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Karzai calls India an 'all-weather friend' as he argues for closer cooperation in confronting terror

haha:rofl::rofl:.Nuclear bomb is your greatness.When i read that post ,NK is greater than you at least they dont take aid from US and not allow US in their territory.It is this type of talking is reason afghans
hate you.For greatness there is something more than nuclear bomb ,you can atleast from your neighbour iran
Well atleast we have a proud history of a 1000 years old rule over u........Thats our real greatness that even remaining in minority we ruled!!!!!!! and made yr country a golden sparrow the best of the times yr country ever had!!!

We fought and killed USSR a super power to just Russia,,,and defeated an army twice who had overwhelming numerical superiority.

U way live in yr isolated wet Dreams.
Said in 2011. Not uttered the word "terror". When he came in Charge of US defense in 2013, US defense dept. rejected that unverified video. :lol:

that might all change now that indian diplomatic efforts in USA are getting undone by the US Marshal Service , they want to dig deeper it seems ;)
Pakistan is the only country ruled by everyone except Pakistanis till 1947 since time immemorial-Indians,Iranians, Afghans, Greeks, Sikhs etc.

Mughal, Afghan and Turk empires, mainly those North Indian empires, existed less than 500 years taken together. As I said before,Pakistan is the only country ruled by everyone except Pakistanis till 1947.
Stupid We As a whole ruled u for 1000 years these yr southern part was part of them empires on a defecto basis as most of them surrendered in early muslim times peacefully.......The later ones just didnt thought them worth enough for ruling as the place remained very isolated from rest of the world so there was no thread that anyother power can attack from this side...instead we focused on east wards more and in india itself and made it a golden sparrow.
But this time I beg to differ. :)
Beg to differ on why pakistanis are bitter for being trreated like Pariahs when we sheltered the Afghans... Did you grow up with Afghan refugee problem on your front door? I did, so did many other children growing up at that time..

Don't judge all Pakistan from the same prism. As i told our deluded Afghan friend who seems to think 100,000 Pakistanis are living and working in Af, that i have worked extensively with Afghans and in Afghanistan itself... The hatred exhibited here by a few keyboard crusaders is not the same i get when I am in Afghanistan or speaking to my Afghan friends (who choose to run businesses in Af, whilst living in Pak).

Oh we are so evil, us Pakistanis.
we won against them in 48 and 65......and have even won against Russia by using u as our pets...Since the 70s we have been ruling yr country even today r country is largely under our control.....

BTW u have ruled India not pakistan and even yr leaders who ruled india has made their capital Dehli then Kabul showing the world that being indian was more important for them then remaining Afghan and practicing Afghan lifestyle. Remember yr place!!! yr no match for our Greatness and high standards....Even today with just a push to button we can eradicate yr entire kind from the face of the world with out even firing a single bullet at u.
PROVE IT like you guyz can never...................
We fought and killed USSR a super power to just Russia
Ohh the Pakistanis fought and defeated the USSR... :rofl:

Taking others achievements is your peoples special capabilities.

The only thing you did was taking US aid for the Afghan fighters, and used it to build your own country. (Didn't went well)
Pakistanis showing their small muscles.

You know, i have great concerns for your nuclear capabilities, a country like yours is not supposed to have nukes.
yr and ur concerns r not worth a Shit to us as we can anytime eradicate u at our will...............U r u were and u will remain our pet. Their is no match b/w a Master and a Slave.
I think it is fair to say that when it comes to Karazi, both of our countries are on the same page.

Karazi is an ungrateful SOB, so is his head of intelligence agency - the douche Amrullah Saleh -
what we can say dear you know why so much india love now ? because he need shelter very soon and his old home in pakistan he can't stay as before so he can go down . just give you simple example ? how much trade relation and labor of india is in KSA ? its multi billion $ ok . and how many indian consulates in KSA ? answer is 3 riyadh dammam jeddah . now tell me how much indian labor trade and relations with afghanistan ? lolz and india has 5 consulates most of them in cities near pakistan border . now can i ask why ? we don't want any damn favor from karzai but atleast he not take side of hostiles damn . these consulates destabilizing pakistan from west .
Well atleast we have a proud history of a 1000 years old rule over u........Thats our real greatness that even remaining in minority we ruled!!!!!!! and made yr country a golden sparrow the best of the times yr country ever had!!!
We fought and killed USSR a super power to just Russia,,,and defeated an army twice who had overwhelming numerical superiority.
U way live in yr isolated wet Dreams.
1) Who are "we".?Turks, Afghan or Mughal or "the lower class Hindus converted to Islam, now called Pakistanis"?:rofl:

2) Why not 5000 years out of 5000 years. Very good at fantasy. You are free to expand Turks, Afghan or Mughal rules in north India(1206 -1707) to 5000 years of Entire India. :lol:

3)Again garbage.:sarcastic:

4) Also why not 1971, 1984 & 1999.:haha:
Pak remained part of Indian Muslim empire for thousand years.

I was referring to Mughals the first armies to come here through Afg. They preferred Dehli over kabul made this country the golden sparrow and merged with indian lifestyle by ditching their jungly afghan way of spending life.
You mean the region where Pak is today?

Also if we Talk bout same region, It has been under Hindu Rulers for more than 1000 years, Under Buddhist Rulers for more than 1000 years.

What senseless Argument u wanna put forward? :D

And by the way, to break your bubble, Muslims never ruled WHOLE INDIA for 1000 and all that figure.

It started with Muhammed Ghori, and Ended with Bahadurshah Jaffar which only ruled PARTS OF NORTH INDIA from 1100 AD to 1700 AD. Hardly 600 years. Plz dont double the figures just coz some red hat wearing mentally disturbed loser barks so in ur country.
yr and ur concerns r not worth a Shit to us as we can anytime eradicate u at our will...............U r u were and u will remain our pet. Their is no match b/w a Master and a Slave.
Please write in common English, so i don't have to analyze your comment for an hour, before making a conclusion for what you meant.

And yet again, your country and people can't handle a nuclear arsenal, God knows what going on with your nukes.
And i'm very comfortable that if you fire a nuclear missile towards Kabul it will hit Karachi.
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