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Karzai calls India an 'all-weather friend' as he argues for closer cooperation in confronting terror

Afghanistan and whole Afghan people are our friend and we are helping our friend whatever we can and we will help them forever. Why you ash is burning here. Oil your own machine please.

Yarana pakka lagta hay! So when are you going to open borders for more than 3 million Afghan refugees?

I don't know but from his body language it seems his excellency Mukherjee is thinking something along the lines: "OMG what is he selling me now ..."
By orders issued by the President, the Colonial epithets like 'excellency' are no longer to be used for the President of India.

They were meant for colonial times when the President and Governors were considered superior to the local people. This is a Republic now and old words that created psychological distances are to be removed.

Its simply President Mukherjee now.
Oh....an ALL WEATHER FRIEND........??

ah...where have i heard these 3 keywords in the same sentence before???
As i said before, India is welcome to have Afghan friendship... I will drink to that :cheers:... Another Faqirabad in the making... Fun times.

Sure. Get your Afghani arses out of our country and you can deport all the Pakistanis in your country :cheers:

Oh Sir, Without the Pakistanis they would have no skilled Labor... Afghan-Indian didn't answer my previous post. But most of those "Pakistanis" which number in the hundreds have been hired by USAID and Move One because their is no local "talent"....

Here is what I mean...:
And then, in that same report, the GAO cited several embarrassing miscarriages:

  • For $130,000, Afghan contractors built a large shower/bathroom facility “without holes in the walls or floors for plumbing and drains.” What’s more, the walls were constructed of “crumbling cinder blocks.” The report blamed insufficient oversight. That was most certainly true. But in addition, UNICEF statistics show that seventy percent of Afghans have no access to a toilet and may in fact never have seen one. How could they know what’s involved in installing them?
  • Defense Department personnel told the GAO about “a dining facility in Afghanistan that was built without a kitchen,” once again because of absent oversight.
  • A guard tower “at a forward operating base was poorly constructed and unsafe to occupy. The staircase was unstable and not strong enough” to climb. As usual, the problem wasn’t discovered until the tower was finished. “It had to be torn down.”
  • “In another instance, an entire compound of five buildings was built in the wrong location.” It was supposed to be located within the military base’s security walls, but the contractors inexplicably built the compound just outside—for $2.4 million. No one noticed until the project was completed. “The buildings could not be used.”
Those Pakistanis have been invited to Afghanistan by USAID and Move One... If the Afghan's have a problem with it, take it up with USAID and develop their own human capital so out guys don't need to go and work there...
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Well....Afghand the fact still remains......You Are A Baigret Quam!
And no arguments were given by the **** team that day...

Those Pakistanis have been invited to Afghanistan by USAID and Move One... If the Afghan's have a problem with it, take it up with USAID and develop their own human capital so out guys don't need to go and work there...
Indians have actually gained more and more contracts in Afghanistan, which has meant that some Pakistani workers, returned to Pakistan and are now unemployed.

Pakistan is not capable of employing its labour force, and you haven't been able tackle this problem throughout your history.
And as for now, it seems that the Indians are doing a better Job.

Hundreds? it's thousands
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India-Afghan relations will develop manifold within next 5 years.

India can build a great deal of infrastructure in Afghanistan which could be dual-purpose,
such as in humanitarian + military. Only the civilian/humanitarian part of India's assistance
will be declared or discussed openly, the military part is always behind curtains.
And no arguments were given by the **** team that day...

Indians have actually gained more and more contracts in Afghanistan, which has meant that some Pakistani workers, returned to Pakistan and are now unemployed.

Pakistan is not capable of employing its labour force, and you haven't been able tackle this problem throughout your history.
And as for now, it seems that the Indians are doing a better Job.

Hundreds? it's thousands

Still DUMB ***, You ARE A BAIGARET QUAM! I know your kind Well!
I don't see why many Pakistanis would be bothered by all of this. Afghans can have relations with whoever they want, be it Iran, Pakistan, China, India, etc.

@TruthSeeker, there is no such thing as friendship, but rather mutual interests.. in politics.. Karzai is fully taking advantage of it, there is nothing wrong with that. stop crying..

And no arguments were given by the **** team that day...

Indians have actually gained more and more contracts in Afghanistan, which has meant that some Pakistani workers, returned to Pakistan and are now unemployed.

Pakistan is not capable of employing its labour force, and you haven't been able tackle this problem throughout your history.
And as for now, it seems that the Indians are doing a better Job.

Hundreds? it's thousands

Perhaps, Afghanistan should start kicking out all of Pakistanis, since they don't value and appreciate our generosity towards them.
I was really waiting to exit this debate but alas if wishes were dollars!

I don't see why many Pakistanis would be bothered by all of this. Afghans can have relations with whoever they want, be it Iran, Pakistan, China, India, etc.

Hmmm let me see, it seems that Pakistanis think that they have rendered a lot of sacrifices vis-a-vis the Afghan people (even if brotherhood be damned) and would therefore logically expect to get some preferential treatment or return for their investment ... no?

1. Perhaps preferential visas? (hell 50,000 Afghans plain walk into Pakistan everyday).
2. Maybe a Holiday to commemorate the hosting of generation of Afghans by the Pakistani people
3. Who knows maybe even an avenue or two in Kabul?
4. Perhaps some treaties to make trade, communication easier?

Instead what we get is racist hatred by the common Afghans ... I think Pakistanis wish to be treated using a basic human measure ... nothing really special.

For example you send your officers to be trained by not Turkey, Malaysia, Indonesia, but India (huh)? -- really? Let me translate this: thank you for hosting millions of us during our darkest hour (Soviet Invasion), and now we're going to team up with your arch rival -- seriously is it really that hard to see something awry with this picture (?).

@TruthSeeker, there is no such thing as friendship, but rather mutual interests.. in politics.. Karzai is fully taking advantage of it, there is nothing wrong with that. stop crying..

See this is what Afghans are deeply mistaken; Yes, Henry Kissinger may have made this maxim of foreign policy famous but if you think people to people affinity does not figure deeply in the equation, you must be naive: take the US/UK relationship; the Intra-West relationships; the Intra-Muslim world affinity; the West/Israel relationship -- self interest cannot solely explain the depth of these relationships.

The Afghans are, slowly but surely alienating the people who matter the most to them -- the Pakistanis. Other than the Afghans themselves, the people who will probably determine how the Afghans fare is the Pakistanis and then the Iranians.

Perhaps, Afghanistan should start kicking out all of Pakistanis, since they don't value and appreciate our generosity towards them.

Yes, thank you for spitting in our face face -- you are threatening to kick out 50,000 Pakistanis in Afghanistan when we have hosted at one point 1 in 3 Afghans. Amazing, Amazing!!!

Might I propose that in addition to burning the Pakistani flag, shouting marg-bar Pakistan, you should also add the threat of kicking out Pakistanis from Afghanistan to your repertoire. It would be nice cap stone to our tormented relationship.

The irony of your statement (in the remote case that it is lost on you) -- you are threatening to kick out 50,000 Pakistanis, from Afghanistan -- which is equal the number of Afghans who cross into Pakistan without visas in a single day.
As i said before, India is welcome to have Afghan friendship... I will drink to that :cheers:... Another Faqirabad in the making... Fun times.

Oh Sir, Without the Pakistanis they would have no skilled Labor... Afghan-Indian didn't answer my previous post. But most of those "Pakistanis" which number in the hundreds have been hired by USAID and Move One because their is no local "talent"....

Here is what I mean...:
And then, in that same report, the GAO cited several embarrassing miscarriages:

  • For $130,000, Afghan contractors built a large shower/bathroom facility “without holes in the walls or floors for plumbing and drains.” What’s more, the walls were constructed of “crumbling cinder blocks.” The report blamed insufficient oversight. That was most certainly true. But in addition, UNICEF statistics show that seventy percent of Afghans have no access to a toilet and may in fact never have seen one. How could they know what’s involved in installing them?
  • Defense Department personnel told the GAO about “a dining facility in Afghanistan that was built without a kitchen,” once again because of absent oversight.
  • A guard tower “at a forward operating base was poorly constructed and unsafe to occupy. The staircase was unstable and not strong enough” to climb. As usual, the problem wasn’t discovered until the tower was finished. “It had to be torn down.”
  • “In another instance, an entire compound of five buildings was built in the wrong location.” It was supposed to be located within the military base’s security walls, but the contractors inexplicably built the compound just outside—for $2.4 million. No one noticed until the project was completed. “The buildings could not be used.”
Those Pakistanis have been invited to Afghanistan by USAID and Move One... If the Afghan's have a problem with it, take it up with USAID and develop their own human capital so out guys don't need to go and work there...

To add this, in a lecture by Dr. Davood Moradian (posted here), he pointed out that there is not a single dedicated Indian correspondent posted in Afghanistan.

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