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Mar 9, 2014
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The situation in Pakistan is frightful. The civilian government failed to provide protection to its citizens which was promised just a year ago during the election 2013. All of the infrastructure of the country is under serious threat from Threek-e- Taliban Pakistan while the interior minister failed the nation again by sealing his lips for 36 hours after one of the biggest attack on national assets in Pakistan's history and when the spoke, He said, government can't respond to every fire cracker in the country. In any democratic country, the media and people would have demanded his resignation like Eric Shinseki did as US Secretary Of Veterans Affairs.

Karachi, the economic hub of Pakistan with 20 million population, came under siege twice in the month of June. First, MQM mafia brought Karachi to stand still position when its terrorist leader Altaf Hussain was charged with money laundering in UK, during investigation of a murder in Britain by Scotland yard police. Then on June 8th, 2014, Ten TTP terrorist got into the Jinnah International Airport Karachi with an intent to destroy planes, highjack planes and destroy airport building. 28 people were dead and all terrorists were killed by the para military and military forces, taking brave and unprecedented action to protect national assets of the nation. Hats off to Pakistan Army, ASF and Pakistan Rangers.

Sadly its not the first time, the entire transit system of Pakistan is under siege. In recent month, Pakistan Railway was attacked, railway tracks were blasted with intent to derail, buses carrying shia pilgrims were attacked, Peshawar airport was attacked and now Karachi Airport came under siege. TTP has openly accepted the responsibility and promised more attacks on civilian infrastructure.

The entire nation is dreadful to travel and the newly elected government has failed in its responsibility in providing peace and security to its citizens as promised in th constitution of Pakistan. In the past PNC Naval base, ISI headquarters, Military headquarters. markets, schools, courts and even Sri Lankan cricket team was attacked but this new wave is frighting to say the least.

For years I have been blogging that Pakistan is infested with Taliban Cancer and requires a deep surgery by Pakistan Military while the democracy champions and political elite was of the opinion to negotiate peace through dialogue. Dialogue with animals, savages who pride killing innocent people in markets, buses and school. Idiots voting for idiots brought us to this place where the entire infrastructure is insecure.

When Pakistani military cornered Taliban with vigorous attacks on Taliban hideouts just in February 2014 with nowhere to run for TTP, The PM Nawaz Sherif offered them a peace accord and got all idiots brought to Islamabad for APC which unanimously agreed with their idiotic believes that negotiation is the only way out. .

Today shamelessly, MQM, PTI and now PPP are finally moving back from their stated positions and asking for a full military action against TTP. Will the government agree. No because they want to burn Aman ki Asha, doing Saudi Tamasha while Taliban use Indian gun to speak Bandook ki Baha, destabilizing entire Pakistan.

Democracy is a civilized system for civilized people providing civil service to it public. Pakistan has become a rouge state which is fully infested with terrorists. If democracy is counting fake votes, looting national treasury and leaving public on the mercy of the terrorist while stashing the loot in Swiss accounts, I don't believe in that democracy. Living 15 years in Canada and seeing the welfare of public by Canadian government made me believe that Pakistan doesn't qualify to be democratic but the country should be run by full Martial Law rule.

In the first phase, Army should take over all strategic assets of Pakistan including airports, railways, TV stations, federal building, court houses under its protection. In the second phase, cleaning up North and South Waziristan and clearing Pakistan and Afghanistan border. Phase 3 should be boots on the ground in key cities and door to door search operation for terrorist within the urban areas starting with Karachi. Phase 4 should be accountability of those responsible of raping national Treasury in the name of democracy and hanging their dead bodies on the intersection like Iran for people to see.

Pakistani is in serious crisis with cold war waged against by it enemies, namely India, Afghanistan and Saudi Arabia all of whom play a vital role in destabilization of nuclear armed Pakistan. Saudi provide the money, India give the weapons and Afghanistan trains the terrorist and provide hideouts.

Army should not do the mistake what General Musharraf did by proclaiming emergency but a full Martial Law is required during Pakistan's survival war. Its time to secure Pakistan, its assets and its people not a fake ballot box democracy.

Let's not worry about what US and UN will say about emergency issues of Pakistan if Martial law is imposed and Army should not worry about the constitution or judiciary as 180 million people are under extreme threat with dead bodies scattered from Peshawar to Karachi and count goes up everyday while the political elite enjoys parties, drinking and Mujara's in Islamabad.

Mohsin R Naqvi is a Private Investment Banker and a free lance blogger located in Ontario Canada. As an Expat, Mr. Naqvi has been involved in US, Canadian and Pakistani politics since 1982 and writes extensively on national issues of Pakistan, closer to the heart of Pakistani. His in depth reporting and detailed analysis can be read by public at An Eye on Pakistan @ bloggers.

While the topic merits discussion, it should be noted that the author is not a professional analyst / journalist in the area.
While the topic merits discussion, it should be noted that the author is not a professional analyst / journalist in the area.

Let's discuss the issue and not me. My analysis have been accurate much more than your so called defense analysts. Read my blogs at aneyeonpakistan@blogspot for some knowledge. Anyway, thanks for your hours of research on me with no comments on the topic.
Let's discuss the issue and not me. My analysis have been accurate much more than your so called defense analysts. Read my blogs at aneyeonpakistan@blogspot for some knowledge. Anyway, thanks for your hours of research on me with no comments on the topic.

I bow to your knowledge, O wise one!
The situation in Pakistan is frightful. The civilian government failed to provide protection to its citizens which was promised just a year ago during the election 2013. All of the infrastructure of the country is under serious threat from Threek-e- Taliban Pakistan while the interior minister failed the nation again by sealing his lips for 36 hours after one of the biggest attack on national assets in Pakistan's history and when the spoke, He said, government can't respond to every fire cracker in the country. In any democratic country, the media and people would have demanded his resignation like Eric Shinseki did as US Secretary Of Veterans Affairs.

Karachi, the economic hub of Pakistan with 20 million population, came under siege twice in the month of June. First, MQM mafia brought Karachi to stand still position when its terrorist leader Altaf Hussain was charged with money laundering in UK, during investigation of a murder in Britain by Scotland yard police. Then on June 8th, 2014, Ten TTP terrorist got into the Jinnah International Airport Karachi with an intent to destroy planes, highjack planes and destroy airport building. 28 people were dead and all terrorists were killed by the para military and military forces, taking brave and unprecedented action to protect national assets of the nation. Hats off to Pakistan Army, ASF and Pakistan Rangers.

Sadly its not the first time, the entire transit system of Pakistan is under siege. In recent month, Pakistan Railway was attacked, railway tracks were blasted with intent to derail, buses carrying shia pilgrims were attacked, Peshawar airport was attacked and now Karachi Airport came under siege. TTP has openly accepted the responsibility and promised more attacks on civilian infrastructure.

The entire nation is dreadful to travel and the newly elected government has failed in its responsibility in providing peace and security to its citizens as promised in th constitution of Pakistan. In the past PNC Naval base, ISI headquarters, Military headquarters. markets, schools, courts and even Sri Lankan cricket team was attacked but this new wave is frighting to say the least.

For years I have been blogging that Pakistan is infested with Taliban Cancer and requires a deep surgery by Pakistan Military while the democracy champions and political elite was of the opinion to negotiate peace through dialogue. Dialogue with animals, savages who pride killing innocent people in markets, buses and school. Idiots voting for idiots brought us to this place where the entire infrastructure is insecure.

When Pakistani military cornered Taliban with vigorous attacks on Taliban hideouts just in February 2014 with nowhere to run for TTP, The PM Nawaz Sherif offered them a peace accord and got all idiots brought to Islamabad for APC which unanimously agreed with their idiotic believes that negotiation is the only way out. .

Today shamelessly, MQM, PTI and now PPP are finally moving back from their stated positions and asking for a full military action against TTP. Will the government agree. No because they want to burn Aman ki Asha, doing Saudi Tamasha while Taliban use Indian gun to speak Bandook ki Baha, destabilizing entire Pakistan.

Democracy is a civilized system for civilized people providing civil service to it public. Pakistan has become a rouge state which is fully infested with terrorists. If democracy is counting fake votes, looting national treasury and leaving public on the mercy of the terrorist while stashing the loot in Swiss accounts, I don't believe in that democracy. Living 15 years in Canada and seeing the welfare of public by Canadian government made me believe that Pakistan doesn't qualify to be democratic but the country should be run by full Martial Law rule.

In the first phase, Army should take over all strategic assets of Pakistan including airports, railways, TV stations, federal building, court houses under its protection. In the second phase, cleaning up North and South Waziristan and clearing Pakistan and Afghanistan border. Phase 3 should be boots on the ground in key cities and door to door search operation for terrorist within the urban areas starting with Karachi. Phase 4 should be accountability of those responsible of raping national Treasury in the name of democracy and hanging their dead bodies on the intersection like Iran for people to see.

Pakistani is in serious crisis with cold war waged against by it enemies, namely India, Afghanistan and Saudi Arabia all of whom play a vital role in destabilization of nuclear armed Pakistan. Saudi provide the money, India give the weapons and Afghanistan trains the terrorist and provide hideouts.

Army should not do the mistake what General Musharraf did by proclaiming emergency but a full Martial Law is required during Pakistan's survival war. Its time to secure Pakistan, its assets and its people not a fake ballot box democracy.

Let's not worry about what US and UN will say about emergency issues of Pakistan if Martial law is imposed and Army should not worry about the constitution or judiciary as 180 million people are under extreme threat with dead bodies scattered from Peshawar to Karachi and count goes up everyday while the political elite enjoys parties, drinking and Mujara's in Islamabad.


Sorry to say 'no' ..... and your own article have many contradictions which does not support your purposed idea ....
Sorry to say 'no' ..... and your own article have many contradictions which does not support your purposed idea ....

Thanks for out input however u have a right to your opinion. I will like you to highlight the contradictions you mentioned in your reply please...
If a handful of terrorists can cause this sort of response with a relatively small casualty count (not to discount the pain for the victims and their families, I am speaking pure tactics here), it is only going to embolden them I fear.
For years I have been blogging that Pakistan is infested with Taliban Cancer and requires a deep surgery by Pakistan Military while the democracy champions and political elite was of the opinion to negotiate peace through dialogue. Dialogue with animals, savages who pride killing innocent people in markets, buses and school. Idiots voting for idiots brought us to this place where the entire infrastructure is insecure.

Please do not forget that it is precisely the Pakistani military that created and nurtured these Taliban, and even now is the patron-in-chief of portions of it for use as non-State actors in adjacent countries. Further, the military simply does not listen to anyone else.

Given that, the rest of the rant fails.
I will like you to highlight the contradictions you mentioned in your reply please...

Sir below are the some of the points, try to understand around 110-150K is deployed in KPK than you have around 200-250K forces deployed at eastern border and you are suggesting that Army should take over all Airports, Railway Stations, and other transportation means under its protection & should conduct door to door search operations, my dear its Army not a civil law enforcement agency.

Our arm forces are already stretched thin, don't you think by such move army will come under unnecessary under which Army as an institution may get collapse.

Sadly its not the first time, the entire transit system of Pakistan is under siege. In recent month, Pakistan Railway was attacked, railway tracks were blasted with intent to derail, buses carrying shia pilgrims were attacked, Peshawar airport was attacked and now Karachi Airport came under siege. TTP has openly accepted the responsibility and promised more attacks on civilian infrastructure.

In the first phase, Army should take over all strategic assets of Pakistan including airports, railways, TV stations, federal building, court houses under its protection.

Phase 3 should be boots on the ground in key cities and door to door search operation for terrorist within the urban areas starting with Karachi.

As you said Pakistan is in War (this may not be 'Hot war' but its warm so analogy of Cold war is wrong) but during the war you want army to get involve with other issues.

Pakistani is in serious crisis with cold war waged against by it enemies

Its a historic fact that all the Military takeovers occurred when we had peaceful borders at both eastern and western flank of the country, but in current situation non of our border is peaceful be it Pak-Iran, Pak-Afghan or Indo- Pakistan border

Army should not do the mistake what General Musharraf did by proclaiming emergency but a full Martial Law is required during Pakistan's survival war. Its time to secure Pakistan, its assets and its people not a fake ballot box democracy.

Why do u want to punish Khaki junta for the failure of civilians .... ???

180 million people are under extreme threat with dead bodies scattered from Peshawar to Karachi and count goes up everyday while the political elite enjoys parties, drinking and Mujara's in Islamabad.


I don't know what should I say about this .....

Living 15 years in Canada and seeing the welfare of public by Canadian government made me believe that Pakistan doesn't qualify to be democratic but the country should be run by full Martial Law rule.

BTW aap kahi Nizamm badalne wale Qafle ke saat tu nah aaarahhhh ..... '23 June ko' ...
Past is past...even the US had created & nurtured these groups against USSR.

Talk about today...Pakistan & US are allies against TTP.

Even today, Pakistan is not 100% on board. There are potent elements within the establishment that nurture and sustain a portion of the splinter groups for later use in adjacent countries, without a doubt. They of course regard the mayhem caused within Pakistan as an acceptable price for their own goals that they see as being nobly loftier.
Please do not forget that it is precisely the Pakistani military that created and nurtured these Taliban, and even now is the patron-in-chief of portions of it for use as non-State actors in adjacent countries. Further, the military simply does not listen to anyone else.

Given that, the rest of the rant fails.
It is absurd how you clearly dismiss the involvement of Americans to create the mess...Why would patron in chief cause it to blow back in its very country?

Well had they not listened to anyone else, we would already have done some form of retaliation for the repeated jawans being killed instead of holding "talks"

Without proof what you say is what you just called the other person: rants!
Why would patron in chief cause it to blow back in its very country?

As I explained earlier: "There are potent elements within the establishment that nurture and sustain a portion of the splinter groups for later use in adjacent countries, without a doubt. They of course regard the mayhem caused within Pakistan as an acceptable price for their own goals that they see as being nobly loftier."
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