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So, is new media only reinforcing old stereotypes?

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suicide attacks can settle the Kashmir issue with in 4 to 5 years.because if America can not stop them i Iraq & Afghanistan than who India can stop them

Since how long have those attacks been happening in Israel??

Also they have been happening in Pakistan with a frightning frequency since last 2 years. What issue are those addressing?? I am asking because by your logic, that issue should get resolved in next 2-3 years.. Right?
In 1965 they are ones who played pivotal role, that two begging nations not fight with their aid money.


I have to completely disagree, even if Kashmir issue is magically resolved, I do not see Pakistan & India being friends.

You need treatment.

We are still Kaffirs, Cunning Brahmins, Opportunistic Banias, these stereotypes are institutionalized in Pakistan..

Your logic is laughable:lol:

there are similar caricatures of Pakistanis that are played out India (even though not as bigoted).

They can be dealt with-same is the case with india.

The best Indian and Pakistan can hope is to be peaceful neighbors.

That could be a good start.
Well krishna should 1st look @ the IOK current situation before accusing PAK of illegal occupation.................
Indo-Pakistani War of 1965 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You need treatment.

Your logic is laughable:lol:

It is not, every one from A.Q.Khan a guy who seems to marry a western woman, talks about "Hindu Mentality", it is out there.
The animosity was there even in 1930 before all the Kashmir issue, I do not expect a Monroe doctrine any more in South Asia.
The people in India and people in Pakistan are so divided at the best we can barely be nice to each other.. friends.. I do not see it.
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Kashmir needs a political package
Happymon Jacob

The most significant implication of this week's visit by an all-party delegation to Jammu and Kashmir is this: the Indian political class has collectively accepted the essentially political nature of the Kashmir problem. However, the benefits of the beginning of this much-awaited transformation of Kashmir from a ‘securitised' narrative to a ‘politicised' one will be short-lived if those reassuring words are not translated into actions. The Hindu's editorial (September 14, 2010) accurately summed up the United Progressive Alliance government's current approach to the Kashmir issue and the urgent need to move beyond mere words: “By talking big while having little to offer, New Delhi has unwittingly fanned the flames in J&K.” Hence, the need now is to announce a clearly defined ‘political package' for the agitating Kashmiris.

The all-party delegation cannot decide on such a political package; the Government of India can. But the more than hundred Kashmiris killed in recent months by the security forces have failed to prompt the Central government to think beyond its usual pious platitudes of dialogues, engagements and delegations. If New Delhi is determined to live forever in ignorance and denial, why should Kashmiris respond with anything other than cynicism to its out-dated and bumbling efforts towards what it likes to call ‘finding a solution'? New Delhi's complete lack of vision, seriousness and sincerity in previous dialogues with Kashmiris has understandably meant that the proposal is simply seen as a short-term tactic aimed to calm the situation. Once national and international attention wanes, and the Kashmiri protesters go about their normal lives, the government might go back, as it has done in the past, to the business of conveniently ignoring that thorny little issue in northwestern India.

Beyond platitudes

What, then, can be done to bring peace to the Valley? Can we, under the prevailing circumstances, lay out a clear roadmap for a political resolution of the Kashmir issue? The very fact that a political package is being contemplated as opposed to an improvised military strategy in order to address a political problem is itself encouraging. But there is a need to flesh out what it really entails. A long and drawn-out process of political dialogue without any time-bound commitments is unlikely to be accepted by Kashmiris; so the first step is to articulate a timeframe. A political solution to the Kashmir issue can be imagined as a multi-phased one, with measures relating to it being implemented in the immediate term, the intermediate term, and the long term.

Immediate measures

In the immediate term, the government should put together a panel of senior Kashmir interlocutors. They should be asked to talk to a cross-section of Kashmiris, most importantly leaders of all dissident groups, in a sustained manner. The government should immediately review the status and consider releasing all political prisoners arrested under the draconian Armed Forces (Special Powers) Act, or AFSPA, and such other laws. The AFSPA should then be suitably amended or withdrawn. There also has to be a rethinking on the Disturbed Areas Act and the Public Safety Act. Thereafter, an empowered judicial commission should be tasked to probe all fake encounters and civilian deaths in J&K at the hands of the security forces. The commission must have a legal mandate to prosecute erring officers, both civilian and military.

Intermediate term

In the intermediate term, a Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) should be set up in the State to help Kashmiris come to terms with their past and to advance the cause of justice and reconciliation. Both India and Kashmir need to make peace with each other and with their complicated past. The TRC can consider bringing out a white paper on the commission and prosecution of human rights violations in J&K over the years. However, the most important aspect of this political package should be the adherence to Article 370 of the Constitution in letter and spirit. Article 370 has been chipped away by a succession of State governments with the collusion and at the behest of New Delhi. Most of the key features of the Article have been distorted or removed to such an extent that it is no longer recognisable. This is severely resented by Kashmiris. Indeed, the National Conference-appointed State Autonomy Committee had, in 1999, recommended that the President of India should strike down all orders that infringe on the 1950 Constitution (Application to J-K) Order, and the Delhi Agreement of 1952. This recommendation was not heeded by the then Bharatiya Janata Party-led government. It should be revisited at the earliest in conjunction with other recommendations from political parties such as the People's Democratic Party.

The BJP and many other weak-hearted nationalists have argued that giving special treatment to Kashmir will loosen India's control there, creating a domino effect. They argue that such actions would contravene the spirit of national integration. Yet multiple Indian States enjoy special provisions in varying measure and are still as much a part of the nation as any other. Moreover, as the Supreme Court clearly observed in its judgment in Khazan Chand vs the State of Jammu and Kashmir (1984), J&K “holds a special position in the constitutional set-up of our country.” The Supreme Court further stated that Article 370 is the basis for a constitutional relationship between the Indian Union and J&K State.

For the long term

A permanent solution to the Kashmir issue is unlikely to emerge without the involvement of Pakistan. In the longer term, therefore, there is a need to revisit the back-channel decisions reached by the two countries on Jammu and Kashmir that can be implemented in the State in consultation with the people of the State. Now that Pakistan has, at least theoretically, given up many of its puritanical and irredentist positions on Kashmir, India should capitalise on the opportunity to seek mutually agreeable positions on the issue. India should also encourage the establishment of enduring linkages across the Line of Control, consultative mechanisms, trade, and public interaction between the two sides of J&K. Various non-governmental initiatives must be encouraged to bring people from the two sides of the erstwhile princely state. People-to-people contact such as this should not be underrated: it can contribute immeasurably to resolving long-standing conflicts such as that in J&K.

Any further delay in addressing the situation politically will lead to increasing schisms within the Kashmiri body politic. For instance, over the last few years we have seen an encouraging and creative political debate and ideological shifts between the mainstream and the dissidents in Kashmir. The ongoing agitation could undo that process of finding the middle ground. More significantly, one of the major casualties of this ongoing agitation would be the mainstream political ideas and processes in Kashmir. The mainstream Kashmiri politicians are not ready to go to the people today because they are scared and unsure what their response would be. The danger in Kashmir today is that the more mainstream your politics, the more likely it is that you would be termed a gaddar (traitor) by the agitating Kashmiris. So even the moderate dissidents are forced to take extreme positions.

Engaging Kashmiris in a result-oriented and goal-driven manner as laid out here is indeed taking the road less travelled, a road that is not easy to take. And so, before New Delhi decides to discard suggestions such as this, it needs to ask itself what serves India's long-term national interests better: maintaining the violent, chaotic, ungovernable status quo in Kashmir through brute force and military might, or meeting the legitimate political aspirations of the Kashmiris and convincing them that they have a place in the idea of India?

(Happymon Jacob teaches at the School of International Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi.)
Who says? Bharat? Not acceptable.

I think this is all BS. Until end the rant of integral part of India it doesn't matter whether Pakistan has control of AJK or not. Once you accept IOK as a a part of disputed territory you have the right to accuse us of "illegally" occupying AJK.


dont just think go and see for ur self the UN rules on kashmir which u ppl keep ranting about..There is nothing in the Un rules which is against india..

Wrong...illegal occupation comes when u occupy something which is not urs..hence as pakistan is in possesion of india teritory in the north so pakistan has illegally occupied parts of kashmir..
The day hindus in jammu and ladakh talk of freedom india should think about it else dismiss
suicide attacks can settle the Kashmir issue with in 4 to 5 years.because if America can not stop them i Iraq & Afghanistan than who India can stop them

:rofl::rofl::rofl: whom will u kill in suicide attacks??who will help conduct suicide attacks??ISI? and guess what will happen in pak??By the way did suicide attacks all over pak let TTP gain control of pak??
Any further delay in addressing the situation politically will lead to increasing schisms within the Kashmiri body politic. For instance, over the last few years we have seen an encouraging and creative political debate and ideological shifts between the mainstream and the dissidents in Kashmir. The ongoing agitation could undo that process of finding the middle ground. More significantly, one of the major casualties of this ongoing agitation would be the mainstream political ideas and processes in Kashmir. The mainstream Kashmiri politicians are not ready to go to the people today because they are scared and unsure what their response would be. The danger in Kashmir today is that the more mainstream your politics, the more likely it is that you would be termed a gaddar (traitor) by the agitating Kashmiris. So even the moderate dissidents are forced to take extreme positions.

Totally agree with the above. We have to acknowledge that Azadi is a demand however unfeasible it may be. GoI should be willing to discuss it at least if that soothes tempers and prepares the ground for engagement with Kashmiris.
Yet Indian officials concede that this latest unrest is different, a domestic Kashmiri revolt against Indian rule, unlike past insurgencies sponsored by Pakistan.

See, so long as the demand for Azadi in captive Kashmir could be conflated with radical Islamism emanating from Pakistan - much of the world, primarily the liberal democratic regimes could be counted on to sober or tamper their ideological and moral compulsion to support the captives - however, with Pakistan out of the picture, the Indian are in a pickle and therefore desperate to someone create an event that they could point to Pakistani complicity with events in captive Kashmir.

Now since Pakistan is an immediate non-issue, the Indian central governments response will be most interesting to observe, as will the reaction of Western powers, or at least reaction that is observed through media.

The Hindu paper has thought provoking piece by Mr. Happymon, I recommend it to our forum members.
Kashmir is not like "any Indian state". Not even in your own constitution. It is also an internationally recognized disputed territory. Are you suggesting that every state in India meets this definition?

I understand you were just spewing rhetoric in your post, but keep that to yourself. It doesn't add any value in the discussion.

Its not only J&K that is treated as a special state with article 370. There are other states too. A special status does not amount to a right for independence. Basic premise of democracy. A subset of population can not decide their alligeance among themselves. Any decision about Jammu & Kashmir needs to be taken by whole of India and not just Kashmiris. After all, J&K is not an exclusive property of people living in that state. Just like Delhi doesnt belong to just Delhiits or Lahore to Lahoris..
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