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Lucky I wasn't raped and murdered: Read Haryana IAS officer's daughter's harrowing tale

Total waste of bandwith and my time. Welcome to my ignore list. You have clearly displayed your juvenile behaviour here. As expected the entire conversation was somehow directed to you to attack you. Lol. Insecurity is rather prominent here
Oh please get lost.
You on the other hand...
Honestly, you think i was complaining ??? I was merely using it as an alaogy to explain a male dominated society.

I could go one by one. But it is total waste of time since you clearly missed the point and now have taken it as direct attack in your fragile ego. I could care less. You son need a lot to learn and experience

Oh please get lost.
Typical childish attitude. Dont worry this is my last post on you. One should never waste their time with idiots
White Knight man-childs here, trying to lecture real men about "women rights"; resorting to personal jabs when they cannot address arguments on merit. Typical.

Real men own their shit and settle arguments on merit; not complain and berate another in each response.
Damning evidence: CCTV footage shows Vikas Barala buying alcohol before chase:

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