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Kale Kalote Muhajrs! PMLN's Saleem Zia's Controversial Remarks

Ever action always gets a reaction ?

So you mean if MQM is one party which has taken part in killing 3000 people from 1985-1990 and 10000 from 1986-1996 then there will be a reaction. That is how I view your statement. Now because of the MQM we are locked in action and reaction. A civil war between ethnicities.

Though all I see is we 'reacting' to 'oppression'... AAhhh aaaa, help the Pashtuns are coming to Karachi, they should be kicked out, the jahil sindhis are given government jobs, thats what I hear from my muhajir relatives. How hard would it be to love our countrymen as much as we love ourselves?

Overeducated people's ultra IMRANIST like you lives in a dream world where others opinions doesn't exists ?

I didn't say a word about Imran Khan. Its peoples choice who they vote for and their opinion clearly counts. But don't tell me to support tyranny and terrorism which is eating our country alive. Its not just religious problems we have but ethnic too. My solution for the ethnic problems is to be more self critical, have regular talks between ethnic groups, depoliticization of police and deweaponization of political parties

Its the popular opinion of the peoples of Karachi , to call or identity themselves "MUHAJIR" which doesn't means , they all are immigrants from other country or mars ?

Personally I don't really believe in muhajir identity, despite technically being muhajir myself. I have discussed my views in the previous post. I refuse to call myself muhajir.

Its their will, its their decision , which they have exercises in every political activity ?

It is. But without weapons. When they use weapons what happened recently with the rangers raids can and will happen hopefully. Mahajirs like me who are aligned with nation first will always support it. Others who don't care about the country will continue chanting MQM, MQM.

Its their constitutional right to do so ?

Who is taking their constitutional right? Karachites have been voting for a terrorist party for decades, has anyone stopped them. If they were stopped and MQM, PPPP, PMLN among other parties banned for corruption and terrorism our nation wouldn't be where it is. This is where all dictators failed. Musharraf should never have given free lease to MQM or imposed the NRO. Those were mistakes though there were good things about his rule as well.

& to all others serikies, hazara,s ?
Biggest solution is to form , smaller provinces & let every one has his own political & social identity , which is acceptable all around world ?

I agree here with you for once. Smaller provinces, possibly turning the districts into provinces.

Its really shameful to see , a educated person like you , blaming only muhajirs even his own relatives , because they don't buy the dream world of you & your dream world leader ?

I supported Imran Khan because he was the only one talking about merit, no corruption, equality, end to American ghulami and national unity. If you have a better option or if you want for the sake of nation and people I give up such affiliation I will do so.

Ethinic divide , identity crisis exists all over Pakistan & all the communities has that venom , just a few days ago , poor seriki , punjabi, Sindhi labours were shot in Baluchistan because of their eithinic identity which wasn't liked by few terrorists in Baluchistan ?
But will you blame all Baluchi's for that , come to your senses ?

No I will not blame all Balochs but as a muhajir by birth it is not just my right, but duty to criticize the ethnic group of my birth. I agree that all muhajirs are not like this. But unless we rise up against the tyrannical segment in our society like Syed Jamaluddin we will be pariah's in this nation and if we don't stand with our nation, Quaid E Azam's nation then our future is doomed. We must accept our Sindhi Baloch and other brothers as part of the country too. All we do is insult them.

Produce more provinces rather then , telling smallar communities they look kalle kalote ?
Pakistan will become more united then today ?

I agree with the creation of more provinces. Insulting someone is never cool. But did so much racism against muhajirs actually even occur before the formation of the MQM? Ask this question.
To be honest with you this thread was kind of useless thread we all know that reality will not going to change
There is a factor of truth in saying so,but its not as bad as politically publicized. The term "Mohajir" is for ethnic identity only when any other local ethnic identities cannot be used.
Migrants like Nawaz sharif's family who came from Indian Punjab and hundreds of thousands like him had cultural and linguistic link with Pakistani Punjab and were ethnic Punjabis anyway so had no problems.
This identity issue persists with people who have no ethnic or linguistic links with any of Pakistan's indigenous ethnicities,the so called "Urdu speaking" . They cannot tag sindhi identity as they are not ethnic sindhi and dont speak sindhi language.
There are hundreds of thousands of them in other parts of Pakistan and despite being born there they cannot tag the local identity on themselves as they look different from what is hardwired into Pakistani brains about how a sindhi,Balochi,Pathan,Punjabi,Kashmiri should look like. If you dont look or sound like that picture in our head you get rejected.

Many people commenting on this thread simply are ignorant to this genuine problem faced by Mohajirs.

Thanks for explaining the problem very clearly, people on this thread who are arguing for Mohajirs to assimilate within other ethnicities in Pakistan are ignoring this fact . I guess you have to be in a "Mohajir" shoes to experience this delima.
The problem is not what you think. I have friend who's family migrated from India after creation of Pakistan and settled in Peshawar. They are of Dark skin and speak Urdu in a certain "Pure" accent. His dad was born in Peshawar,and so was he. Three generations later can he call himself Pathan or Peshawari?
No,if he says so,people will make fun of him,so he has to call himself Mohajir.
The sad part is that Ayub Khan and latter Bhutto rapidly used Muhajir term for migrated urdu speakers. Mostly refugee who migrated to Punjab and settle there were already belongs to Punjab i.e Haryana, Hamchal Pardesh, Jamu and Kashmir, Rajhistan and united province.
Refugee who moved to Sind were from Bombay, Bihar, Central province. Delhi, Hyderabad, untied province, Baruda, Kuch and Rajputana agency. Both were refugee but later term Muhajir only labeled for who settled in Sind.
The fact is the only race that will tolerate any other ethnicity with open arms and never talk back in ethnic language is Punjabis unless they are forced to do it. They didnt even retaliate when Wasim Akhtar said on national TV every punjabi house is a mujra khana. They believe on live and let live theory

Firstly, Punjabi is not a race. You daggays are hilarious, Punjab is a homogeneous province, wtf do you people know about ethnic harmony? As far as I know you "tolerant" Punjabis persecute innocent Christians and Ahmadis on a daily basis. The real face of Punjab would really come out if millions of migrants from other parts of Pakistan suddenly started pouring into Punjab.
Firstly, Punjabi is not a race. You daggays are hilarious, Punjab is a homogeneous province, wtf do you people know about ethnic harmony? As far as I know you "tolerant" Punjabis persecute innocent Christians and Ahmadis on a daily basis. The real face of Punjab would really come out if millions of migrants from other parts of Pakistan suddenly started pouring into Punjab.

and mohajir is race, dont make me laugh so hard you idiot i shit in my pants when i do that and find a nearest idiot to clean it.
and mohajir is race, dont make me laugh so hard you idiot i shit in my pants when i do that and find a nearest idiot to clean it.

I never said Muhajir is a race, you seem to be suffering from multiple mental disabilities. If you are shitting in your pants, I suggest wearing a diaper, it suits your intelligence.
I never said Muhajir is a race, you seem to be suffering from multiple mental disabilities. If you are shitting in your pants, I suggest wearing a diaper, it suits your intelligence.

"MQM", another bacha becomes PDF expert
You seem really confused, you can't even formulate proper sentences or reply coherently. I shouldn't expect much from daggays from the pind.

lol I love getting on the nerves of idiots, I can bring their idiocracy out in few posts and then they start calling names.
As far as I cant form a proper sentence, to that I say well idiot if you are replying my posts then it means you understood what i said.
lol I love getting on the nerves of idiots, I can bring their idiocracy out in few posts and then they start calling names.
As far as I cant form a proper sentence, to that I say well idiot if you are replying my posts then it means you understood what i said.

Nope, you haven't done an adequate job in getting on my nerves. Try harder next time dehati. Just because I replied to you doesn't excuse the pathetic formulation of your sentences. That's like failing an English exam and telling the marker "well atleast you understood what I wrote".
@Oscar - Yaaar mein nei tujhee kabhiii Kala kahaa haiii ? :o:

Brownie eik aadh dafaa kaha ho gaa purrr Kala tou kabhiii nahin kahaa ! :tsk:

Phir hum saraooon key kun-patiii par rakh kar bandooq kiyun chalaa deteiii ho ? :pissed:
BRAVO what a display of ethnic harmony is on display here on PDF guys please grow up above your ethnic backgrounds and just call your self a Pakistani a PROUD Pakistani for goodness heavens sake.:pakistan:

You will not get anywhere being keyboard warriors...:mad:
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@Oscar - Yaaar mein nei tujhee kabhiii Kala kahaa haiii ? :o:

Brownie eik aadh dafaa kaha ho gaa purrr Kala tou kabhiii nahin kahaa ! :tsk:

Phir hum saraooon key kun-patiii par rakh kar bandooq kiyun chalaa deteiii ho ? :pissed:

Hamein rang dekhna hi Sikandar ki najaiz auladon ne sikhaya hai!!.

Bas Bhatte ab jang hai.
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