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Libya: Killing of US ambassador is blowback from western intervention

If your hearts are ready to accept ur freedom of speech, then open your hearts for their freedom of deeds !
If your hearts are ready to accept ur freedom of speech, then open your hearts for their freedom of deeds !
Can it work both ways? Some one says something I don't agree with...can i come burn down your house?
Just after their liberation; in months, these guys decimated Sufi-heritage, graves, holy-sites, shrines etc in epic-proportions... killing and torturing people based on beliefs,opinions or anything different.

You reap what you sow... for so long these imbeciles were on a leash under Gaddafi; and for good reasons... but now that they're free, everyone pays the price.I'm all for annihilating these scums, it's all in mutual benefit!
Doubt it be blowback because it be like blaming on west for almost the death of a Christian girl for burning the Koran in Pakistan which we never overthrew. Blowback on the west for that? They didn't do nothing until they heard about the film of Mohammed. If the mobs could have easily almost killed a Christian girl its easy to see a video can provoke mobs into a frenzy.
Excuses are pointless as good men are now dead, murdered.

What we all have to see, long term, and deal with, long term, are racials wrapped in a heretical version of Islam as they want to believe it who did 911 inside the United States in New York City at the twin towers; the Pentagon in Washingdton, DC; and a failed third attack which on board airline passengers thwarted resulting in that planes crash into a field in Pennsylvania.

Yes, it is difficult to deal with isolated but organized terrorism acts such as in Libya and still in Egypt.

What worldwide civilization has to deal with is whether or not the leadership of all the Muslim nations will push up the flag pole the most moderate form of Islam, while allowing freedom of all other religions inside their respective nations.

Basic freedoms of all mankind start in large part with freedom of individual religion as each man, woman, and child sees the light which they choose to follow or into which they are born and at least initially if not for life indoctrinated into.

War is an awful thing, not a fun or desirable thing. Anyone who relishes war is insane!

US reaction will have to start with electing a new President in November.

Then a new President Romney will lay out his foreign policy goals and objectives for US and world economic recovery. Reducing poverty helps take the edge off of terrorism for starters. But strong police and military capability employed by each nation where terrorists practice their grizzly trade are always ever necessary.

A tough civil law and order theme required domestically in Muslim majority nations, as this is factually where the problems are coming from.

In closing I have been in Libya years ago as a young USAF Lieutenant, when we still had a US Air Base, Wheelus in Tripoli. There was at that time a blended Italian and Libyan population with a degree of religious tolerance. Racial Islamists are most visible ever since the old USSR invasion of Aghanistan, as best I can read over my shoulder our contemporary history.
its democracy and freedom of expression imposed by west. What was US excepting from peopele who killed their president brutality...
its democracy and freedom of expression imposed by west. What was US excepting from peopele who killed their president brutality...

I know you are mad because of a Christian girl that almost got killed by the mobs because of rumors she burned the Koran. Or killing politicians who are against blasphemy laws. But using democracy and freedom of expression to kill others is pushing it. They don't understand the concept.
I know you are mad because of a Christian girl that almost got killed by the mobs because of rumors she burned the Koran. Or killing politicians who are against blasphemy laws. But using democracy and freedom of expression to kill others is pushing it. They don't understand the concept.

Please stay on topic.
Can it work both ways? Some one says something I don't agree with...can i come burn down your house?

well , USA was aware of this reaction but they produce the movie and show it .... so that mean they saying this to Muslims :"faack you and your religion and your reaction to our insults ... if you have balls then response back ... "

and they received the response .... but that was too painful for them ....

for western freedom of speech turned to " Freedom of insulting to others " , no one have any freedom to oppose western and their zionist masters freely but everyone are allow to insult to God's prophets ...

even though I really have suspect about this event ( for me this is another Americans plane ) but you Americans deserve it ....
If your hearts are ready to accept ur freedom of speech, then open your hearts for their freedom of deeds !

That's unacceptable, how could they repay the ones who rescued them with killing their ambassador? What they did is unjustified whatsoever. I hope to see the criminals killed.

I know you are mad because of a Christian girl that almost got killed by the mobs because of rumors she burned the Koran. Or killing politicians who are against blasphemy laws. But using democracy and freedom of expression to kill others is pushing it. They don't understand the concept.

You people are unbelievable, you killed 2.5 million Muslims and we always refuse to generalize on all Americans, while you don't hesitate to generalize when a Muslim mob kill a couple of you. We did deplore both actions. Just don't stereotype.
Doubt it be blowback because it be like blaming on west for almost the death of a Christian girl for burning the Koran in Pakistan which we never overthrew. Blowback on the west for that? They didn't do nothing until they heard about the film of Mohammed. If the mobs could have easily almost killed a Christian girl its easy to see a video can provoke mobs into a frenzy.

please dont bring pakistan here you pathetic guy
Can it work both ways? Some one says something I don't agree with...can i come burn down your house?

So why is that muslim have to be tolerant with everyday insults hurled from the west? Tolerance should also work both ways.
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