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LCA Tejas is inferior to JF-17 Thunder Block III: Chinese expert

more money goes in west pockets.
There's no other way

In the past, Vietnam chose to buy israel's Galil assault rifle, not Russia's ak-100. Because of the cheaper price of Israel, another reason is that Israel is willing to transfer more technology to Vietnam. However, there is no way to 100% homemade because the Vietnamese industry is not strong enough to create suitable steel billets. And neither country is willing to transfer technology related to metallurgy

This is not the only problem with Vietnam, it is similar to every country in the world
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Seems like you need to go to school to learn the difference between school and university. All the videos you posted are of school kids in the most backward regions of India. Not to say that this doesn't happen in Indian universities, does happen but only in the really crap ones. Higher tier and Mid Tier institutes do not tolerate such nonsense.

You speak as if india has such a high tier... your per capita is barely above pakistans and for more of history has been below pakistans... your average wealth per capita is far below the average wealth per capita of pakistan... discount the countless debt and non performing loans and India would be in the category of somalia...
Congrats... there are far more indians working as taxi drivers, retail clerks/711 clerks, gas station clerks, etc... due to the sheer amount of reproduction your kind does :) in the end ask any american what reputation indians have here no wonder trump has cut the h1b visa program...

He hasn't even cut the H1b program, just made H1b harder to get, that too to preserve American jobs. Don't even talk about reputation, reputation for Pakistanis is probably the worst out of any nationality. I doubt you folks were even considered for the H1b program when it was in place, most h1b visas went to Indians and Chinese, they obviously couldn't find any skilled people from Pakistan.
He hasn't even cut the H1b program, just made H1b harder to get, that too to preserve American jobs. Don't even talk about reputation, reputation for Pakistanis is probably the worst out of any nationality. I doubt you folks were even considered for the H1b program when it was in place, most h1b visas went to Indians and Chinese, they obviously couldn't find any skilled people from Pakistan.

Why would the average pakistani techy consider america when they have far more benefits in pakistan in the form of working for the govt and gaining real wealth in the form of land and pensions? obviously your kind scatters the globe and repoduces like cock roaches...

Why is it that indian women take the first chance to run off with pakistanis when they get the chance??? Why is it that IT managers refuse to hire indians due to the reputation they have of lying on their resumes?? Why is it that sales people absolutely refuse to work with indians due to their reputation of being extremly cheap??? Why is that indian men have a reputation of being pedophiles and disgusting hygiene?? Why is it that your kind can only work in gas stations or 711s ran by other indians due to the nature of being racist against everyone whose not gora??? why is it that the average american can simply not trust the average indian??? Even post 9/11 most americans would prefer to work with pakistanis than your kind... Lets talk of indian reputation in the west now compared to pakistanis son
akistanis in the US are making their country proud by working full time as uber drivers. Honestly, when you target others while your own people are contributing nothing, you look like a joke


Pakistan doctors for example make such positive contribution that Nancy P make a joke "is there a Pakistani doctor in the house"...

You speak as if india has such a high tier... your per capita is barely above pakistans and for more of history has been below pakistans... your average wealth per capita is far below the average wealth per capita of pakistan... discount the countless debt and non performing loans and India would be in the category of somalia...

For 2019, India per capita income - 2200, Pakistan- 1300, as per IMF. If we are Somalia, you guys are like next level Somalia.
Seems like you need to go to school to learn the difference between school and university. All the videos you posted are of school kids in the most backward regions of India. Not to say that this doesn't happen in Indian universities, does happen but only in the really crap ones. Higher tier and Mid Tier institutes do not tolerate such nonsense.
Dude, you can make excuses all you want but there's millions of middle-class students without any jobs. Many of them end up working in numerous scamming call centres!

I def will not go through 40 minutes of that video to hear your point b

watch from 15.00 onwards..... and if you think I am the PAF dude then so be it... lol

no offence but the words of the PAF officer directly in charge of representing JF-17 on national TV has credibility versus some blogger...also PAF has a lot of US influence heck F-16 was base for JF1-7 ...I don't think they would refer to a Chinese generation classification (PS for the record I never heard of such a thing) .

For 2019, India per capita income - 2200, Pakistan- 1300, as per IMF. If we are Somalia, you guys are like next level Somalia.

so this is even more shameful.

PAF still kicked your IAF rear end... pathetic.

But I agree with you IAF airforce should be compared with airforce like Iraq or Somalia.

Why is it that indian women take the first chance to run off with pakistanis when they get the chance???


> better looks
> better language
> better fashion sense
> we use perfume....
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Why would the average pakistani techy consider america when they have far more benefits in pakistan in the form of working for the govt and gaining real wealth in the form of land and pensions? obviously your kind scatters the globe and repoduces like cock roaches...

Why is it that indian women take the first chance to run off with pakistanis when they get the chance??? Why is it that IT managers refuse to hire indians due to the reputation they have of lying on their resumes?? Why is it that sales people absolutely refuse to work with indians due to their reputation of being extremly cheap??? Why is that indian men have a reputation of being pedophiles and disgusting hygiene?? Lets talk of indian reputation in the west now compared to pakistanis son

An "average" pakistani techy is even trying to catch flee ridden overcrowded boats from the north coast of Africa to greece, posing as refugee. Like hundreds of thousands of them were caught in Europe and deported. Pakistanis jump at the chance of going away from Pakistan, you are delusional.

Which Indian women baring Sania Mirza have taken the first chance to jump off with Pakistani men? If even Pakistani girls look for arabs, turks etc, why would an Indian girl go after Pakistanis. There might be a few examples - Sania Mirza for instance, out of like 600 million women in India.

Its better you dont even talk of pedofilia, since you will lose badly. Pakistani men raped like 1400 schoolgirls in Rotterdam UK. "British Asian Gangs", mainly composed of Pakistanis are talked about till date. Your folks probably have the biggest reputation of being pedos after White men.
For 2019, India per capita income - 2200, Pakistan- 1300, as per IMF. If we are Somalia, you guys are like next level Somalia.
IMF reports data what Modi feeds them. Remember IMF's concerns regarding need for transparency on economic data? :-) Poverty levels in India speak volumes.

@BlackMamba93 You got me on ignore, haven't you. :wacko:
IMF reports data what Modi feeds them. Remember IMF's concerns regarding need for transparency on economic data? :-) Poverty levels in India speak volumes.

@BlackMamba93 You got me on ignore, haven't you. :wacko:

Not at all bud, just that others are a lot more fun to argue with, you are very humble and soft spoken, no fun arguing :lol:
An "average" pakistani techy is even trying to catch flee ridden overcrowded boats from the north coast of Africa to greece, posing as refugee. Like hundreds of thousands of them were caught in Europe and deported. Pakistanis jump at the chance of going away from Pakistan, you are delusional.

Which Indian women baring Sania Mirza have taken the first chance to jump off with Pakistani men? If even Pakistani girls look for arabs, turks etc, why would an Indian girl go after Pakistanis. There might be a few examples - Sania Mirza for instance, out of like 600 million women in India.

Its better you dont even talk of pedofilia, since you will lose badly. Pakistani men raped like 1400 schoolgirls in Rotterdam UK. "British Asian Gangs", mainly composed of Pakistanis are talked about till date. Your folks probably have the biggest reputation of being pedos after White men.

Indian are even willing to be refugees in africa to make a dime... your gurus are well known pedophiles raping little girls.. countless gurus worshipped by millions in india have been proven to be sexually deviant..
Its better you dont even talk of pedofilia, since you will lose badly. Pakistani men raped like 1400 schoolgirls in Rotterdam UK. "British Asian Gangs", mainly composed of Pakistanis are talked about till date. Your folks probably have the biggest reputation of being pedos after White men.



coming from indians where every one from your army to your tea boys rape with conviction....

this is rich

those Pakistanis are UK citizens.. not our problem
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