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Karzai calls India an 'all-weather friend' as he argues for closer cooperation in confronting terror

"Yes US ruined Afghan with an active help from pakistan for vested interest of duo". Happy?

It is historically accurate, the fact that you can't stomach it bothers me not in the slightest.

But I wont even term it "an AID" what US gives to Afghan after all what they did to their country.
Your opinion...
We have being hearing this since 1947...
Wow Fenomenal achievement brothers! you managed to hold your country almost together for 66 years! (Except for East Pakistan, troubles in NWPF and Baluchistan..)

As you see, you don't have to wait for long, before you can call yourself an Indian or Afghan.
Wow Fenomenal achievement brothers! you managed to hold your country almost together for 66 years! (Except for East Pakistan, troubles in NWPF and Baluchistan..)As you see, you don't have to wait for long, before you can call yourself an Indian or Afghan.
Well no one can stop you from day/wet dreams... enjoy till it lasts
Wow Fenomenal achievement brothers! you managed to hold your country almost together for 66 years! (Except for East Pakistan, troubles in NWPF and Baluchistan..)

And yet here we are 66 years later... And where is Afghanistan... Oh yes, still trying to claw its way back on the global map. Nice try.
By orders issued by the President, the Colonial epithets like 'excellency' are no longer to be used for the President of India.

They were meant for colonial times when the President and Governors were considered superior to the local people. This is a Republic now and old words that created psychological distances are to be removed.

Its simply President Mukherjee now.
and thats a good thing isnt it?
100,000 Pakistanis do not work in Afghanistan, that number is an exaggeration if i ever saw one..That statistic is pulled out of thing air. Only 3 CONTRACTOR companies hire Pakistanis, they do not generate 100,000 jobs... Also If you dislike Pakistanis, build your own HR and replace them, or ask USAID and contractors not to hire Pakistanis... Simple!
And here we go the Pakistan way.

Facts & Evidence = No Value

The only right thing Pakistanis sees as right, is what their stomach feels.

And yet here we are 66 years later... And where is Afghanistan... Oh yes, still trying to claw its way back on the global map. Nice try.
Funny Afghanistan has been on the world map for thousands of years, but the only difference is that back then Afghanistan included Pakistan.
It is historically accurate, the fact that you can't stomach it bothers me not in the slightest.

Why should it bother you?

The fact that should bother you is your whole actions and allegiance with US has not earned you anything accept WOT (I call it own toilet clearance since its your own $hit) and after 6 decade you are in bad terms with US, economy shattered and more to it loss of invaluable lives of your citizen. Now looking at china to fill the void.

Your opinion...

Off-course we are here to share opinions only... your post count = your number of opinions.

I am all ears..... Go ahead, call it a US aid. First I will burn your house and then will give you "AID" to build half of it. :tsk:
And here we go the Pakistan way.

Facts & Evidence = No Value

The only right thing Pakistanis sees as right, is what their stomach feels.

Funny Afghanistan has been on the world map for thousands of years, but the only difference is that back then Afghanistan included Pakistan.

Sorry but i have provided you with facts you have just provided me with a WORD PRESS Blog... FYI, i can give you tel numbers to the USAID office in Kabul, you can ask them how many Pakistanis they have and why they do... But here is the CLUE:

and then, in that same report, the GAO cited several embarrassing miscarriages:

  • For $130,000, Afghan contractors built a large shower/bathroom facility “without holes in the walls or floors for plumbing and drains.” What’s more, the walls were constructed of “crumbling cinder blocks.” The report blamed insufficient oversight. That was most certainly true. But in addition, UNICEF statistics show that seventy percent of Afghans have no access to a toilet and may in fact never have seen one. How could they know what’s involved in installing them?
  • Defense Department personnel told the GAO about “a dining facility in Afghanistan that was built without a kitchen,” once again because of absent oversight.
  • A guard tower “at a forward operating base was poorly constructed and unsafe to occupy. The staircase was unstable and not strong enough” to climb. As usual, the problem wasn’t discovered until the tower was finished. “It had to be torn down.”
  • “In another instance, an entire compound of five buildings was built in the wrong location.” It was supposed to be located within the military base’s security walls, but the contractors inexplicably built the compound just outside—for $2.4 million. No one noticed until the project was completed. “The buildings could not be used.”
Funny Afghanistan has been on the world map for thousands of years, but the only difference is that back then Afghanistan included Pakistan.
There is a massive difference in Historical atlas and current political world map, boyo! Troy too once existed on the historical atlas... Where is she now?

I am all ears..... Go ahead, call it a US aid. First I will burn your house and then will give you "AID" to build half of it. :tsk:

It does bother me when you blame my country for everything wrong in Afghanistan, which is not the historically accurate assessment. So i am duty bound to correct you!

Oh please, don't play coy... India was asleep during the 80s, 90s? It has no interest in Afghanistan up until 2006... Why? Politics on both sides, believe what you want to believe, but don't try to play the innocent here.
And that my dear friends comes from a man, from a country which has lost all of it wars, and been occupied by Afghans for many hundreds if not thousands of years.
we won against them in 48 and 65......and have even won against Russia by using u as our pets...Since the 70s we have been ruling yr country even today r country is largely under our control.....

BTW u have ruled India not pakistan and even yr leaders who ruled india has made their capital Dehli then Kabul showing the world that being indian was more important for them then remaining Afghan and practicing Afghan lifestyle. Remember yr place!!! yr no match for our Greatness and high standards....Even today with just a push to button we can eradicate yr entire kind from the face of the world with out even firing a single bullet at u.
Wow Fenomenal achievement brothers! you managed to hold your country almost together for 66 years! (Except for East Pakistan, troubles in NWPF and Baluchistan..)

As you see, you don't have to wait for long, before you can call yourself an Indian or Afghan.

and you lot wont have to wait long to see then only ones calling themsleves afghan and indian will be cockroaches that will survive the strike of Shaheen-II
we won against them in 48 and 65......and have even won against Russia by using u as our pets...Since the 70s we have been ruling yr country even today r country is largely under our control.....

BTW u have ruled India not pakistan and even yr leaders who ruled india has made their capital Dehli then Kabul showing the world that being indian was more important for them then remaining Afghan and practicing Afghan lifestyle. Remember yr place!!! yr no match for our Greatness and high standards....Even today with just a push to button we can eradicate yr entire kind from the face of the world with out even firing a single bullet at u.

It's okay let him live his pipe dream... He is showing his age, which is about 9.
Oh please, don't play coy... India was asleep during the 80s, 90s? It has no interest in Afghanistan up until 2006... Why? Politics on both sides, believe what you want to believe, but don't try to play the innocent here.

Show me where do I play innocent. heck, how come India comes in argument, I haven't even tried to earn any brownie point.

I am talking in personal human capacity. India will do what is good for her health and at time which is best suitable. That doesn't negate the fact how US/pak duo played in Afghan.

Even if we take it as normal geo politics(sad though), one can argue that pak should not play as savior and well wisher of Afghanistan.
And here we go the Pakistan way.

Facts & Evidence = No Value

The only right thing Pakistanis sees as right, is what their stomach feels.

Funny Afghanistan has been on the world map for thousands of years, but the only difference is that back then Afghanistan included Pakistan.

The bold part is all that I agree with .. :D

or is it punny afghansitan ?
And i suppose the US, NATO, ISAF, the Saudis and CIA are innocent, or did you decide to omit that part of history?
Ofcourse , mate . You have to realize that most of these "Afghan affairs" self proclaimed experts are here to merely troll . They are neither aware of its history nor of the realities of ground . Such ignorance of history is laughable and pathetic .
current political world map
All eyes are on Afghanistan, over 50 countries have sacrificed it's soldiers for our country.And they have only sacrificed their drones for Pakistanis.

Sorry but i have provided you with facts you have just provided me with a WORD PRESS Blog
I don't deny that we don't need your workforce, but you deny the official number for Pakistanis working in Afghanistan.

It's like i say " I want evidence of he existence of water on the moon"
And you answer " The moon exists, look at this foto i took yesterday night"
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