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So, is new media only reinforcing old stereotypes?

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It is entirely possible that some Indian govt. or private group will carry out a false flag operation at the CWG and blame it on the Kashmiris to discredit their struggle and legitmize full scale military operations in Kashmir. They may even coax and facilitate some gullible Kashmiri group to do the legwork and think they are planning the whole thing.

Are we preparing grounds for defence in advance ?

The repercussions of a misadventure during CWG will be very severe.
Americans are extremely greedy for Indian money. They are ready to **** mother-democracy and grandma liberty for the money India throws at them.

The genocide of Kashmiris goes on while America keeps aligning India as its chief ally in the region.

America keeps falling in and out of favor with Pakistan. Millions of dollar aid for the floods and still Pakistanis see them as greedy.
Kashmir needs a political package
Happymon Jacob

Immediate measures

In the immediate term, the government should put together a panel of senior Kashmir interlocutors. They should be asked to talk to a cross-section of Kashmiris, most importantly leaders of all dissident groups, in a sustained manner. The government should immediately review the status and consider releasing all political prisoners arrested under the draconian Armed Forces (Special Powers) Act, or AFSPA, and such other laws. The AFSPA should then be suitably amended or withdrawn. There also has to be a rethinking on the Disturbed Areas Act and the Public Safety Act. Thereafter, an empowered judicial commission should be tasked to probe all fake encounters and civilian deaths in J&K at the hands of the security forces. The commission must have a legal mandate to prosecute erring officers, both civilian and military.

(Happymon Jacob teaches at the School of International Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi.)

Very important factor to subdue unrest. AFSPA is the only, repeat the ONLY instrument by which the Indian Army can be called to help local law enforcement authorities, that too under civilian control. IIRC, there is no other provision in the Indian Constitution which gives the army any kind of power/authority to walk into the civilian infrastructures. AFSPA can be invoked ONLY when Disturbed Areas Act has been invoked.

That being said, I for one would NOT like to see the Army doing Police duties in my neighborhood. They are there for a specific job, not policing. But considering the situation created in Kashmir by vested interests, it was justified to invoke Disturbed Areas Act and subsequently AFSPA to help combat sponsored terrorism.

However, if AFSPA can be amended or partially diluted, it can go a long way in changing perceptions of the common man in Kashmir. We did away with TADA & POTA so this should not be that hard.
Kashmir needs a political package

As of title i suggest that no special package should be given to them.. Instead people should be made to work hard and they should be made to struggle for there upliftment... Only if they work hard they will not have time for getting brain washed by external elements.. These kind of special packages will make them lazy and ultimately youth like me who are there are brain washed....

The only good package they are eligible for is education & water... Electricity, food and all other basic things should be procured by hardwork of kashmiris itself
I believe that the Americans are extremely busy with their military plans in Afghanistan and with their economy in trouble, it would be prudent that both of your countries solve this matter through the means you see fit.

Americans have intervened before but still the issue is in deadlock. So, there's no point of again calling them especially when they are not as firm as they were 3 decades ago.
and were is the US, it came to afghanistan to give freedom to afghans, it came to iraq, to provide freedom, ot came to indonesia to give freedom to east temorians, it gave freedom to kosovo, etc it came to veitnam to provide freedom, but no freedom for kashmiris??

only where they interests lye??

The freedom US gives will be full freedom for kashmir. That is good for pakistan will be cut smaller again..
Loosing an arm for the enemys one finger is not a great option
and were is the US, it came to afghanistan to give freedom to afghans, it came to iraq, to provide freedom, ot came to indonesia to give freedom to east temorians, it gave freedom to kosovo, etc it came to veitnam to provide freedom, but no freedom for kashmiris??

only where they interests lye??

They may make a stopover in Pakistan on their way to Kashmir. Eh??
I see Indian members refraining to reply on the topic itself. People are more interested to comment on other posters!

* Stresses need to enter into constructive, sustained dialogue with Pakistan to settle conflict once and for all

ISLAMABAD: Reacting to the ongoing violence against the people of Indian-held Kashmir (IHK), a panel of the Organisation of Islamic Countries foreign ministers asked India on Wednesday to stop human rights violations and take steps to resolve the lingering South Asian conflict peacefully.

The OIC Foreign Ministers Kashmir Contact Group stressed the need to resolve the Kashmir dispute, asking India to enter into a constructive, sustained and result-oriented dialogue with Pakistan to settle the conflict once and for all.

A 12-point declaration adopted by OIC during a meeting in New York, asked the international community to initiate urgent steps for safeguarding the human rights of Kashmiris including their right to self-determination. The Secretary General of the OIC, Dr Normal Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu, chaired the meeting.

Foreign ministers and representatives of Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Republic of Niger besides AJK Prime Minister Sardar Attique Ahmed Khan and Kashmir Centre Washington Executive Director Dr Ghulam Nabi Fai addressed the meeting. India denied travel documents to leaders of occupied Kashmir including APHC Chairman Mirwaiz Umar Farooq.

The declaration condemned Indian atrocities in the occupied territory by its troops including killings, violations of human rights and arrests of innocent people. It urged India to release all illegally detained Kashmiri Hurriyet leaders and activists.

Earlier, a memorandum was presented to the OIC secretary general by the representatives of Kashmir to highlight the urgency to resolve the lingering dispute. The memorandum asked the OIC to enter into dialogue with EU and other world forums over Kashmir besides emphasising to sending an OIC representative to the territory.

Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi renewed Islamabad’s support for the inalienable rights of the Kashmiri people, which have been denied by India. The US media, meanwhile, criticised New Delhi for being indifferent to aspirations of the Kashmiris.

Pakistan urged Islamic countries to throw their weight behind the Kashmiri people’s just demand for the right to self-determination, saying their indigenous struggle has gained a “new momentum and urgency”.

“It is our moral obligation and collective responsibility to support the Kashmiri people,” Qureshi said. app
Sir jee i can see you have very very true concern for our Kashmiri people.. why cant you suggest to GOP to do like this...

1) Ask the people in Kashmir region who is revolting for freedom to cancel Indian citizenship and get pakistan citizenship..
2) Ask them to leave the land.. you can argue that it is there place

This is a remarkable suggestion. But because they are Kashmiri and have an inalienable, God-given right to their own land, they will take a per-capita portion of the land with them too. Hold such a referendum and I think the GoP would be open to supporting it. If 50% of Kashmiris presently under Indian control want to join Pakistan, half of IoK comes with them. If all of them do, then...
Its not only J&K that is treated as a special state with article 370. There are other states too. A special status does not amount to a right for independence. Basic premise of democracy. A subset of population can not decide their alligeance among themselves. Any decision about Jammu & Kashmir needs to be taken by whole of India and not just Kashmiris. After all, J&K is not an exclusive property of people living in that state. Just like Delhi doesnt belong to just Delhiits or Lahore to Lahoris..

I know you are intelligent enough to see the broader point. Nationalistic urges aside, we have to accept - as Indians or Pakistanis - that the Kashmir issue has been a cause of dispute since day 1, and that it is an internationalized issue which has been the subject of several UN resolutions. You have to accept that any map which reflects the UN's officially sanctioned view, shows Kashmir as disputed territory. There are no LoCs and no marks of "disputed" viz any other state in India and Pakistan at least... I know there are issues with China, but let's leave that aside for now. Thus, in no way can Kashmir be equated to other "states" or other security issues within either India or Pakistan.
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