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Kashmiris to Observe Indian ''Republic Day'' as Black Day

India's history and culture, from Asoka, its mythical emperor in the third century BC, to Gandhi, push it to emphasise ethics and to consider itself an "exceptional" nation in its relationship with the world. Contrary to China, India finds it difficult to adapt to its status as an emerging "Great Power". It would be a gross exaggeration, of course, to speak of an Indian "inferiority complex". And yet India constantly measures itself against China, remains obsessed with Pakistan, and has recently begun to look more critically at its relationship with the US.

India's international unease | Dominique Moisi | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk
Everything is fake about this artificial entity, Bharat considers itself as a successor state to Asoka empire who never even existed.

Asoka was created in 1830's to give hindus historical superiority and mytical entity called akhand bharat.

Asoka is simply a figment of the imagination of the Hinduvata who needed a figure to justify the myth that India belonged to the Hindus and on one else.

These Bhartis have gone into the psychic insight of a primitive man and fabricated history of their past. They named the areas of the sub-continent as their locations of a false past and conjured legends of gods and goddesses having fierce and terrible powers.

Everything about bharat is either fake or stolen from pakistan and i am here to reclaim it

get an ice bath.
If you were following his past posts he gave a lot of sources proving he is not real. No ancient text prior to 1830's has anything about asoka.

Show us any book priot to 1830's which says anything about asoka

made it easier for you. That link is connected to various books to shut your conspiracy theorists up.

A History of Ancient and Early ... - Google Books

Virtual Art Exhibit - The Mauryan Empire


Here's a pdf by The British Museum
Asoka was a buddist.... When will you guys come out of your slumber?
Asoka was a buddist.... When will you guys come out of your slumber?

Why would you wish them to come out of their slumber?

A deluded enemy is the best enemy. :)

Let them sleep while we silently move ahead.
If you were following his past posts he gave a lot of sources proving he is not real. No ancient text prior to 1830's has anything about asoka.

Show us any book priot to 1830's which says anything about asoka

Information about the life and reign of Ashoka primarily comes from a relatively small number of Buddhist sources. In particular, the Sanskrit Ashokavadana ('Story of Ashoka'), written in the 2nd century, and the two Pāli chronicles of Sri Lanka (the Dipavamsa and Mahavamsa) provide most of the currently known information about Ashoka. Additional information is contributed by the Edicts of Asoka, whose authorship was finally attributed to the Ashoka of Buddhist legend after the discovery of dynastic lists that gave the name used in the edicts (Priyadarsi – 'favored by the Gods') as a title or additional name of Ashoka Mauriya. Architectural remains of his period have been found at Kumhrar, Patna, which include an 80-pillar hypostyle hall.

Edicts of Ashoka -The Edicts of Ashoka are a collection of 33 inscriptions on the Pillars of Ashoka, as well as boulders and cave walls, made by the Emperor Ashoka of the Mauryan dynasty during his reign from 272 to 231 BC. These inscriptions are dispersed throughout the areas of modern-day Pakistan and India, and represent the first tangible evidence of Buddhism. The edicts describe in detail the first wide expansion of Buddhism through the sponsorship of one of the most powerful kings of Indian history.It give more information about Ashoka's proselytism, Moral precepts, Religious precepts, Social and animal welfare .

Pillar Edicts of Ashoka





Even one in Greek and Aramaic in Afghanistan talks about Ashoka and the laws of the land..




so many more.. These script and language doesnt exist in India in the 1830s..
Or rather, get a nice bath!:D

I love how Pakistanis love to spew out conspiracy theories about everything. They can prove that man came from pigs, and how onions came from mars, what not?

Let me just sit back and enjoy the fireworks :pop:
I love how Pakistanis love to spew out conspiracy theories about everything. They can prove that man came from pigs, and how onions came from mars, what not?

Let me just sit back and enjoy the fireworks :pop:

Din mein taare :P
India's history and culture, from Asoka, its mythical emperor in the third century BC, to Gandhi, push it to emphasise ethics and to consider itself an "exceptional" nation in its relationship with the world. Contrary to China, India finds it difficult to adapt to its status as an emerging "Great Power". It would be a gross exaggeration, of course, to speak of an Indian "inferiority complex". And yet India constantly measures itself against China, remains obsessed with Pakistan, and has recently begun to look more critically at its relationship with the US.

India's international unease | Dominique Moisi | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk

Brother Can you give me some VDO link on this fake state. Youtube link would save my time, reading about em ;)
Just sit back and relax dudes. These guys undoubtedly just got out of clown school. ;)
Pillar Edicts of Ashoka

This does not proves anything.

Show me any text prior to 1830's which mentions asoka

Why is it for hundreds of years no bharati had ever mentioned Ashoka, nor written about him and then british come and create Ashoka and he now is represented on the Bharati flag, currency notes and what not.
Happy Black day .... and republic day to all
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