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Saudi Arabia accuses Turkey of supporting extremist militias in three Arab countries

Turkey doesn't support extremist militia in Somalia. It is an outright lie to accuse Turkey of supporting such militia. Turkey helps the Somali govt for defeating the terrorist groups of Al-Shabaab and ISIS. The terrorists have started Turkish engineers who were implementing construction projects, and stated they attacked them because Turkey assists the Somali govt.

Turkey also implements other humanitarian projects in Somalia, such as building hospitals, education, and state budgetary support.

They are just butthurt because their plan of splitting Somalia with the help of their terrorists doesnt work thanks to the cooperation between Turkish and Somali security forces.
Together we will get rid of that filth and Somalia will emerge stronger than ever. :cheers:
1 month ago terror attack happened in Somalia and there was a video of UAE dog celebrating it so I guess this pretty much answers the question who supports terrorism in Somalia

True. UAE provides financial support and explosive charges to the Al-Shabaab terrorists in Somalia. Even in Libya, UAE supports Haftar and provides a proxy cover for other bigger powers. They also support the PKK and funded the failed coup in Turkey. In Kashmir, they sided with Hindu extremist-led Modi government. In Palestine, they're very much in bed with Netanyahu. In Yemen, they're bombing it and facilitating the separatists in the South. UAE under Mohamed Bin Zayed has turned into an evil entity.

They are just butthurt because their plan of splitting Somalia with the help of their terrorists doesnt work thanks to the cooperation between Turkish and Somali security forces.
Together we will get rid of that filth and Somalia will emerge stronger than ever. :cheers:

Thanks brother. The Turkish-trained forces in Somalia are indeed defeating terrorists and seizing territories from them. There is a big offensive under way in Southern Somalia where the goal is to rid the terrorists from the South. We're expecting the arms emabrgo lifted or at least alleviated from the Somali govt forces by the end of the year. Once that happens, Somali National Army will seize renegade regions one by one.
There is no need for a long discussion. Somali people will take back every square meter of their country from terrorists. Turkey will never withdraw its support to Somalia in this regard.

And If friendly western states and our Arab brothers are sincere towards Somalia, they should support the lifting of the heavy weapon embargo.
Thanks brother. The Turkish-trained forces in Somalia are indeed defeating terrorists and seizing territories from them. There is a big offensive under way in Southern Somalia where the goal is to rid the terrorists from the South. We're expecting the arms emabrgo lifted or at least alleviated from the Somali govt forces by the end of the year. Once that happens, Somali National Army will seize renegade regions one by one.
All the best to Somalia, its time for the well deserved peace after decades of chaos.
All the best to Somalia, its time for the well deserved peace after decades of chaos.
I have no knowledge over Somalia what terrorist groups are there? al shabaab? which ones are being supported by KSA & UAE?
It is a fight between brothers.
NO, its xenophobia by weak Arabs - this is the same crap they accused Iran(non-Arab) of doing now they are accusing Turkey, also a non-Arab of "interfering" in Arab countries...i dunno why they dont pay US military to do the military "jobs" they need in the ME.

no one in the muslim world should support extrimists like hezbullah etc
WHen last did your country fight Israel? I mean on PDF< its the most white, Christian-supporting Muslim countries that act like the righteous ones. I will tell u later how Turkey copied EVERYTHING Iran did in Asymmetrical warfare.
NO, its xenophobia by weak Arabs - this is the same crap they accused Iran(non-Arab) of doing now they are accusing Turkey, also a non-Arab of "interfering" in Arab countries...i dunno why they dont pay US military to do the military "jobs" they need in the ME.

WHen last did your country fight Israel? I mean on PDF< its the most white, Christian-supporting Muslim countries that act like the righteous ones. I will tell u later how Turkey copied EVERYTHING Iran did in Asymmetrical warfare.

since when did your country fight india? since when did you country fight china? since when did your country iran fight israel? speaking with a high nose and farting against the wind thats what you did!

even their name is islamic and they act the most idolater supporting country..

and what did israel do to us? did they stole our land? or did they fight against us in our worst time since hundrets of years? all that recent antiturkism happened after we gave extreem pelestinian support and began to threaten them rethorically..

but I bet you dont see it huh?

our country and our people fought against the crusaders against the romans and mongols for centuries but where had your people been than? attacking us from behind?

Fatih Sultan Mehmet Khan, Nureddin Zengi, Baybars, the Seljuks to Ottoman leaders are the ones who carved their Names into History and the end of this is Enver Pasha in Central Asia running after their defeat with their swords into enemy russian fire buring their dream of a new khalifa with their blood while these nationalist palestinians and their beduin supporters had been in bed with englishmen who betrayed them with a new jewish wife..

and than people come and try to lecture others while they are in bed not with englishmen but with natasha and the firawn

so my iran loving friend dont lecture us with such things we know with whom we are dealing with no one likes israel no one love europe or the us and we also know how iranaians and arabs or russians are.. we know them very well! (if I say no one than "to some degree no one" there are always bitches who sell their body to these countries eu lovers us lovers israel lovers and arab lovers but ppl need to see the reality all these have their pro and contra and no one of them are really 100% EVIL and DEVILS or ANGELS you need a healthy view wich sees the reality that these are sometimes your enemies and sometimes your friends and with work you can improve the relation to other countries

also turks need to understand likewise pakistanis or other countries if you dont work for stability in your country others araound you may take advantage of it)
@xenon54 , @cabatli_53 @Combat-Master or any other respected Turkish member, how you guys see arab through the lens of Ottoman history ?
Well, they wanted independence which is understandable but they got played by the Brits and French who draw artifical borders according to their own interests instead of geographical realities which is the major reason for the most conflicts today.
Oh and they got Israel too. :lol:
Anyways, wish them all the best, it was bound to happen sooner or later anyways. :)
Well, they wanted independence which is understandable but they got played by the Brits and French who draw artifical borders according to their own interests instead of geographical realities which is the major reason for the most conflicts today.
Oh and they got Israel too. :lol:
Anyways, wish them all the best, it was bound to happen sooner or later anyways. :)

These nations are futureless and have a high growth in population, there is lots of trouble ahead for us if we dont follow a harsh migration policy, we have to get rid of the arabs once this whole pandemic is over and build massive mined borderwall all the way from Syria to Armenia and im there very serious just look at the population projections of these arab countries, especially as oil becomes irrelevant.

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