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Karzai calls India an 'all-weather friend' as he argues for closer cooperation in confronting terror

Do I have to explain..!!!
since 1978, Afghanistan has ceased to exit as a country...
Its a piece of land, occupied by various countries/groups/warlords since then....
You have millions of "refugees" in other countries, who don't want to go back....

ever wondered why......do that and maybe you figure out why is it so....
and now your making friends with a country, which hates Islam.

Wish you good luck in your new found friendship.

Don't play the islam card again... not going to work.
I don't see why many Pakistanis would be bothered by all of this. Afghans can have relations with whoever they want, be it Iran, Pakistan, China, India, etc.

@TruthSeeker, there is no such thing as friendship, but rather mutual interests.. in politics.. Karzai is fully taking advantage of it, there is nothing wrong with that. stop crying..

Perhaps, Afghanistan should start kicking out all of Pakistanis, since they don't value and appreciate our generosity towards them.
Really ? very nice try:rofl::rofl::yahoo: .What you meant by 'We'?There is no 'we' at that time .Do you know why pakistanis in US and other west countries disguise themselves as Indians.?India is invaded by mughal kings and that Mughals are central asian or persians.There is no Pakistan at that time .Now you may
doubt that is not right .But it is right.In simple words Pakistan is a real manifestation of Muslim Rule on India,that coming from central asia or persia.I can show you what is your problem .Hope you can understand

and this pathetic hindu baboon posts a western video...........http://eprints.hec.gov.pk/2110/1/2028.htm here educate yrself then come back now get lost
:rofl::rofl::rofl: Ever heard of yr Abba G called ISI??

Who trained 180,000 our pet Dogs to defeat Russia!!!! Even ask yr we Papas the indians they also will tell u this LOL

U low Quality low life Kablis who r always high on Naswaar or oh u havnt it seems taken yr doze as yr thick mind isnt working properly..............

We r ruling yr country since 70s and will continue to do so Allah as destined u to be like that.....Yr kind is no more then our Pathetic slave.

I can tell, you are an illiterate.
I don't see why many Pakistanis would be bothered by all of this. Afghans can have relations with whoever they want, be it Iran, Pakistan, China, India, etc.

@TruthSeeker, there is no such thing as friendship, but rather mutual interests.. in politics.. Karzai is fully taking advantage of it, there is nothing wrong with that. stop crying..

Perhaps, Afghanistan should start kicking out all of Pakistanis, since they don't value and appreciate our generosity towards them.
The kind of governance Pakistan has had since independence negates the pedigree that you claims.

I can tell, you are an illiterate.
So now Afghan ''Educated'' would tell me about education!!!:rofl::rofl::rofl:

Do even know what is education?
u even dont know how make a Bathroom and telling me im uneducated!!!! 80% of u do a dump on open and have even never saw how a bathroom looks like:lol: @RescueRanger

Im just in love with yr standards of judgment.
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Damn you are a retard, so because of some conflict, a country stop with existing?

1. Our friendship with India dates way before Islam.

2. Our country is a free country, you are a citizen if you are a Hindu, Muslim or atheist.

3. We do not care of our friends religion, and national interest and justice comes before religion.

4. India hates you just like the rest of the world, they don't hate Islam.

No signs of he has finished elementary school yet. He is lost.

those who hate us , its because we have not relented in face of their attack on our country and in response we have given them a bloddy nose time and again so I dont mind being hated
By loosing, or what?

no by making them cry tears of blood

you are the weaker party , if you dont want to accept it and still go on the offensive against Pakistan then you are only living up to your reputition of being mules
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I don't see why many Pakistanis would be bothered by all of this. Afghans can have relations with whoever they want, be it Iran, Pakistan, China, India, etc.

@TruthSeeker, there is no such thing as friendship, but rather mutual interests.. in politics.. Karzai is fully taking advantage of it, there is nothing wrong with that. stop crying..

Perhaps, Afghanistan should start kicking out all of Pakistanis, since they don't value and appreciate our generosity towards them.

Arre, We have Pakistani Analysts who after kicking out of Dictatorship have finally without any fear of the army rejected History of Dictators.

If in your great country Youtube is active, I mite show you the mirror. :)
go ahead

So now Afghan ''Educated'' would tell me about education!!!:rofl::rofl::rofl:

Do even know what is education?
u even dont know how make a Bathroom and telling me im uneducated!!!! 80% of u do a dump on open and have even never saw how a bathroom looks like:lol: @RescueRanger

Im just in love with yr standards of judgment.

spoken like a true illiterate fool!! bahahaha
Please write in common English, so i don't have to analyze your comment for an hour, before making a conclusion for what you meant.

And yet again, your country and people can't handle a nuclear arsenal, God knows what going on with your nukes.
And i'm very comfortable that if you fire a nuclear missile towards Kabul it will hit Karachi.
LOL i can understand that when its written by an Afghan:rofl:

Abt rest of yr post.....Well why not then test them on live humans after that if u survived u know what they r and what is going on with them!!!!!:lol:

Stupid Kablis

and this pathetic hindu baboon posts a western video...........http://eprints.hec.gov.pk/2110/1/2028.htm here educate yrself then come back now get lost

You must read the post I write also.You know ,We know the whole world know true what is true history of pakistan.Ostrich mentality will only effect you ,not us and the world.I want proof and facts that something that you cant show.
spoken like a true illiterate fool!! bahahaha
Sure a nice excuse when u ran out of ammo........Like i said yr no match for us.

You must read the post I write also.You know ,We know the whole world know true what is true history of pakistan.Ostrich mentality will only effect you ,not us and the world.I want proof and facts that something that you cant show.
Whole world??? u mean in a world where there r 200++ countries or yr RAW funded puny western unknown self created analysts who come in any tom dick and harry show and claim their one sided theories:rofl:

Oh yeah good we believe u.
Sure a nice excuse when u ran out of ammo........Like i said yr no match for us.

Whole world??? u mean in a world where there r 200++ countries or yr RAW funded puny western unknown self created analysts who come in any tom dick and harry show and claim their one sided theories:rofl:

Oh yeah good we believe u.

son, continue torturing your fingers.. doesn't bother me. :)
son, continue torturing your fingers.. doesn't bother me. :)
Really My 'great' abba g or should i say Plaar??:lol:

the reality im getting is different........Stay in yr delusions r own children will slap u on yr face in future for yr great deeds like in Arab world they r doing.......Allah does Justice.
Sure a nice excuse when u ran out of ammo........Like i said yr no match for us.

Whole world??? u mean in a world where there r 200++ countries or yr RAW funded puny western unknown self created analysts who come in any tom dick and harry show and claim their one sided theories:rofl:

Oh yeah good we believe u.

Usual claims by dragging RAW in to subject is not hide real truth.you are same guy that boast about the greatness of pakistan because of their possession of nuclear bomb.We are already invested and
won heart and minds of Afghanis.We will continue to do so.Your baseless rant against Indians and Afghanis will not change the ground reality of pakistan.Take it or leave it
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