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That is a very bad experiment...one should not jump to conclusions based on a set of mentality that this is the only route/ answer/ way...that shows limited / narrow minded mentality which I am sorry to say disgusts me about many desi men!

Do you really think that the Pakistani military will ever consider any other realistic options where Kashmir is concerned? That is a pretty good test of just how flexible it might be willing (or not) to accept the larger national interest over its own. Or are you saying that this single-track fauji thinking for Kashmir disgusts you?
Well economic ties with anyone is positive for the country if it is benefiting the country not the individual sealing the deals...

Military will not see it positive as India is an enemy which has literally cost us lives not just in 10s ..

For these there are various versions available online you can go swim in the pool of knowledge since I am not in military I cant point which is right and which is wrong...Media as we have seen cant differentiate cancer drugs from vaccine or factor 8 injections so there are not a very useful source...as for Indian media...well that hyped up and reported that Modi's name in sanskrit was found on the weapons found with the terrorist at Karachi airport speaks heaps about reliability and credibility of such media....so I wont say anything on a topic I cant get reliable or credible sources of! :enjoy: Nor will I hear people maligning my country or its institution based on these pathetic media reports!

Captain Karnal Sher Khan
Hawaldar Lalak Jan

I bet they did more than just providing moral support along with arms and ammunition during Kargil to deserve Nishan-i-Haider. And if you think it's just pathetic Indian Media reporting than please go through this link ... Pakistan Army Web Portal

Since it's clear from your post that you just want to run in circle regarding this topic, let's agree to disagree and drop the discourse.
Sir below are the some of the points, try to understand around 110-150K is deployed in KPK than you have around 200-250K forces deployed at eastern border and you are suggesting that Army should take over all Airports, Railway Stations, and other transportation means under its protection & should conduct door to door search operations, my dear its Army not a civil law enforcement agency.

Our arm forces are already stretched thin, don't you think by such move army will come under unnecessary under which Army as an institution may get collapse.

As you said Pakistan is in War (this may not be 'Hot war' but its warm so analogy of Cold war is wrong) but during the war you want army to get involve with other issues.

Its a historic fact that all the Military takeovers occurred when we had peaceful borders at both eastern and western flank of the country, but in current situation non of our border is peaceful be it Pak-Iran, Pak-Afghan or Indo- Pakistan border

Why do u want to punish Khaki junta for the failure of civilians .... ???

I don't know what should I say about this .....

BTW aap kahi Nizamm badalne wale Qafle ke saat tu nah aaarahhhh ..... '23 June ko' ...

Ok these are not contradictions but difference of opinion with me. Let's start with what u said:

1) What proof you have that we have 150 K soldiers in KPK and 200K on the Eastern border? If this statement is held to be true, again Pakistan army is 600,000 strong and ur numbers make it to 350k, we still have 200 to 250K( Quater of a million soldiers) so clean up can be easily done.

2) The cold war is not the war on terror fought by our brave soldiers but the inference was to India, Saudi and Afghansitan who are funding in the back ground fighting a cold war with Pakistan.

3) Correct, we are not in peace with our neighboring border but all those nation request us to take action and the action can only be taken by army to bring peace not YOU.

4) I don't not belong to any political party of Pakistan but love Pakistan and when i compare democracy installed in US and Canada with fake vote counting drill in Pakistan, I wish the system can change where even you have equal opportunity to become the PM like Borak Hussain Obama.

5) Every nation respects their forces and thank them for protecting their lives and freedom they enjoy. The remember those who laid their lives for the freedoms they enjoy, sadly not true in Pakistan.
Today once again there is no reason left for why Martial Law should not come. All the politicians (PML-N, PPP, ANP, JUI, JI & etc.) have completely failed. The only thing these bastard politicians have been doing is picking on each other & fighting each other like dogs. ALLAH give Gen. Raheel ability to think that nothing is left & there is no need to give these jabroni politicians any more chances as they have failed completely & will keep failing over & over again.

But with Martial Law should come punishment to these bastard politicians, they should not be allowed to escape Pakistan.
Here lies the problem.

Its quite an addict, after he leaves his addiction each time he is under pressure he wants to rush back to get his fix assuming that to be the answer to his ills.

How will martial law help & whats stopping the army now. It was a General who let the bad guys smell blood by handing over Swat and then rescinding the order.

How will the army help the nation when it cannot protect itself ? Officers are getting blown up / attacked at will even in Pindi.

The answer lies in firstly getting the nation on the same page and establishing a will to save the nation & what will it take to save it. As of now, there are numerous wheels within wheels - each with their own agenda. This includes the Army & ISI as well.

Notice , the academy attacked was a non military one , it should ring a bell. Who gets discredited ? The army or Local &national Govt ?

Pakistanis need to find an answer to how they want their nation to be run , everyone is running with hare & hunting with the hound. Every institution appears two faced.

No, martial law is not the answer.
Its funny when ever owning up for creation of Taliban ,Pakistanis say Americans created the mess. Well they did, but did they turn their citizens into terrorists?. No Pakistan made the blunder of creating terrorists out of their own citizens to serve American purposes. How dumb is that. No country makes terrorists out of its own citizens to use elsewhere.

You want to terrorize some country,you should have made terrorists out of the enemy country.
If you had only trained afgans and sent them to fight USSR would have been the ideal . but no you had to call for all muslims from everywhere to fight.....what did you think will happen after the fight - that every fighter will return home and do farming?.
Do you really think that the Pakistani military will ever consider any other realistic options where Kashmir is concerned? That is a pretty good test of just how flexible it might be willing (or not) to accept the larger national interest over its own. Or are you saying that this single-track fauji thinking for Kashmir disgusts you?
You have not proven anything to me just your thoughts and ideas...I am not going to start hating my own armed forces and govt or anything to do with Pakistan because a hate filled man said so!

It is astonishing how living in the West you have not heard the value of evidence to back up a story! Have you seen the CIA listen carefully then just say 1 line and walk away...usually even 1 word....evidence?
Ok these are not contradictions but difference of opinion with me. Let's start with what u said:

1) What proof you have that we have 150 K soldiers in KPK and 200K on the Eastern border? If this statement is held to be true, again Pakistan army is 600,000 strong and ur numbers make it to 350k, we still have 200 to 250K( Quater of a million soldiers) so clean up can be easily done.

2) The cold war is not the war on terror fought by our brave soldiers but the inference was to India, Saudi and Afghansitan who are funding in the back ground fighting a cold war with Pakistan.

3) Correct, we are not in peace with our neighboring border but all those nation request us to take action and the action can only be taken by army to bring peace not YOU.

4) I don't not belong to any political party of Pakistan but love Pakistan and when i compare democracy installed in US and Canada with fake vote counting drill in Pakistan, I wish the system can change where even you have equal opportunity to become the PM like Borak Hussain Obama.

5) Every nation respects their forces and thank them for protecting their lives and freedom they enjoy. The remember those who laid their lives for the freedoms they enjoy, sadly not true in Pakistan.

Sir jee just suppose your child is doing graduation but weak in some subjects, in other subjects his performance is excellent you fear because of those subject in which your child is not so good it will be difficult for him to complete his graduation, what will you do

1- Would you demand Uni to remove those subjects from the scheme of studies or
2- Would you ask you child to work hard on those subjects so that at least he can score passing marks....???

try to understand our civilian setup which fails again n again so let the civilians enhance their political and governance capabilities ..... and let the army protect the sate from 'intrnal & external dangers'

Please do not forget that it is precisely the Pakistani military that created and nurtured these Taliban, and even now is the patron-in-chief of portions of it for use as non-State actors in adjacent countries. Further, the military simply does not listen to anyone else.

Given that, the rest of the rant fails.

Corrupt Generals, for them even soldiers are worth nothing. See how many Pakistani soldiers have lost their lives but all they care is how they can blackmail the West for more foreign aid.
Even today, Pakistan is not 100% on board. There are potent elements within the establishment that nurture and sustain a portion of the splinter groups for later use in adjacent countries, without a doubt. They of course regard the mayhem caused within Pakistan as an acceptable price for their own goals that they see as being nobly loftier.
my dear, can we focus more on the topic at hand, as you can see our brother here is suggesting a martial law

The situation in Pakistan is frightful. The civilian government failed to provide protection to its citizens which was promised just a year ago during the election 2013. All of the infrastructure of the country is under serious threat from Threek-e- Taliban Pakistan while the interior minister failed the nation again by sealing his lips for 36 hours after one of the biggest attack on national assets in Pakistan's history and when the spoke, He said, government can't respond to every fire cracker in the country. In any democratic country, the media and people would have demanded his resignation like Eric Shinseki did as US Secretary Of Veterans Affairs.

Karachi, the economic hub of Pakistan with 20 million population, came under siege twice in the month of June. First, MQM mafia brought Karachi to stand still position when its terrorist leader Altaf Hussain was charged with money laundering in UK, during investigation of a murder in Britain by Scotland yard police. Then on June 8th, 2014, Ten TTP terrorist got into the Jinnah International Airport Karachi with an intent to destroy planes, highjack planes and destroy airport building. 28 people were dead and all terrorists were killed by the para military and military forces, taking brave and unprecedented action to protect national assets of the nation. Hats off to Pakistan Army, ASF and Pakistan Rangers.

Sadly its not the first time, the entire transit system of Pakistan is under siege. In recent month, Pakistan Railway was attacked, railway tracks were blasted with intent to derail, buses carrying shia pilgrims were attacked, Peshawar airport was attacked and now Karachi Airport came under siege. TTP has openly accepted the responsibility and promised more attacks on civilian infrastructure.

The entire nation is dreadful to travel and the newly elected government has failed in its responsibility in providing peace and security to its citizens as promised in th constitution of Pakistan. In the past PNC Naval base, ISI headquarters, Military headquarters. markets, schools, courts and even Sri Lankan cricket team was attacked but this new wave is frighting to say the least.

For years I have been blogging that Pakistan is infested with Taliban Cancer and requires a deep surgery by Pakistan Military while the democracy champions and political elite was of the opinion to negotiate peace through dialogue. Dialogue with animals, savages who pride killing innocent people in markets, buses and school. Idiots voting for idiots brought us to this place where the entire infrastructure is insecure.

When Pakistani military cornered Taliban with vigorous attacks on Taliban hideouts just in February 2014 with nowhere to run for TTP, The PM Nawaz Sherif offered them a peace accord and got all idiots brought to Islamabad for APC which unanimously agreed with their idiotic believes that negotiation is the only way out. .

Today shamelessly, MQM, PTI and now PPP are finally moving back from their stated positions and asking for a full military action against TTP. Will the government agree. No because they want to burn Aman ki Asha, doing Saudi Tamasha while Taliban use Indian gun to speak Bandook ki Baha, destabilizing entire Pakistan.

Democracy is a civilized system for civilized people providing civil service to it public. Pakistan has become a rouge state which is fully infested with terrorists. If democracy is counting fake votes, looting national treasury and leaving public on the mercy of the terrorist while stashing the loot in Swiss accounts, I don't believe in that democracy. Living 15 years in Canada and seeing the welfare of public by Canadian government made me believe that Pakistan doesn't qualify to be democratic but the country should be run by full Martial Law rule.

In the first phase, Army should take over all strategic assets of Pakistan including airports, railways, TV stations, federal building, court houses under its protection. In the second phase, cleaning up North and South Waziristan and clearing Pakistan and Afghanistan border. Phase 3 should be boots on the ground in key cities and door to door search operation for terrorist within the urban areas starting with Karachi. Phase 4 should be accountability of those responsible of raping national Treasury in the name of democracy and hanging their dead bodies on the intersection like Iran for people to see.

Pakistani is in serious crisis with cold war waged against by it enemies, namely India, Afghanistan and Saudi Arabia all of whom play a vital role in destabilization of nuclear armed Pakistan. Saudi provide the money, India give the weapons and Afghanistan trains the terrorist and provide hideouts.

Army should not do the mistake what General Musharraf did by proclaiming emergency but a full Martial Law is required during Pakistan's survival war. Its time to secure Pakistan, its assets and its people not a fake ballot box democracy.

Let's not worry about what US and UN will say about emergency issues of Pakistan if Martial law is imposed and Army should not worry about the constitution or judiciary as 180 million people are under extreme threat with dead bodies scattered from Peshawar to Karachi and count goes up everyday while the political elite enjoys parties, drinking and Mujara's in Islamabad.

appreciate your effort and for taking out the time and share this write up with us, but many simply would not agree with your pov, what you are suggesting is a problem in itself rather then a solution.
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my dear, can we focus more on the topic at hand, as you can see our brother here is suggesting a martial law

appreciate your effort and for taking out the time and share this write up with us, but many simply would not agree with your pov, what you are suggesting is a problem in itself rather then a solution.

"Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do."

A Martial Law at this stage, with the environment as it is now, would be an utter disaster for Pakistan.
You have not proven anything to me just your thoughts and ideas...I am not going to start hating my own armed forces and govt or anything to do with Pakistan because a hate filled man said so!

It is astonishing how living in the West you have not heard the value of evidence to back up a story! Have you seen the CIA listen carefully then just say 1 line and walk away...usually even 1 word....evidence?

Of course, your response merely proves my point once again.

There are no so blind as those who do not wish to see.
Of course, your response merely proves my point once again.

There are no so blind as those who do not wish to see.
How does asking for proof prove anything? Man you sure you into research? Do you troll your research too? :pop:
Well the solution is very simple

1.Take over Afghanistan province Permenently
2. Set up security parameters in that region
3. Clean up weapons stash - de arm the region
4. Do a flush of system from Afghansitan side to KPK region and seal the holes
5. Military Strike on terrorist bases , full force. Use F7 / Mirages or drones
6. Heavy operations internally in Pakistan and round up suspected trouble makers
7. Day and Night shifts for Police Force mandatory in cities with weaponry
8. Closure of streets leading to military bases 1-2km buffer zone
9. Checks points setup on inter provincial borders

>Military should focus on Afghanistan
>Police/Rangers + Special Military units for Cities cleanup
>Border force for checking border crossers
Well the solution is very simple

1.Take over Afghanistan province Permenently
2. Set up security parameters in that region
3. Clean up weapons stash - de arm the region
4. Do a flush of system from Afghansitan side to KPK region and seal the holes
5. Military Strike on terrorist bases , full force. Use F7 / Mirages or drones
6. Heavy operations internally in Pakistan and round up suspected trouble makers
7. Day and Night shifts for Police Force mandatory in cities with weaponry
8. Closure of streets leading to military bases 1-2km buffer zone
9. Checks points setup on inter provincial borders

>Military should focus on Afghanistan
>Police/Rangers + Special Military units for Cities cleanup
>Border force for checking border crossers

I just love the #1 suggestion. I am sure it will be a walk in the park to take over Afghanistan. :D
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