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JF-17 Thunder Multirole Fighter [Thread 7]

The video is a piece of cow dung. It is nothing but regurgitation of information already at hand. We will have to accept that no one knows what the hell is going on. Its like trying to stick a tail onto an elephant while blind. I have to say that those who normally say something are now totally quiet so one has to assume there is total blackout on block 3 capabilities.
The things that we do know are:
Chin mounted hardpoint.
AESA Radar.
Full axis FBW
Halographic HUD
possibilities are:
J20 Style display.

Araz, we need to clamp down on these youtube videos made by boys; not only is it causing confusion but it tends to become gospel in many circles. what is happening to this world...
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Araz, we need to clamp down on these youtube videos made by boys; not only is it causing confusion but it tends to become gospel in many circles. what is happening to this world...
Its a world trend - every other tom, dick and harichand is putting a video up spouting nonsense.
Its a world trend - every other tom, dick and harichand is putting a video up spouting nonsense.

We add a filter to the message parser, and see if the youtube channel is below particular quality,
the message will not be posted. I think it should be possible to query the channel's credentials
in number of views, likes, time of inception etc.
We add a filter to the message parser, and see if the youtube channel is below particular quality,
the message will not be posted. I think it should be possible to query the channel's credentials
in number of views, likes, time of inception etc.
Wont Work. Indian Audience. I have seen some absolute SHIT and abusive american channels pander to that audience, get shit ton subscribers, views and likes. Thats not even mentioning Indian Channels. Similarly such stats are also skewed on Pakistani Channels. They are equally shit, picking content from wiki and sensationalizing it with some key phrases and pandering to brainless hyper nationalists. There are good channels out there and they do not come near this region for exactly these reasons. Others pander to one or the other. There is no unbiased channel with authentic good content on this region.
If only one could filter the audience of such channels....
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Wont Work. Indian Audience. I have seen some absolute SHIT and abusive american channels pander to that audience, get shit ton subscribers, views and likes. Thats not even mentioning Indian Channels. Similarly such stats are also skewed on Pakistani Channels. They are equally shit, picking content from wiki and sensationalizing it with some key phrases and pandering to brainless hyper nationalists. There are good channels out there and they do not come near this region for exactly these reasons. Others pander to one or the other. There is no unbiased channel with authentic good content on this region.
If only one could filter the audience of such channels....
you summed it up well for everyone these days.
gone are the days of physically going to libraries and old book stores to hunt for obscure but valuable books and actually sitting down and reading and understanding them. being original and actually taking time to come up with an understanding which is not limited to a causal search of some phrases on google and becoming impatient if the content is going to take more than few minutes to read and absorb.

the other valid point you raised is that this is the time of populist opinion and ratings. the media houses are run with pure business motive where viewership of favorable opinion and quantity ensures the advertising revenue stream from number of clicks and retention of half attentive half awake and half aware audience which is irritable and highly opinionated and radicalised.
some self styled savvy media persons like Ben Shepario, Milo, Arnab or that major Goraya have tapped into that nieche of radicalised viewers who are unwilling to think for themselves and have predetermined in their PoV,
Also PL15 range is not correct. It is 300km VLBVR missile. Even US don't have this tech and only can have it after 2022 ( AIM-260 Joint Advanced Tactical Missile)
i think you are confusing PL-15 with PL-XX
PL-15: thought to be pulse rocket engine with range comparable to meteor and slightly larger than aim 120D(since it is much much heavier)

PL-XX: thought to have semi blastic missile like flight path with few fins and not much maneuverability
Who says he is "the best analyst on fighter aircraft design"? Is that something he has claimed for himself? He looks like any other random dude on YouTube simply giving his opinion, nothing more.


I already said it---son---. Can't you read.
Why should I take the word of baba jhi as gospel? If you think he's the best, because he simply says what you want to hear, go for it. It's simply conformational bias.

Forget it, since You won't get a reply from him and surely not an answer or explanation since he feels overall so much superior and untouchable that he even has no issues to spread lies and insult others he don't like. A very unique way in doing this with him main-buddy A. is to post it on the profile page and delete it himself. :crazy: :hitwall:

Armchair + MK - 1.JPG

I'm sure I'm on his blacklist but that's fine ... anyone who thinks what he describes above, anyone who promotes others with stupid ideas is in no way a credible or trust-able member.

As such, he is just a grumpy old man with a lot of anger in his hard, mind and words ... so better ignore him.
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Forget it, since You won't get a reply from him and surely not an answer or explanation since he feels overall so much superior and untouchable that he even has no issues to spread lies and insult others he don't like in mails. :crazy: :hitwall:

View attachment 659787

I'm sure I'm on his blacklist but that's fine ... anyone who thinks I'm an what he thinks, anyone who promotes others with stupid ideas is in no way a credible or trust-able member.

As such, he is just a grumpy old man with a lot of anger in his hard, mind and words ... so better ignore him.

These two individuals should have been banned a long time ago for repeatedly breaking forum rules, don't know why that hasn't happened.
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