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Looting South to feed the North

I am baffled at your response.

Can you not distinguish between a proposal for the future and the gloomy reality of the past and present?

the only way the advanced states make progress is to get rid of the central government agencies and institutions
that means creating their own banks, own railway networks and own educational institutions

Still to see that happen in any state.

Well you guys don't care when UP, Punjab,MP, Haryana, Bihar contribute the most to agricultural production of India. Southern states contribute more because they are more industrialised as much of the land in North India is agricultural land. Guess where the products that South India make get sold, North. Do you know if UP if made a country would be fifth largest in the world and you guys enjoy access to it for free. Well stop the extra coins the north gets and import rice and wheat from them, let the TVS, Enfield etc pay a special tax to sell in North and all will be happy I guess the only loser would be INDIA

UP, Bihar are a drag on the Indian economy until they build efficient transportation systems to export their products
You included Punjab and Haryana which are far less populous with UP and Bihar.
UP, Bihar are a drag on the Indian economy until they build efficient transportation systems to export their products
You included Punjab and Haryana which are far less populous with UP and Bihar.

If tomorrow UP and Bihar stop MNCs to operate from other states each and every one of them will have to shift base there considering the size of the market. Southern states were opposing gst as it will favor consumption oriented states which are northern states. Ironically the most mineral rich states are the most backward ones be it jharkhand or orissa but nobody has an issue to exploit their resources. But just because somebody contributes a fraction more they have a issue. Strange?
If tomorrow UP and Bihar stop MNCs to operate from other states each and every one of them will have to shift base there considering the size of the market. Southern states were opposing gst as it will favor consumption oriented states which are northern states. Ironically the most mineral rich states are the most backward ones be it jharkhand or orissa but nobody has an issue to exploit their resources. But just because somebody contributes a fraction more they have a issue. Strange?

the license raj and import substitution failed. in general Companies did not relocate manufacturing bases for the market of India's size. Why would they do it for a market 30% of India's size ?

who is exploiting the minerals ? you are talking as though anything is being provided free or below market rate.
the value of minerals has diminished dramatically. look at every banana republic in the world out there. if the coastal states are allowed to import minerals from the cheapest source they would advance more rapidly. the mineral states would be subject to the boom and bust of the commodities markets
the license raj and import substitution failed. in general Companies did not relocate manufacturing bases for the market of India's size. Why would they do it for a market 30% of India's size ?

who is exploiting the minerals ? you are talking as though anything is being provided free or below market rate.
the value of minerals has diminished dramatically. look at every banana republic in the world out there. if the coastal states are allowed to import minerals from the cheapest source they would advance more rapidly. the mineral states would be subject to the boom and bust of the commodities markets

Then the coastal states should have done the same, import food, coal and whatever they take from the North. Contribute equally in the army which is dominated by North Indians. Pay a tax to sell their stuff in North Indian markets. Then talk about absolute equality. Why it is so that while taking their is no equality but when it comes to contribute you remember equality.
Can we have religion based division of taxpayers too? Would like to know people of which religion are being looted to feed the others.
Can we have religion based division of taxpayers too? Would like to know people of which religion are being looted to feed the others.

How about caste based? I need to know how much lingayats of Karnataka contribute, they should receive services in proportion only.
Still to see that happen in any state.

Well you guys don't care when UP, Punjab,MP, Haryana, Bihar contribute the most to agricultural production of India. Southern states contribute more because they are more industrialised as much of the land in North India is agricultural land. Guess where the products that South India make get sold, North. Do you know if UP if made a country would be fifth largest in the world and you guys enjoy access to it for free. Well stop the extra coins the north gets and import rice and wheat from them, let the TVS, Enfield etc pay a special tax to sell in North and all will be happy I guess the only loser would be INDIA
Don't think NORTH INDIA feeds SOUTH INDIA... We are producing agricultural products more than we need...
Insia have so much diversities (languages, religion,caste, ethnicity ....), but united as one... Why??? Only because of our constitution... Our constitution is made in such a perfection that almost everybody are satisfied irrespective of difference among us...
But what happen if some right wing political party try to divide the nation for votes and power??? They are trying to impose their right wing nationalism over us... Then everybody will start thinking about a partition... Somebody will think partition by religion... Somebody on ethnicity, someone on language, someone on caste.... The list is going on... BJP playing a dangerous game...
Don't think NORTH INDIA feeds SOUTH INDIA... We are producing agricultural products more than we need...
Insia have so much diversities (languages, religion,caste, ethnicity ....), but united as one... Why??? Only because of our constitution... Our constitution is made in such a perfection that almost everybody are satisfied irrespective of difference among us...
But what happen if some right wing political party try to divide the nation for votes and power??? They are trying to impose their right wing nationalism over us... Then everybody will start thinking about a partition... Somebody will think partition by religion... Somebody on ethnicity, someone on language, someone on caste.... The list is going on... BJP playing a dangerous game...

North India doesn't even care about South India, South India doesn't figure anywhere in any narrative in North India. It's the politicians of the South who are string up anti-North India rhetoric for narrow political gains. Forget about North India, Southern states are even bitching among themselves. Be it Karnataka-TN, be it AP-Telangana. AP wants special status for itself which even bimaru states like Bihar or Odisa doesn't have. :lol: The problem is a bunch of South Indians who are selfish and insecure with inbuilt inferiority complex which expresses itself as some kind of superiority complex. BJP doesn't even figure prominently anywhere in South India but talk about politics of caste, creed, religion, region, identity, language it's worse in South than anywhere in the country.

Truthfully? It's just a catchy way of reminding ourselves to use rates of change rather than absolute numbers alone. A mathematician reading this would be grabbing at his chest by now, and pleading extreme discomfort; he and his tribe have a different, specific interpretation of that phrase, and we shan't go into the details just here.

Currently, the distribution of revenue takes place based on, among other factors, the population. I am proposing an additional distribution, based on performance on various parameters, for instance, the rate of increase of population, or, to put a finer point to it, the rate of decrease of the basic birthrate. Likewise for each of the factors presently considered. That is not to say that the absolute numbers should not be used; the idea is that they should be used for part of the distribution of resources, not as the whole calculation.

That would be at the fundamental level. At more superficial levels, access to improved technology would be offered first to well-performing locations or geographical areas or states; the slick, new trains that we have been drooling over would be started first in the best performing sectors. For instance, one serving the whole of Kerala, in tandem, one bogey running north to south, the other (simultaneously) south to north. Another (all these examples in tandem, one running up, the other running down, and, it is to be hoped, not on the same pair of tracks!!!) replacing the old Nilgiri Express, the old Rock Fort Express, the old Kovai Express, and so on; effectively linking Chennai to Coimbatore, to Trichy and to Madurai respectively. There are obvious additions possible over and above the traditional ones but this will serve to illustrate the point. Again, new airports would be given priority in the growth and development areas; we need to incentivise our performing states, without depriving the needy ones of the much-needed funds for basic growth.

We really need reform desperately urgently.
Lolzzz, Really... Oh I see you are referring to the mathematical first derivative or first order differential ...Well I was not expecting it and especially in this context..Nice premeditated diversion on your part I must say. I was thinking more in legal and constitutional context. I guess the formula for the distribution of the wealth should be changed and the ones that generate more should also get more part of their taxes. Otherwise the best will be an autonomous or independent south.
What a joke! Bullet train will benefit gujrat and gujaratis. And Maharashtra has to pay for it.

Freight corridor will benefit rajasthan, gujrat and delhi more.

Marathi culture and language is totally destroyed in Mumbai and Pune. Even in Bengaluru kannada language is still widely spoken.

I don't even understand how maharashtra is benefitting from any of central government policies. Except Mumbai-Pune region no other region is prosperous.

You do realize most industry and job generation in Mumbai is because of Gujaratis, Marwaris and Parsis. Besides the Kirloskars, there is no major Marathi business house.
As much as I love my country, I do admit the population in UP and neighboring states breed like insects with no civic sense and respect for others and with the influx of B'deshis, it's getting even worse. Southern states should pressurize GoI to receive the paltry based on the tax they contribute which is the only was to lead development in any particular state and North politicians should take up developmental politics rather than Caste/Community based politics

We can ask one thing .
Every 1 rs we paid as tax to Central Govt should return to us .Not higher nor smaller .
That should be a deal .
Let the illiterate hordes cow belt do some thing in their society,politics to change everything

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