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That was in regards to pulwama attack.
Dude, Welcome to 2020. Each and Every man had a GPS enabled, Internet connected camera !
if its for real, Media can directly reach and verify these incidents much before ISPR releases any info.

What is your source ?
Degwar sector Indian post. ANI.
Source is busy eliminating the enemy fire line.:pakistan:

Who knows... The "Silence" means otherwise.
Regardless, Loss of Lives is Plain Stupid and Nothing to celebrate.

People in Delhi and Islamabad , may rant.... but the real effect is in the families of ordinary soldiiers where some one looses a father.. husband.. son.

I Hope.. this is just .. a pure speculation. Good Night.

Over n Out.
At least 3 civilians home were shelled by Indian army on Pakistan side after which this whole exchange started.
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