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Kashmir’s future ‘safe with India’: Dr Shah Faesal


Sep 16, 2013
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Dr Faesal asked few questions which can not be answered by you and me but the Kashmiris themselves.
There are different perceptions of Kashmir that you get to read and see, this is one more. Neither is this in favour of India nor against Pakistan.
Hope to have a sane discussion on this.


Kashmir’s future ‘safe with India’: Dr Shah Faesal
By Nisar Dharma -

Published at: Dec 29, 2016


Srinagar, Dec 28: Strongly suggesting that Kashmir should ‘stay with India’, the 2009 IAS topper and now MD J&K Power Development Corporation (PDC), Dr Shah Faesal has said that it (India) is the “only country” in the world with which a culturally diverse and “politically disparate entity” like Jammu and Kashmir can find “anchor”.
In his article titled “Kashmiris trapped in deadly politics of grief, must abandon macabre heroism” published today on The Indian Express, Dr Faesal has built his argument around the post-1990s phase of of the Kashmir-conflict to censure the five-month-long unrest the valley witnessed this year.
“Every new agitation in Kashmir has had this familiar tetrad of eruption, hope, bereavement, despair. By the time the first stone was pelted in the July uprising of 2016, the outcome was already known to everyone. It is this predictability which has begun to worry Kashmiris now,” reads his article.
Referring to the recent unrest, Dr Faesal says that “revolution cannot be an annual summer carnival” while claiming that Kashmir was the “most unlikely new nation to enter the world map” due to the “flaw(ed) fundamental design” of the Kashmir project.
He goes on saying that the “indiscipline” valley witnessed during the recent unrest has the “potential to criminalise society forever”.
“It was not the state as much as people to people violence, the humiliation of bystanders, vandalism against schools, damage to public property by misguided teenagers that exhausted Kashmiris, reducing a mass movement to a movement of mass from one corner of the street to the other corner,” he says.
Dr Faesal also claims that it was “hard to frame the Kashmir question properly” and thus the region cannot be compared with Palestine, East Timor of Kosovo.
“Is it separation from India, annexation with Pakistan, the search for an Islamic caliphate or a secular democracy? Has it factored in sub-regional and diverse ethnic aspirations? If it is self-determination, then who are these people queued up outside polling stations? If the slogan is “azadi”, why is the Pakistani flag raised? Is it class-neutral or only a proletariat dream? Is it territory or ideology, economics or politics? Today, in Kashmir, it is hard to ask these questions because there are no answers. And because there are no answers, every such question is seen as a provocation or obfuscation of the truth about Kashmir,” the article reads.
The MD JKPDC, in the conclusion, suggests Kashmiris to ‘stay with India’ since the country is an “emerging superpower”.
“Looking at the crisis in the Muslim world, it will serve us well if we help ourselves out of the time warp we are stuck in, abandon false hope and macabre heroism and work towards a dignified exit from the conflict. One possibility is to accept that in spite of all its infirmities, India is the only country in the world with which a culturally diverse and politically disparate entity like Jammu and Kashmir can find anchor,” he concludes.
So this person was high, I believe.

Same India, don't mind killing them? Rape their women? Torture their kids?

(India) is the “only country” in the world with which a culturally diverse

Wowwwww so US is not culturally diverse? Canada is not?

And for a moment even if I buy it, India's culture diversity is not protecting Kashmiris lives'. So what exactly it has to do with "safe future of Kashmiris with India" ????
I am not sure what is the news here...?? isn't it a known fact that Kashmiri's are deeply divided on what is Azadi for them?? No matter how much propaganda is thrown however an independent Kashmir is not even an option ...it is either Pakistan or India...and with nukes on both sides there is nothing that can undo the status quo...

If human lives matter then we wouldn't see what we have seen in Syria...no?? The only issue is that no one wants to be real...fact remains a fact no matter how much it hurts...
The questions asked by the Doctor are valid for the arguments only but cannot decide the future of Kashmiris at all. How much resistant Doctor witnessed in Azad Kashmir contrary to the IoK.

People standing outside the booth for elections are not the voice of total populace or this question can be resolved very easily. Science has gained a lot and under the supervision of Neutral Body like UN (Well, in the recent past India has been rejecting the UN) arrange a bio-metric election that who People want to elect. Doctor Sahib referring to the puppet Government which is being injected against the wish & will of the people hence all those protests and resistance.

Pakistani Flags, well IoK is under control of India so Doctor can ask himself why these people are raising the flag so one can give his opinion that among them fighting for right of determination, wanted to join Pakistan but Doctor Sahib must be aware as being well educated that Pakistan never said to include Kashmir in Pakistan but Kashmiris themselves asking only.

Let the people decide whether they want to be independent, Caliph, PM etc or to be included in Pakistan but the first priority is, let the people decide. If this is the way to prove as emerging super power then I am sure, Doctor Sahib itself is contradicting his questions. Kashmiris never raised any Indian Flag. They never marched and protested in such huge numbers to be included with India nor demanded the same from Pakistan but all they are asking from India so how come Doctor Sahib can conclude that it would be better. Kashmiris are fighting for the right of determination so how come they be annexed with India. If it is about emerging super power so rather than a self claimed power why not to annexed Kashmir with China.

Doctor Sahib must think that after loosing generations of Kashmirs while fighting against occupation and oppression of IA, how come someone incline to India against the culture that they are fighting against. Kashmiris are well aware about Indian Caste system and the growing RSS/Hindutva monopoly and such intolerance. Let's give it a rest here, even IA atrocities in Kashmir cannot be forget for many years to come if brutality stops right now. the Doctor of Article must consult the doctors in IoK that have been removing pallets from the bodies of Kashmiris that most of them are being damaged to life time/permanent disability.

Let the question of annexation with Pakistan be removed for the time being and act as per Kashmiris wish & will then there will be an easy answer. Ask any of the neutral body to visit Azad Kashmir and then IoK so the truth can be told to the public. Let's give the access to the UN observers in IoK alongwith International Media, reporting bodies etc to bring out the real condition of IoK. But another fact is, GoI has terribly failed in IoK to tackle the matter politically at all which was a conflict of force from the day one so the political solution is close to impossible as well as none/zero for GoI in IoK and is aware hence all that force and atrocities.

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