home in Sector 6 Panchkula. According to the FIR, Vikas and Ashish spotted the woman near a fuel station and started following her. She was allegedly chased for nearly 7 km before police, reacting to a call made by her, caught the two. On medical examination, both were reportedly found to be drunk.

DSP Satish Kumar said, “The accused had purchased two cans of beer and consumed it while driving the Safari that belongs to Vikas’s relative. They kept following the woman and blocked her way several times. The woman called the Police Control Room at about 12.35 am and within 10 minutes, the accused were caught. Later, after receiving a formal complaint, we registered a criminal case against both of them and arrested them. Since the charges against them were bailable, both were released on bail.”

Preliminary investigations revealed that Vikas, who is a student of LLB in Kurukshetra University, was driving the vehicle. Ashish, a law graduate, was sitting beside him in the front. A resident of Fatehabad, Ashish had come to Chandigarh about a week ago. As news came of Vikas’s arrest, the Opposition demanded his father’s resignation. However, Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar, answering media’s queries at a public event, said, “This is not an issue of Subhash Barala but of a specific individual. Whatever action would be required against him, law would take its course.”

Talking to The Sunday Express, the woman said, “I am thankful to the Chandigarh police for promptly responding to my call. This could have gone worse.” Describing Friday night’s incident, she wrote on Facebook, “Was almost kidnapped on a Chandigarh road last night”. “There were 2 guys inside the SUV, and they seemed to really be enjoying harassing a lone girl in the middle of the night.”

Describing her condition, she wrote, “My hands shaking, my back spasming (sic) from fear, half in tears, half bewildered, because I didn’t know if I’d make it home tonight.” She added, “If this is what women deal with in one of the safer cities in the country, where are we going? I find it shocking, that in a place with cameras at every light and cops every 200 metres, these boys thought they could either get into my car, or take me into theirs, just because they’re from an influential background. I’m lucky, it seems, to not be the daughter of a common man, because what chance would they have against such VIPs? I’m also lucky, because I’m not lying raped and murdered in a ditch somewhere.”

Her father wrote, “As a father of two daughters, I feel compelled to take this matter to its logical conclusion. The goons must be punished, and the law must take its course. As would be expected, the goons are from influential families. We all know most such cases of harassment go unpunished and even unreported. Most people would not want or dare to take on goons from influential families. I feel if people with some privileges like us cannot stand up to such criminals, nobody in India can. More importantly, I will be failing in my duty as a father to my daughter if I did not stand with her completely in this matter.”

He added, “I am sharing this with you all for two reasons. One, to give a true and clear picture of what happened. Two, to get some assurance of support in case it’s needed. Our clear intention is to bring the culprits to book. We do not intend to harm the families or relatives. However, we know it’s not going to be an easy struggle. The possibility of harassment and witch-hunting, threats and even physical harm is undeniable, even though unlikely. Influential families can sometimes take desperate measures to discredit or disable the complainants. Sane friends may advise us against… action. We may be foolhardy. However, I know that the trauma and hurt my daughter has undergone cannot be undone. If we do not persist in trying to bring the guilty to justice, more and more daughters will suffer this hurt. Maybe some may not be as lucky as (my daughter). Someone has to stand up. We are standing. So long as we can.”

Source: http://indianexpress.com/article/in...h-barala-son-held-for-stalking-woman-4783440/

Chaste Girl with her Stalker,rapist(On the left)..Media hit job & liberals on orgasm..
Find better way to fight rather than destroying some innocent's life..

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Bhakts as usual..:hitwall:

As Outrage at Stalking Incident Grows, BJP Leader’s Family Resorts to Victim-Shaming

Left: Vikas Barala, son of BJP leader Subhash Barala (credit: Twitter); Right: Varnika Kundu, Chandigarh-based DJ and daughter of IAS officer Virender Kundu (credit: Zee News)

New Delhi: A day after a senior BJP politician’s son and his friend were arrested and later released on bail for stalking DJ Varnika Kundu in Chandigarh at midnight, the politician’s family is resorting to victim shaming on social media.

In her complaint, Varnika accused Vikas Barala, son of Haryana BJP chief Subhash Barala, and his friend Ashish Kumar of stalking her through the streets of the city. In a Facebook post, that has now been deleted, a member of the Barala family, Kuldeep Barala – who also describes himself as having “worked at Bharatiya Janata party” – shared a photo of the victim with two men and implied that she was drunk at the time of the incident.

In another post, the man shared a photo of Kundu with alcohol glasses, again trying to raise questions about her character, and claimed that the incident was being blown our of proportion by the Opposition to malign the BJP leader’s image. Curiously, he also slammed the police for speaking to the media about the incident – he used the word ‘leak’ – and said this meant that the police would not be willing to go back on its word. In fact, the police has gone back on its word, with the same officer, DSP Satish Kumar first telling reporters that non-bailable charges had been filed and then later saying that those charges were not found suitable to the crime.

“As would be expected, the goons are from influential families. We all know most such cases of harassment go unpunished and even unreported. Most people would not want or dare to take on goons from influential families. I feel if people with some privileges like us cannot stand up to such criminals, nobody in India can,” wrote Varnika’s father, Virender Kundu, an Indian Administrative Service (IAS) officer in Haryana, in a Facebook post explaining her ordeal.

Initially, the men were arrested and charged under Indian Penal Code (IPC) Section 354 D (stalking) and Section 185 of the Motor Vehicle Act (driving by a drunken person or by a person under the influence of drugs) as well as the more serious Sections 341 (wrongful restraint), 365 (kidnapping) and 511 (attempt to commit offences punishable with imprisonment).

Also read: ‘Someone Has to Stand Up to Goons From Influential Families. We Are Standing. So Long as We Can’
As expected, the charges were later reduced and the two were released on bail. After facing backlash for their U-turn, the police said that they were seeking legal opinion regarding the dropped sections.

Chitleen K Sethi @ChitleenKSethi
In the 2nd pc held yesterday DSP Satish Kumar is at pains to explain why harsher sections 365 and 511 not added in the FIR in stalking case. pic.twitter.com/7GJSZbTi0W

Chitleen K Sethi @ChitleenKSethi

And this is what DSP Satish Kumar had said a few hours before the second pc. Spot the differences. pic.twitter.com/e4Ny0rTBkj

14:02 - 6 Aug 2017


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Under attack from Opposition and ally Shiv Sena, the Haryana chief minister on Sunday said that Subhash Barala can’t be punished for the actions of his son.

“I came to know about this incident. Chandigarh Police has filed the complaint and I believe they will take appropriate action. This matter is not related with Subhash Barala but with an individual. So action would be taken against his son,” CM Manohar Lal Khattar told media.

“On one hand, the Bharatiya Janata Party boasts about its various schemes for women and giving them honour, and on the other hand we have a BJP leader whose son is stalking a woman. It is very embarrassing,” Shiv Sena leader Manish Kayande told ANI. Congress leader M. Afzal also demanded Barala’s resignation on moral grounds.

One indication of the clout of the Barala family is the masthead image of the BJP Haryana’s Facebook page where the patriarch, Subhash Barala occupies pride of place along with Prime Minister Narendra Modi, BJP president Amit Shah and Haryana chief minister Manohar Lal Khattar.

A bureaucrat in Chandigarh told The Wire the fact that the father has had to take recourse to social media to seek support is itself an indication of the uphill battle he knows his daughter is likely to face in her quest for justice.

Speaking to the Times of India, senior Haryana IAS officer Ashok Khemka said, “The girl has handled a nightmarish situation very bravely. To deter such occurrences in the future, the criminal justice process must be fast-tracked. The brave father should not be victimised for the support to his brave daughter. The political party must demonstrate determination in Beti Bachao through real action.”

The speed with which the Barala family has taken to attacking the young woman on social media coupled with the failure of the IAS association in the state or the chief secretary or any other top bureaucrat to rally around their colleague and his daughter are early warning signs that the usual playbook is already underway, say lawyers familiar with cases of crimes committed by influential persons.

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Chaste Girl with her Stalker,rapist(On the left)..Media hit job & liberals on orgasm..
Find better way to fight rather than destroying some innocent's life..

View attachment 416624
I dont have the pathological hate that some of the Indian members have against the BJP, but please dont take the side of rapist types.... If you havent seen the film PINK, then see it today!!!

It is sick how you assumed that a girl will make these allegations out of spite!
Shut up you pathetic moron, worshiping cow but raping your own women.

India is not safe for women. Period. It's full of perverts and pedaphiles and as we can see, Indian members here defends those despicable actions. It appears that any women, unless it's their own family members, is fair game in to an Indian.

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