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London riots: Violence erupts for third day

Don't also forget that he was a known criminal, a cocaine dealer (probably poisoned some poor Pakistani youngsters with drugs as well) who carried a gun.:wave:

Add to that the fact that we will never know the truth of what really happened. The police are under pressure to calm the situation, so they will 'agree' that the drug dealer did not fire first.
British rioters the spawn of a bankrupt ruling elite

Theodore Dalrymple

THE riots in London and elsewhere in Britain are a backhanded tribute to the long-term intellectual torpor, moral cowardice, incompetence and careerist opportunism of the British political and intellectual class.

They have somehow managed not to notice what has long been apparent to anyone who has taken a short walk with his eyes open down any frequented British street: that a considerable proportion of the country's young population (a proportion that is declining) is ugly, aggressive, vicious, badly educated, uncouth and criminally inclined.

Unfortunately, while it is totally lacking in self-respect, it is full of self-esteem: that is to say, it believes itself entitled to a high standard of living, and other things, without any effort on its own part.

Consider for a moment the following: although youth unemployment in Britain is very high, that is to say about 20 per cent of those aged under 25, the country has had to import young foreign labour for a long time, even for unskilled work in the service sector.

The reasons for this seeming paradox are obvious to anyone who knows young Britons as I do.

No sensible employer in a service industry would choose a young Briton if he could have a young Pole; the young Pole is not only likely to have a good work ethic and refined manners, he is likely to be able to add up and -- most humiliating of all -- to speak better English than the Briton, at least if by that we mean the standard variety of the language. He may not be more fluent but his English will be more correct and his accent easier to understand.

This is not an exaggeration. After compulsory education (or perhaps I should say intermittent attendance at school) up to the age of 16 costing $80,000 a head, about one-quarter of British children cannot read with facility or do simple arithmetic. It makes you proud to be a British taxpayer.

I think I can say with a fair degree of certainty, from my experience as a doctor in one of the areas in which a police station has just been burned down, that half of those rioting would reply to the question, "Can you do arithmetic?" by answering, "What is arithmetic?"

British youth leads the Western world in almost all aspects of social pathology, from teenage pregnancy to drug taking, from drunkenness to violent criminality. There is no form of bad behaviour that our version of the welfare state has not sought out and subsidised.

British children are much likelier to have a television in their bedroom than a father living at home. One-third of them never eat a meal at a table with another member of their household -- family is not the word for the social arrangements of the people in the areas from which the rioters mainly come. They are therefore radically unsocialised and deeply egotistical, viewing relations with other human beings in the same way as Lenin: Who whom, who does what to whom. By the time they grow up, they are destined not only for unemployment but unemployability.

For young women in much of Britain, dependence does not mean dependence on the government: that, for them, is independence. Dependence means any kind of reliance on the men who have impregnated them who, of course, regard their own subventions from the state as pocket money, to be supplemented by a little light trafficking. (According to his brother, Mark Duggan, the man whose death at the hands of the probably incompetent police allegedly sparked the riots, "was involved in things", which things being delicately left to the imagination of his interlocutor.)

Relatively poor as the rioting sector of society is, it nevertheless possesses all the electronic equipment necessary for the prosecution of the main business of life; that is to say, entertainment by popular culture. And what a culture British popular culture is!

Perhaps Amy Winehouse was its finest flower and its truest representative in her militant and ideological vulgarity, her stupid taste, her vile personal conduct and preposterous self-pity.

Her sordid life was a long bath in vomitus, literal and metaphorical, for which the exercise of her very minor talent was no excuse or explanation. Yet not a peep of dissent from our intelllectual class was heard after her near canonisation after her death, that class having long had the backbone of a mollusc.

Criminality is scarcely repressed any more in Britain. The last lord chief justice but two thought that burglary was a minor offence, not worthy of imprisonment, and the next chief justice agreed with him.

By the age of 12, an ordinary slum-dweller has learned he has nothing to fear from the law and the only people to fear are those who are stronger or more ruthless than he.

Punishments are derisory; the police are simultaneously bullying but ineffectual and incompetent, increasingly dressed in paraphernalia that makes them look more like the occupiers of Afghanistan than the force imagined by Robert Peel. The people who most fear our police are the innocent.

Of course, none of this reduces the personal responsibility of the rioters. But the riots are a manifestation of a society in full decomposition, of a people with neither leaders nor followers but composed only of egotists.

British rioters the spawn of a bankrupt ruling elite | The Australian
A man has been arrested over an attack on a Malaysian student who was mugged by apparent Good Samaritans after rioters attacked him in east London.

Police said the suspect, believed to be in his 20s, was being held on suspicion of robbery in connection with the incident in Barking on Monday night.

The attack on Asyraf Haziq, 20, made headlines after it appeared on YouTube.

Mr Haziq had been on his bicycle on his way to a friend's house when he was targeted by rioters.

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I feel very sorry for the people who did this. It was really sad because among them were children”
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Asyraf Haziq
A short while later, footage showed Mr Haziq sitting on the floor bleeding when he was approached by a group of youths.

They were seen seeming to help him before rifling through his rucksack, stealing his wallet and mobile phone.

The student, from Kuala Lumpur, has been allowed home from hospital after undergoing surgery on his jaw, which was broken in the attack.

Speaking at a press conference after the operation, Mr Haziq said he had no ill-feeling about what had happened and wanted to stay in Britain to complete his studies.

'Britain is great'

He said: "My family are worried about me and my mother would like me to go home. But I am determined to stay.

"Britain is great. Before I came here I was very eager and I haven't got any ill-feeling about what happened.

"I feel very sorry for the people who did this. It was really sad because among them were children."

He also thanked those who had set up a website to raise money for him.

A message on the "Let's Do Something Nice For Asyraf Haziq" site said just less than £4,000 had been donated by Wednesday night.

On Wednesday, footage of the student recalling his ordeal from his hospital bed was posted online by a friend.

In it, he said his attackers "threatened to stab me, they told me they had knives".

He added: "Some of them were quite young, maybe still in primary school. They had their hoods on and demanded my bicycle."

Mr Haziq said two girls and a woman who lived nearby had helped him following the incident.

Prime Minister David Cameron said the attack had left him "disgusted".

BBC News - London riots: Man held over Asyraf Haziq Barking mugging
Three more people have been arrested in connection with the deaths of three men who died while protecting their shop from looters in Birmingham.

Haroon Jahan, 21, Shazad Ali, 30, and Abdul Musavir, 31, were killed when a car hit them in Dudley Road, Winson Green, early on Wednesday.

West Midlands Police said two boys, aged 16 and 17, and a man, 26, had been arrested on suspicion of murder.

A 32-year-old man arrested on suspicion of murder on Wednesday has been bailed.

Mourners have started a street collection for a memorial to the three victims in Dudley Road.

Abdul Quddoos, the elder brother of Shazad Ali and Abdul Musavir, said he was "distraught" at the loss of his brothers.

He said: "This happened to me in one go, two brothers, in the same place, in the same spot, gone to heaven."

Mr Quddoos urged people "not to do anything drastic" in the wake of the three deaths Both men were intelligent and sociable, he said. Mr Ali had a degree in business administration.

The three of them walking together were a familiar sight around town and they enjoyed playing snooker and hanging out together, he said.

"I am the one son left now, the oldest, the backbone for this family, so I have to be strong in myself, not broken in pieces.

"The pieces are broken and I am trying to glue them back together making it whole again," he added.

'Keep the faith'

Mr Quddoos said his brothers had been claimed by Allah during the holy month of Ramadan, which had caused many people to see them as martyrs.

"It makes me feel proud that they are lions of Allah," he said.

He added his voice to those appealing for calm after the deaths and the riots and urged everyone not to "do anything drastic".

"Stay calm everybody, don't cause any violence, stay strong and keep in the faith," he said.

Yesterday Tariq Jahan appealed for families to help stop the rioting, hours after the death of his son Haroon.

West Midlands Police Chief Constable Chris Sims said: "He made the difference between last night becoming an issue of violence between sections of the community and a night of relative calm."

BBC News - Birmingham riot deaths: Three more arrested
England riots: Government mulls social media controls

The government is exploring whether to turn off social networks or stop people texting during times of social unrest.

David Cameron said the intelligence services and the police were exploring whether it was "right and possible" to cut off those plotting violence.
can you see that, USA boss? Mr. David Cameron is trying to violate Democracy and Human right, pls put him into your black list :P

BBC News - England riots: Government mulls social media controls
Victim of London riots succumbs to injuries


Updated at: 0754 PST, Friday, August 12, 2011
LONDON: A 68-year-old man who was badly beaten after he tried to put out a fire during the recent riots in London has died in hospital, British police said.

Richard Mannington Bowes suffered head injuries in the attack, which took place in the west-London neighbourhood of Ealing on Monday night. He was left in a coma and placed on life support in hospital.

Investigators are treating Bowes' death as a murder, and have identified a suspect on surveillance video they would like to speak with.

The number of people killed in the unrest across Britain has now risen to five, with hundreds of others injured, including many police.

Source: Victim of London riots succumbs to injuries - GEO.tv
^^This is sick. :sick: the old man was just putting out the fire and didn't even fight against the rioters. I think it is time that the British police start shooting the rioters one by one. A dozen or so of these loonies dead would make it perfect example for the rest to stop. If they continue, snuff more of these no-gooders.
^^This is sick. :sick: the old man was just putting out the fire and didn't even fight against the rioters. I think it is time that the British police start shooting the rioters one by one. A dozen or so of these loonies dead would make it perfect example for the rest to stop. If they continue, snuff more of these no-gooders.

British ans specially English youth are sick..These people don't see a family because brought up by a single mum who keeps changing men..Many of them dont know who their dad was because mom was too drunk to remember who she slept with that night...and this is distressing for a child as he/she feels to have lost identity....They don't know if it hurts when you are slapped,because parents and teacher and police are forbidden to touch them..But yes..they do know how to kick someone's head like a football...Most of them are unemployed not because there are no jobs for them..but because they are unemployable..they are too lazy,too cocky,too rude for any employer to let them enter his premises.
And the law protects them to the extent that they can even get away with murder due to their age..Police are arresting youths involved in the riots..from watching CCTV records..But the court will let them go with laughable punishments which cant even be called a punishment.

Olympics girl, 18, ‘trashed cop car’
Published: Today
A TEENAGE girl accused of wrecking a police car in the riots is a London Olympics ambassador.
Chelsea Ives, 18, was arrested after her parents allegedly saw her on TV during the mayhem in Enfield and called police.

Mum Adrienne, 43, said: "I have no regrets. I love my daughter but she was brought up to know right from wrong."

Chelsea is said to have hurled a rock through a shop window while rioting - then yelled excitedly to a friend: "This is the best day ever."

She was behind bars last night after parents Adrienne and Roger turned her in when they allegedly saw her on TV attacking a police car.
Adrienne said: "We've no regrets and would do the same again.

"My children have always been taught right from wrong. We were not being brave, it's what any right-thinking person would have done."

Police yesterday revealed half of the 240 London riot suspects who have appeared in court so far are under 18.

By 7am this morning, cops had arrested 1,051 in London while 591 had been charged. More than 1,500 have been arrested nationwide.

Chelsea, a talented athlete and singer, is among a group of Londoners picked to be ambassadors for the 2012 Olympics.

They are supposed to represent pride in our capital city — and will officially welcome visitors.

Adrienne told of the horrifying moment she and Roger saw Chelsea flash on to their TV screens during Sunday night's appalling violence in Enfield, North London.

She said: "We were watching the riots. It was sickening. Then we saw her. To say we were shocked...
Olympics girl Chelsea Ives, 18, ‘trashed cop car' | The Sun |News

Olympics girl, 18, ‘trashed cop car’
Published: Today
A TEENAGE girl accused of wrecking a police car in the riots is a London Olympics ambassador.
Chelsea Ives, 18, was arrested after her parents allegedly saw her on TV during the mayhem in Enfield and called police.

Mum Adrienne, 43, said: "I have no regrets. I love my daughter but she was brought up to know right from wrong."

Chelsea is said to have hurled a rock through a shop window while rioting - then yelled excitedly to a friend: "This is the best day ever."

She was behind bars last night after parents Adrienne and Roger turned her in when they allegedly saw her on TV attacking a police car.
Adrienne said: "We've no regrets and would do the same again.

"My children have always been taught right from wrong. We were not being brave, it's what any right-thinking person would have done."

Police yesterday revealed half of the 240 London riot suspects who have appeared in court so far are under 18.

By 7am this morning, cops had arrested 1,051 in London while 591 had been charged. More than 1,500 have been arrested nationwide.

Chelsea, a talented athlete and singer, is among a group of Londoners picked to be ambassadors for the 2012 Olympics.

They are supposed to represent pride in our capital city — and will officially welcome visitors.

Adrienne told of the horrifying moment she and Roger saw Chelsea flash on to their TV screens during Sunday night's appalling violence in Enfield, North London.

She said: "We were watching the riots. It was sickening. Then we saw her. To say we were shocked...
Olympics girl Chelsea Ives, 18, ‘trashed cop car' | The Sun |News

Dumb teen ! She probably didnt even know what it means to be an ambassador ! Dumber are those who made her the ambassador ! Apparently the spice girls generation is still not dead !
Any update?Are the riots still going full scale?

No its quietened down. Police are still busy arresting the idiots and taking them to court. In fact the courts have been opened through out the night to deal with the scum bags. Also Cameron has turned down Irans offer of sending peace keepers. :police:

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