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Kunduz update

So negotiations have finally gone down the drain.

Not neccessarily. The Taliban is really just showing its strength. I doubt anyone thinks that they intend to hold Kunduz but their ability to successfully take over a major city in the country with such relative ease is a huge blow to Kabuls over confident claim that they have the complete upper hand. As for the talks they will continue imo only this time with the parties having a greater understanding of each others abilities and potential.
The very fact that kunduz fell to Taliban shows that the weakness on the writ of the state in the southern eastern Afghanistan and the power of the Taliban and the longer the retaking of the city takes the more embarrassing the situation will become for both ANA and america. In fact the fact that such an event is considered the first since the start of Afghan war highlights the seriousness of the situation.

The afghan govt must bring the Taliban to talks bcz the Taliban will keep doing such things to showcase their strength and power. It is obvious that they have some public support in kubduz as a take over of such an area and the strong defense that they are showing also proves that they have support and that is worrying which is why emphasis must be given to talks.

Not to mention the prison break, the state assets, the monetary assets and other assets belonging to state and hospitals and ofcourse the ammo and equipment left behind by the police, army and the gov. This is very worrying and ANA must retake the city at all costs. They must continue to push in but remember the longer it takes the more grevious the situation becomes.

Of course rather than blaming Pakistan ANA and Afghanistan must look to regain control over their country and wipe out the Taliban menace. They must be vigilant and strong. This failure is to serious to be ignored.
کندز کے گورنر محترم ملا عبدالسلام اخند کی شہادت کی خبریں بے بنیاد ہیں، ذبیح اللہ مجاہد 0093785624953

Source: Kunduz update | Page 2

I will translate this for you... It says" The governer of Kunduz Respected Mulla Abdul Salaam's news of martyrdom are baseless(fake). Zabi ullah Mujahid (Official spokeman Amaraat Islamia Afghanistan)

Why are quoting a traitor to me ?
Height of Irony

1. Kunduz Area touches Tajikistan Border, It was a Strong hold of Northern Alliance.

2. Northern Alliance commander joins Taliban and allows them to take Kunduz. (Its like Israeli allows Palestinian to blow up himself in Israel or Indian Army allows Hafiz Saeed to enter Indian occupied Kashmir. LOL ):rofl::rofl:

3. Hamid Karzai (NAMAK HARAAM No 1) Begged for release of Two Taliban commanders from Pakistan. After Pressure from USA and Afghanistan (NAMAK HARAAM) Pakistan released both of them, IRONICALLY Those Taliban are leading the attack on Kunduz.

4. Now Afghanistan (NAMAK HARAAM Nation No 1) Says Why Pakistan released these two from her Custody ??:crazy::crazy::hang3:
Lawmakers demand president resigns as Afghan battle rages
KABUL | By Mirwais Harooni and Hamid Shalizi

Afghan lawmakers called on President Ashraf Ghani to resign on Wednesday over his government's "shameful" handling of the battle for Kunduz, the northern city which has fallen to Taliban insurgents in their biggest victory so far in 14 years of war.

The Islamist militants seized control of Kunduz after an audacious assault on the city on Monday, and the promised counter-offensive from Afghan forces has yet to materialize.

Instead, thousands of exhausted Afghan police and soldiers are holed up at the city's airport waiting for reinforcements from other parts of the country.

"It is shameful how they (the government) have dealt with the situation in Kunduz," said Iqbal Safi, a member of parliament from Kapisa province, during a televised session of parliament.

"Ghani and Abdullah must step down," he added, referring to Ghani's Chief Executive Abdullah Abdullah.

Kunduz was the last city to fall when the Taliban fell in 2001, and, in the biggest blow to Ghani since he came to power a year ago, it has become the first major city to be retaken by the insurgency since then.

Other lawmakers echoed Safi's demands in a chaotic session, with parliamentarians shouting and calling for a gathering of elders to begin the process of impeachment.

Ghani's first year in office has been clouded by political infighting and escalating violence around the country, with the United Nations recording almost 5,000 civilian casualties in the first half of the year.

Sayed Zafar Hashemi, Ghani's deputy spokesman, said it was parliamentarians' right to protest.

"For the president, the first priorities are the safety of the citizens in Kunduz and clearing the area of terrorists."

He said Afghan troops were making progress, and Ghani had ordered an investigation into how Kunduz fell so quickly.


Around 5,000 Afghan troops were gathered at Kunduz airport on Wednesday after fighting there raged late into the night, an Afghan security official said, and Taliban fighters were driven back with the help a second U.S. air strike.

However, the morale of Afghan troops was flagging after two days of continuous fighting, a district official said.

"We still have enough forces to take on the Taliban but sadly there is no will or resolve to fight," said Mohammad Zahir Niazi, chief of Chardara, a district in Kunduz.

"We are only defending."

Hundreds of Afghan security forces sent to reinforce them were stuck in neighboring Baghlan province as Taliban fighters blocked roads with large stones and sandbags, a senior Afghan security official said.

A Taliban commander acknowledged his fighters had failed to hold the airport, but said the group's forces were still in control of the city.

"We actually wanted to capture the airport and ‎organised a big attack last night," said a Taliban commander close to Mullah Akhtar Mansour, the Taliban's new leader.

"We could not seize the airport but captured some of its surroundings," he said.

In the city, Sayed Sarwar Hussaini, a spokesman for the police chief in Kunduz, said Afghan security forces had regained control of the police headquarters in Kunduz on Tuesday night.

"Hundreds of Taliban are killed and their dead bodies are on streets ... right now a heavy fight is going on inside the city," Hussaini told Reuters by telephone.


Afghan security forces have struggled to hold off a multi-pronged insurgency since the bulk of foreign troops withdrew at the end of last year.

Some German troops have been deployed to the Kunduz area to help advise Afghan security forces during the battle, a senior foreign diplomat said on Tuesday.

Germany's defense minister had signaled on Tuesday that she was open to delaying the withdrawal of German soldiers from Afghanistan beyond next year.

The U.S. military has carried out two air strikes on Kunduz since fighting began on Monday.

A U.S military official, speaking on condition of anonymity, said one of the air strikes was carried out in an effort to protect coalition forces after Taliban fighters stole a tank and were heading towards the airfield.

Even if ultimately unsuccessful, the battle for Kunduz appears to have re-energized insurgents who only months ago were deeply divided over who should lead the movement following confirmation of the death of its founder, Mullah Mohammad Omar.

The Taliban has since said one reason for the assault on Kunduz was to prove the group was united after the appointment of Mansour in July angered many key figures in the insurgency.
Lawmakers demand president resigns as Afghan battle rages| Reuters
Lawmakers demand president resigns as Afghan battle rages
KABUL | By Mirwais Harooni and Hamid Shalizi

Afghan lawmakers called on President Ashraf Ghani to resign on Wednesday over his government's "shameful" handling of the battle for Kunduz, the northern city which has fallen to Taliban insurgents in their biggest victory so far in 14 years of war.

The Islamist militants seized control of Kunduz after an audacious assault on the city on Monday, and the promised counter-offensive from Afghan forces has yet to materialize.

Instead, thousands of exhausted Afghan police and soldiers are holed up at the city's airport waiting for reinforcements from other parts of the country.

"It is shameful how they (the government) have dealt with the situation in Kunduz," said Iqbal Safi, a member of parliament from Kapisa province, during a televised session of parliament.

"Ghani and Abdullah must step down," he added, referring to Ghani's Chief Executive Abdullah Abdullah.

Kunduz was the last city to fall when the Taliban fell in 2001, and, in the biggest blow to Ghani since he came to power a year ago, it has become the first major city to be retaken by the insurgency since then.

Other lawmakers echoed Safi's demands in a chaotic session, with parliamentarians shouting and calling for a gathering of elders to begin the process of impeachment.

Ghani's first year in office has been clouded by political infighting and escalating violence around the country, with the United Nations recording almost 5,000 civilian casualties in the first half of the year.

Sayed Zafar Hashemi, Ghani's deputy spokesman, said it was parliamentarians' right to protest.

"For the president, the first priorities are the safety of the citizens in Kunduz and clearing the area of terrorists."

He said Afghan troops were making progress, and Ghani had ordered an investigation into how Kunduz fell so quickly.

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Around 5,000 Afghan troops were gathered at Kunduz airport on Wednesday after fighting there raged late into the night, an Afghan security official said, and Taliban fighters were driven back with the help a second U.S. air strike.

However, the morale of Afghan troops was flagging after two days of continuous fighting, a district official said.

"We still have enough forces to take on the Taliban but sadly there is no will or resolve to fight," said Mohammad Zahir Niazi, chief of Chardara, a district in Kunduz.

"We are only defending."

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Afghan forces battle Taliban to retake Kunduz
Hundreds of Afghan security forces sent to reinforce them were stuck in neighboring Baghlan province as Taliban fighters blocked roads with large stones and sandbags, a senior Afghan security official said.

A Taliban commander acknowledged his fighters had failed to hold the airport, but said the group's forces were still in control of the city.

"We actually wanted to capture the airport and ‎organised a big attack last night," said a Taliban commander close to Mullah Akhtar Mansour, the Taliban's new leader.

"We could not seize the airport but captured some of its surroundings," he said.

In the city, Sayed Sarwar Hussaini, a spokesman for the police chief in Kunduz, said Afghan security forces had regained control of the police headquarters in Kunduz on Tuesday night.

"Hundreds of Taliban are killed and their dead bodies are on streets ... right now a heavy fight is going on inside the city," Hussaini told Reuters by telephone.


Afghan security forces have struggled to hold off a multi-pronged insurgency since the bulk of foreign troops withdrew at the end of last year.

Some German troops have been deployed to the Kunduz area to help advise Afghan security forces during the battle, a senior foreign diplomat said on Tuesday.

Germany's defense minister had signaled on Tuesday that she was open to delaying the withdrawal of German soldiers from Afghanistan beyond next year.

The U.S. military has carried out two air strikes on Kunduz since fighting began on Monday.

A U.S military official, speaking on condition of anonymity, said one of the air strikes was carried out in an effort to protect coalition forces after Taliban fighters stole a tank and were heading towards the airfield.

Even if ultimately unsuccessful, the battle for Kunduz appears to have re-energized insurgents who only months ago were deeply divided over who should lead the movement following confirmation of the death of its founder, Mullah Mohammad Omar.

The Taliban has since said one reason for the assault on Kunduz was to prove the group was united after the appointment of Mansour in July angered many key figures in the insurgency.
Lawmakers demand president resigns as Afghan battle rages| Reuters

Not sure of the topography of the airport, but if it's mountainous, you can count on the talibs raining endless rpgs from the surrounding hills.

May be a traitor to you ... for us they are Mujahideen.

Are you a pashtun?
Afghanistan claims Pakistan is Responsible for Take over of Kunduz by Taliban why ?? Because

1. Why Pakistan is Pushing Terrorists into Afghanistan by Launching Zarb-e-Azb, Pakistan is Hunting Tali-Dogs so they are running like Dogs and Entering Afghanistan, Afghans (NAMAK HARAAM) are not concerned for securing their Borders they are more dedicated to "DESTABILIZE PAKISTAN"

2. Why Pakistan released those two Taliban who took over Kunduz?? (May be Because Afghans (HARAAM KHOOR & NAMAK HARAAM) begged Pakistan for them)

3. There are "NO WEAK POINTS" in Afghans (HARAAM KHOOR & NAMAK HARAAM) when it come to internal matters Like, Why Northern Alliance commander is supporting Taliban or why Those Taliban who Afghans (HARAAM KHOOR & NAMAK HARAAM) took from Pakistan custody for Negotiations are carrying assault in Kunduz.

I wish Every Afghan (HARAAM KHOOR & NAMAK HARAAM) who Back Stabbed Pakistan gets a Bullet from Tali-dog or dies in a Friendly fire by US of A. ROT in HELL Afghans (HARAAM KHOOR & NAMAK HARAAM)

I agree with everything you wrote, except the last part.
Fuked up situation there... Hope Afghani govt takes back kunduz...

I'm already worried about the future if Afghanistan ... Worried that Afghan forces might not be able to hold back talis when the Americans leave...

The sad truth is that a professional military institution takes decades to build ... ANA is hardly there yet... Iraqi military is also an example ..

I can understand them not been able to fight in a proper formations like a pro army or taking wrong decisions but deserting their posts? haven't they've been fighting for last 2-3 decades?
Ghussay main koi bhi ne hosh main hota.

President of Afghanistan (HARAAM KHOOR & NAMAK HARAAM) went on the record and said that Pakistan and Afghanistan are "NOT" Brotherly Countries.

Why Should Pakistan give a Damn about Afghanistan (HARAAM KHOOR & NAMAK HARAAM) ?? Let them go to hell if this is what they want. Let their Best Lovers India and US of A help them out.
Afghanistan claims Pakistan is Responsible for Take over of Kunduz by Taliban why ?? Because

1. Why Pakistan is Pushing Terrorists into Afghanistan by Launching Zarb-e-Azb, Pakistan is Hunting Tali-Dogs so they are running like Dogs and Entering Afghanistan, Afghans (NAMAK HARAAM) are not concerned for securing their Borders they are more dedicated to "DESTABILIZE PAKISTAN"

2. Why Pakistan released those two Taliban who took over Kunduz?? (May be Because Afghans (HARAAM KHOOR & NAMAK HARAAM) begged Pakistan for them)

3. There are "NO WEAK POINTS" in Afghans (HARAAM KHOOR & NAMAK HARAAM) when it come to internal matters Like, Why Northern Alliance commander is supporting Taliban or why Those Taliban who Afghans (HARAAM KHOOR & NAMAK HARAAM) took from Pakistan custody for Negotiations are carrying assault in Kunduz.

I wish Every Afghan (HARAAM KHOOR & NAMAK HARAAM) who Back Stabbed Pakistan gets a Bullet from Tali-dog or dies in a Friendly fire by US of A. ROT in HELL Afghans (HARAAM KHOOR & NAMAK HARAAM)
Calm down they have been in war for 30+ years so in such miseries they are going through there would be psychological impact as well and it went Deeper if they see a country which Shares a lot of commonalities in terms of Culture and traditions have remain peaceful while they are suffering. Its not entirely their fault to hold these views as they never had time in their lives to rethink and Evolve due to constant Wars they had been fighting so we need to be little more complacent in this situation rather then over reacting like that.
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