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Khalistani protagonists converge at Golden Temple

One man's terrorist is another's freedom fighter. From what I know TTP is an arm of the Afghanistan warlords to secure NWFP and FATA areas. Khalistan groups had support in later phases from jat clans ,not the mazhabi or ravidassia or nihang. The lack of unity was the biggest failure of khalistan movement.

TTP is not a separatist group, and that tell me that you know jack **** about anything. Especially sikhs & hindus being same and one lol

You won't understand. Now please try differentiating between Shia and Sunni.
Why can't you focus on similarities?

Sunni & Shia, same religion different sect. Like there are chamar gurdawaras and jatt gurdawaras despite being same religion. Dont combine everything in to Hinduism.
TTP is not a separatist group, and that tell me that you know jack **** about anything. Especially sikhs & hindus being same and one lol

Sunni & Shia, same religion different sect. Like there are chamar gurdawaras and jatt gurdawaras despite being same religion. Dont combine everything in to Hinduism.

What is Hinduism? :azn:
TTP is not a separatist group, and that tell me that you know jack **** about anything. Especially sikhs & hindus being same and one lol

Sunni & Shia, same religion different sect. Like there are chamar gurdawaras and jatt gurdawaras despite being same religion. Dont combine everything in to Hinduism.

A lot of arms that are coming in the hands of TTP are being provided by afghan warlords.The goal of TTP is securing FATA and NWFP and if possible whole pakistan(which is not possible due to different beliefs in Sindh and Punjab ). That is clear if you were to know how their weapons are coming and who are the Real masters of TTP . The strategies TTP is following is comparable very well to the strategies detailed by Viktor Suvorov 's Spetsnaz book.Mighty effective also. TTP is definitely not some ragtag force.Likely a western sponsored/afghan warlord sponsored faction.

You might think it is not a separtist group.But its behavior is another indicator.

I have stated who considers sikh sects as independent and who considers sikhs as sect of hinduism. Read it up yourself.
By 2020's you will see a redrawing of the maps of India and pakistan. New nations will emerge out of both.

the prediction is in year 2040 , got to wait another 30 yrs

Indian civil war (2043-48) and balkanization; Over 1.7 million people are killed in the fighting; Nine states result: Kashmir, Pradesh, Bengal, Assam, Kalinga, Dravidia, Goa, Maharashtra and Gujarat (for map, click here); Myanmar takes the Andaman islands (2047)

The Indian states plunge back into war (2064-68), with little land changing hands; The main change is that Sri Lanka forms a union with Dravidia, and does so peacefully save for a separatist terrorist campaign; A two-year Indian truce is signed in Johannesburg; The truce lasts, largely due to exhaustion on all sides

source : Rachel's Pages - History of Known Space
Sikhs had been asked to be armed at all times by Guru Arjan Dev.

well brother he asked in an different era and we live in different one. And those were not general sword or knife.
Dal Khalsa... Zindabad
Babbar Khalsa... Zindabad

Pakistani people fully support their just struggle for freedom from indian oppression. Go for it guys.

Azad Balochistan Zindabad

Azad Sindh Desh Zindabad

Azad Pakhtunistan Zindabad

So................. nothing happens with sick rants to see neighbor in uneasiness.

Grow up. :rolleyes:

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