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Largest gurdwara in Gulf region opens

Are there any pictures?
Would love to see what it looks like.


Common sense would also tell you, that there are 5 million Hindus in Pakistan? Why aren't temples used? Are they scared? Are they less religious than Indian Hindus? Definitely not.

You can not deny the fact that temples are either turned into mosques or demolished and abandoned.

5 million Hindus are not enough to maintain the thousands of Temples that were around pre-partition.
You are trying to make something out of nothing here.
Majority Hindus became Muslims and so the temples became disused, then at partition most of the remaining Hindus left and that meant that even more temples became disused. It is up the believers to maintain their religious buildings. No believers means no maintenance.

Also, Pakistan is not exactly a rich country, we don't have the resources to maintain thousands of disused temples.

Thanks for the pics.

It doesn't look like a traditional gurdwara.
Still nice tho.
^^^Its a more modern Gurudwara but it still has some traditional architecture and decoration. One main difference is that it has to be kept air conditioned so its not open air like Gurudwarars in Indian subcontinent.
These indians are v,confusing one time u go against saudi for having strict laws now u blame Pak

need not remind ur nation wide struggle of demolition of musjid's eg: Shaeed Babri musjid.

ungrateful breed.

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