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Libyan Minister of Information, demanding Egypt and Saudi Arabia to intervene militarily in Tunisia

"Saved" how? All the work of the US air bombardments, Iraqi Shia Arabs and pro-Sunni Arab forces.

Not talking big. My sentiments are shared by every Arab out there almost. We stand behind our Arab brothers and sisters against all hostile foreigners especially Iranians who hate Arabs.

ISIS is a different discussion altogether and they will eventually be dealt with. Besides ISIS's entire leadership is Iraqi Arab with a few Turkmen.

We were having a discussion with our friend Salman here.

“It’s a big difference when you are in trouble,” says Col. Saad Mirwah of the Iraqi 5th Division. “One [the US] makes a phone call, and the other [Iran] takes you by the hand and helps you.”
In one instance, only six 120mm mortar shells remained at one frontline position. The leader of the Iran-backed Badr militia called Baghdad and 250 more shells were sent immediately. Another time, troops were in desperate need of ammunition.
“One hour after this call, they got their ammunition. In the bad old days, it would take days, and writing letters,” says Mirwah. “There is a direct line with Iranian advisers. They say, ‘We need this and that,’ and it comes directly.”
The US and the West “did not betray us, but they left us – they hesitated in making a decision,” says Mayor Khadran, echoing a common view in Iraq about Washington’s delay in deciding how to help. When IS was “at the doors of Baghdad, the [US-led] coalition does nothing. Iran, it’s very fast. They opened their doors immediately.

No need to post every fool's nonsense here brother. KSA will never attack Tunisia. Be assured of that. We don't want to attack any single Arab country. The war in Yemen is solely against Houthi's who are a terrorist group, not against Yemen.

Egypt will play the biggest role in Libya since they are next door. Give it a few years and most of the issues will be tackled.

Exxcept Yemen? But bro, I thought Arab's were 'one' haha!! Always easy to divide.
Exxcept Yemen? But bro, I thought Arab's were 'one' haha!! Always easy to divide.

Houthi's are not Yemen. They are a small terrorist group that made a illegal coup. They don't speak for the 26 million + Yemenis. KSA just donated 600 million dollars to Yemen as relief.

You are quite obsessed about Arab maters I must say. Would not surprise me if you actually had joined some Arab forum.:lol:


“It’s a big difference when you are in trouble,” says Col. Saad Mirwah of the Iraqi 5th Division. “One [the US] makes a phone call, and the other [Iran] takes you by the hand and helps you.”
In one instance, only six 120mm mortar shells remained at one frontline position. The leader of the Iran-backed Badr militia called Baghdad and 250 more shells were sent immediately. Another time, troops were in desperate need of ammunition.
“One hour after this call, they got their ammunition. In the bad old days, it would take days, and writing letters,” says Mirwah. “There is a direct line with Iranian advisers. They say, ‘We need this and that,’ and it comes directly.”
The US and the West “did not betray us, but they left us – they hesitated in making a decision,” says Mayor Khadran, echoing a common view in Iraq about Washington’s delay in deciding how to help. When IS was “at the doors of Baghdad, the [US-led] coalition does nothing. Iran, it’s very fast. They opened their doors immediately.

Hadi al-Ameri is a well-known Mullah clown. The Iraqis on this forum already dismissed that nonsense comment. How can a few Iranian advisers save an almost 10 million big city like Baghdad from falling to a few thousands (AT MOST) ISIS members? You joking bro or have you started believing in everything those Mullah's say?

Anyway I will tell you a secret regarding ISIS if you are interested.
Houthi's are not Yemen. They are a small terrorist group that made a illegal coup. They don't speak for the 26 million + Yemenis. KSA just donated 600 million dollars to Yemen as relief.

You are quite obsessed about Arab maters I must say. Would not surprise me if you actually had joined some Arab forum.:lol:

Hadi al-Ameri is a well-known Mullah clown. The Iraqis on this forum already dismissed that nonsense comment. How can a few Iranian advisers save an almost 10 million big city like Baghdad from falling to a few thousands (AT MOST) ISIS members? You joking bro or have you started believing in everything those Mullah's say?

Anyway I will tell you a secret regarding ISIS if you are interested.
They would bring Baghdad to danger. What happened to Ramadi? (500000 people town), they run over it easily. Some might dismiss it because of pride, but now it's no time for show or pride, just accept the help and fight!
The comments of Hadi Al-Ameri contains a lot of truth if it's not completely true.
They would bring Baghdad to danger. What happened to Ramadi? (500000 people town), they run over it easily. Some might dismiss it because of pride, but now it's no time for show or pride, just accept the help and fight!
The comments of Hadi Al-Ameri contains a lot of truth if it's not completely true.

Baghdad has been the most dangerous capital for 10+ years. It's a nonsense claim. Nothing more.

Some advisors and light support in terms of weapons does not beat the actual fighting on the ground which was mostly done by Iraqi Shia Arab militias, Iraqi army and pro-government Iraqi Sunni Arabs.

Of course we can't ignore the Western bombardments (crucial in stopping ISIS's advance) and the political support to Al-Abadi by world powers.

Anyway for those interested in the secret of ISIS, see Syrian civil war thread.
Houthi's are not Yemen. They are a small terrorist group that made a illegal coup. They don't speak for the 26 million + Yemenis. KSA just donated 600 million dollars to Yemen as relief.

You are quite obsessed about Arab maters I must say. Would not surprise me if you actually had joined some Arab forum.:lol:

Hadi al-Ameri is a well-known Mullah clown. The Iraqis on this forum already dismissed that nonsense comment. How can a few Iranian advisers save an almost 10 million big city like Baghdad from falling to a few thousands (AT MOST) ISIS members? You joking bro or have you started believing in everything those Mullah's say?

Anyway I will tell you a secret regarding ISIS if you are interested.

The ZAIDIS are about HALF of yemen. And no, aside from some Moroccan arse, I'm not interested remotely in Arabs. BUT, seen how every single war is fought by Arabs, and Arabs neighbor my two countries, and I'm interested in conflict, I am all up in your bizniz:P
The ZAIDIS are about HALF of yemen. And no, aside from some Moroccan arse, I'm not interested remotely in Arabs. BUT, seen how every single war is fought by Arabs, and Arabs neighbor my two countries, and I'm interested in conflict, I am all up in your bizniz:P

The Zaydis are not the Houthi's. How hard is it for you to understand this? 1 million Zaydis live in KSA.

Is that why you are commenting on Arab affairs ALL THE TIME on PDF? It makes no sense.

Anyway barking does not matter.

Before your start on your "Berber" tirade then know that all the 30 million or so Berbers in North Africa have Arab ancestry and that Berber and Arabs are related people. It's a bit like how you are related to Kurds and Baluch.

Also understand that a few hundred Arab leaders are irrelevant in a nation of 450 million people. Refrain from your anti-Arab tirades while now sucking up to Iraqi Arabs. Arabs and Turks have zero problems by large.
why do u care about our relation with Turkey
That's exactly what his problem is
Apparently, a group in Tunisia merged allegiance with ISIS this week and there is a branch gearing up for a province in Tunisia. It won't look well for Tunisia in the future especially the surrounding neighbors in Algeria, Mali, Libya, Sinai and the lawless Sahellion region which has ISIS and Al Qaeda presense as well. Worth noticing Tunisia is ranked #1 of ISIS foreign fighters so the country could be vulnerable, who knows.
They won't have a chance to establish themselves in Tunisia...Tunisian and Algerian forces are at work in that area...Tunisia is not the Sahel and both countries will see to it that no ISIS will set roots..

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