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Khalistan, a Sikh homeland. A myth or reality?

That's true. Every Sikh that goes to Pakistan has experienced warmth and respect from Pakistanis. I've heard this from many Yatris myself.

My comment was not towards you, it was directed towards the member PAKISTANFOREVER who I feel has a wrong understanding of the Sikhs community. No Sikh I have ever talked to feels happy or proud at the deaths of 1947. Everyone remembers that year with sadness and wishes it(the violence) had never happened. And I'm sure that's how the elders in Pakistan also feel towards the people who died in W Punjab.

Whatever happened is now behind us. If we keep opening old wounds, it will never heal
I'm very happy to see Sikhs from across the world visit Pakistan to perform their religious duty. This past decade the small Sikh community in Pakistan have risen into high ranking positions in politics, medical professions, police, education, army, media and sports. It's a clear message that Pakistan appreciates the contributions of its Sikh community. Infact Pakistani Muslims along with Pak Sikhs are building a grand international university to teach and study the life of Baba Nanak and the Sikh faith, plan is still in the pipeline. The member Pakistan forever has his own opinions and clearly many do not agree with them otherwise Sikhs would be banned entry into Pakistan which has never been the case and never will be.

The sikhs committed an atrocity against us far worst than what the Nazis did to the jews. A million innocent Pakistanis massacred in less than a month by these savages. They will NEVER get their own nation as the indian army will eradicate them like they did in 1984. Also because sikhism and sikhs are now a dying, irrelevant, worthless and meaningless community on the world stage. Quite rightly so aswell.
Brother would you like to respond to some of the messages on this section aimed towards your thoughts and opinions?
Trust me, Indian Sikhs are even more nationalistic and patriotic than our Hindus too...Never question the integrity and loyality of Sikhs for India..
Trust me, Indian Sikhs are even more nationalistic and patriotic than our Hindus too...Never question the integrity and loyality of Sikhs for India..
Pakistanis are not questioning it some Sikhs themselves are pushing for a seperate state.
I'm very happy to see Sikhs from across the world visit Pakistan to perform their religious duty. This past decade the small Sikh community in Pakistan have risen into high ranking positions in politics, medical professions, police, education, army, media and sports. It's a clear message that Pakistan appreciates the contributions of its Sikh community. Infact Pakistani Muslims along with Pak Sikhs are building a grand international university to teach and study the life of Baba Nanak and the Sikh faith, plan is still in the pipeline. The member Pakistan forever has his own opinions and clearly many do not agree with them otherwise Sikhs would be banned entry into Pakistan which has never been the case and never will be.

Brother would you like to respond to some of the messages on this section aimed towards your thoughts and opinions?

What makes me laugh the most is that you will see SOME Pakistanis crying for the Palestinians, for the small transgressions the israelis commit against them, but could not give a damn about the 1 million innocent Pakistanis genocided by the sikhs in 1947. The funny thing is that the Palestinians could not care less about Pakistanis and our history yet our retarded people cry for them :lol:

I am very happy the sikhs got their payback by the glorious operation bluestar in 1984:azn: It was a divine retribution for sikh atrocities in 1947. Since that glorious event the sikhs have been dimimishing into an oblivion.

What makes me laugh the most is that you will see SOME Pakistanis crying for the Palestinians, for the small transgressions the israelis commit against them, but could not give a damn about the 1 million innocent Pakistanis genocided by the sikhs in 1947. The funny thing is that the Palestinians could not care less about Pakistanis and our history yet our retarded people cry for them :lol:

I am very happy the sikhs got their payback by the glorious operation bluestar in 1984:azn: It was a divine retribution for sikh atrocities in 1947. Since that glorious event the sikhs have been dimimishing into an oblivion.

Ive never openly supported the Palestinian cause but I have voiced my disgust at Israeli assault on innocent Palestinians. As Muslims we have an emotional attachment to the sacred Masjid Al Aqsa and Jerusalam. I'm fully aware the Arabs couldn't care less about Pakistan and Kashmir hence why I firmly believe the only true ally and brotherly nation in the region is Turkey. Pak needs to become a disciplined nation whereby every able citizen should be given some warefare experience as it is facing grave hostilities from India, Afghanistan and treachery from Iran. During the Libyan campaign to overthrow Gaddafi (which I completly disagreed with) the people were average citizens, mechanics, construction workers, teachers etc who had zero militery experience. Many had never fired a weapon. Later, after the fall and brutal murder of Gaddafi the groups of people became dysfunctional militias fighting for control and killing hundreds in the process which today has resulted in a civil war like situation in Libya. Pakistanis need to become a self reliant nation not a nation hired as a gun for the Arabs to fight for. Personally my view of former Gen Raheel Shareef joining a Saudi alliance to protect the spooky corrupt Saudi kingdom is a wasteful resource. The former Pak General should have been put in command of the recruitment & mandatory training for all abled Pak citizens.

The million people dying figure is for all the deaths of partition(Hindus, Muslims and Sikhs combined) not just Muslims alone. The amount of Muslims that were killed is about the same amount that Hindus and Sikhs were killed during this same time. Pretty much everyone is to be blamed for the partition violence. No one community can be held solely responsible for this tragedy.

You are living in the past and holding old grudges. It's been generations since 1947 you need to move on. The people who killed are either dead or dying due to old age. You can't hold a grudge against the new generations of Sikhs who had nothing to do with partition violence just as no Sikh should blame any Muslim for 1947 violence.

Why not live in the present and try to build a better future for all of us. That is what Sikhs are trying to do. That's why you see Sikhs helping Muslims in distress like the Rohingya Muslims.

Sikhs are also helping Muslim refugees in the middle east by feeding them in Syria/Iraq and in Europe:

Must have been a unique experience for Syrians to meet a community who they have never interacted with before.
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