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Jews Contribution to Humanity


Feb 23, 2013
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United States
I'm seeing too many anti-semitic threads on PDF recently. So in order to remind people of the contributions of the Jews I create this thread. I'll try to update it every day.


Eugene Paul Wigner, born in Budapest, Hungary, on November 17, 1902, naturalized a citizen of the United States on January 8, 1937, has been since 1938 Thomas D. Jones Professor of Mathematical Physics at Princeton University - he retired in 1971. His formal education was acquired in Europe; he obtained the Dr. Ing. degree at the Technische Hochschule Berlin. Married in 1941 to Mary Annette Wheeler, he is the father of two children, David and Martha. His son, David, is teaching mathematics at the University of California in Berkeley. His daughter, Martha, is with the Chicago area transportation system, an organization endeavoring to improve the internal transportation system of that city. Dr.Wigner worked on the Manhattan Project at the University of Chicago during World War II, from 1942 to 1945, and in 1946-1947 became Director of Research and Development at Clinton Laboratories. Official recognition of his work in nuclear research includes the U. S. Medal for Merit, presented in 1946; the Enrico Fermi Prize (U.S.A.E.C.) awarded in 1958; and the Atoms for Peace Award, in 1960. Dr. Wigner holds the Medal of the Franklin Society, the Max Planck Medal of the German Physical Society, the George Washington Award of the American-Hungarian Studies Foundation (1964), the Semmelweis Medal of the American-Hungarian Medical Association (1965), and the National Medal of Science (1969). He has received honorary degrees from the University of Wisconsin, Washington University, Case Institute, University of Alberta ( Canada ), University of Chicago, Colby College, University of Pennsylvania, Yeshiva University, Thiel College, Notre Dame University, Technische Universität Berlin, Swarthmore College, Université de Louvain, Université de Liège, University of Illinois, Seton Hall, Catholic University and The Rockefeller University. He is a past vice- president and president of the American Physical Society, of which he remains a member. He is a past member of the board of directors of the American Nuclear Society and still a member; he holds memberships in the American Philosophical Society, the American Mathematical Society, the American Association of Physics Teachers, the National Academy of Science, the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, the Royal Netherlands Academy of Sciences and Letters, the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the Austrian Academy of Sciences, he is corresponding member of the Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften, Gottingen, and foreign member of the Royal Society of Great Brittain. He was a member of the General Advisory Committee to the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission from 1952-1957, was reappointed to this committee in 1959 and served on it until 1964.​

Eugene Wigner - Biographical

Felix Bloch was born in Zurich, Switzerland, on October 23, 1905, as the son of Gustav Bloch and Agnes Bloch (née Mayer). From 1912 to 1918 he attended the public primary school and subsequently the "Gymnasium" of the Canton of Zurich, which he left in the fall of 1924 after having passed the "Matura", i.e. the final examination which entitled him to attend an institution of higher learning.

Planning originally to become an engineer, he entered directly the Federal Institute of Technology (Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule) in Zurich. After one year's study of engineering he decided instead to study physics, and changed therefore over to the Division of Mathematics and Physics at the same institution. During the following two years he attended, among others, courses given byDebye, Scherrer, Weyl, as well as Schrödinger, who taught at the same time at the University of Zurich and through whom he became acquainted, toward the end of this period, with the new wave mechanics. Bloch's interests had by that time turned toward theoretical physics. After Schrödinger left Zurich in the fall of 1927 he continued his studies with Heisenberg at the University of Leipzig, where he received his degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the summer of 1928 with a dissertation dealing with the quantum mechanics of electrons in crystals and developing the theory of metallic conduction. Various assistantships and fellowships, held in the following years, gave him the opportunity to work with Pauli, Kramers, Heisenberg, Bohr, and Fermi, and to further theoretical studies of the solid state as well as of the stopping power of charged particles.

Upon Hitler's ascent to power, Bloch left Germany in the spring of 1933, and a year later he accepted a position which was offered to him at Stanford University. The new environment in which he found himself in the United States helped toward the maturing of the wish he had had for some time to undertake also experimental research. Working with a very simple neutron source, it occurred to him that a direct proof for the magnetic moment of the free neutrons could be obtained through the observation of scattering in iron. In 1936, he published a paper in which the details of the phenomenon were worked out and in which it was pointed out that it would lead to the production and observation of polarized neutron beams. The further development of these ideas led him in 1939 to an experiment, carried out in collaboration with L.W. Alvarez at the Berkeley cyclotron, in which the magnetic moment of the neutron was determined with an accuracy of about one percent.

During the war years Dr. Bloch was also engaged in the early stages of the work on atomic energy at Stanford University and Los Alamos and later in counter-measures against radar at Harvard University. Through this latter work he became acquainted with the modern developments of electronics which, toward the end of the war, suggested to him, in conjunction with his earlier work on the magnetic moment of the neutron, a new approach toward the investigation of nuclear moments.

These investigations were begun immediately after his return to Stanford in the fall of 1945 and resulted shortly afterward in collaboration with W.W. Hansen and M.E. Packard in the new method of nuclear induction, a purely electromagnetic procedure for the study of nuclear moments in solids, liquids, or gases. A few weeks after the first successful experiments he received the news of the same discovery having been made independently and simultaneously by E.M. Purcell and his collaborators at Harvard.

Most of Bloch's work in the subsequent years has been devoted to investigations with the use of this new method. In particular, he was able, by combining it with the essential elements of his earlier work on the magnetic moment of the neutron, to remeasure this important quantity with great accuracy in collaboration with D. Nicodemus and H.H. Staub (1948). His more recent theoretical work has dealt primarily with problems which have arisen in conjunction with experiments carried out in his laboratory.

In 1954, Bloch took a leave of absence to serve for one year as the first Director General of CERN in Geneva. After his return to Stanford University he continued his investigations on nuclear magnetism, particularly in regard to the theory of relaxation. In view of new developments, a major part of his recent work deals with the theory of superconductivity and of other phenomena at low temperatures.

In 1961, he received an endowed Chair by his appointment as Max Stein Professor of Physics at Stanford University.

Prof. Bloch married in 1940 Dr. Lore Misch, a refugee from Germany and herself a physicist.

Felix Bloch - Biographical

Are you Jewish, Sam? Which anti-Semitic threads are bothering you exactly??

A non-practicing Jew. I'm an Atheist myself, so were most of these guys. Nonetheless they were of Jewish ancestry.

Are you Jewish, Sam? Which anti-Semitic threads are bothering you exactly??

All of them? Jews did this, Jews did that. People seriously think that Jews are some sort of organization that plan conspiracies day and night?
It always surprises me, the extent to which Jewish people have contributed to the global sciences and arts, despite having such a small population.

In fact much of the "Western" contribution, actually comes from Western Jews.

I know a few Jewish people in Hong Kong actually (not local Chinese, mostly Western and Israeli expats). Very intelligent people.

I'm surprised you're an atheist, I guess it's easy for people nowadays to fathom that we just simply exist from nothing....

Whoever is blaming Jews for everything is only making it better for what they claim to be against. Although I don't really see who's doing that. Maybe a couple phony people here.
Einstein(physics),Bohr(physics),Oppenheimer(nucleur physics),Freud(psychology),haber(chemistry),Mahler(music),Spinoza(rational philosophy),moses(prophet),jesus(religious founder),St Paul(preacher),Karl Marx(Philosopher),Herzl(writer)Pincus(inventor of birth control pill),Speilberg(movies),Houdini(Magic),Dylan (music),Funk(Discovered vitamins)shuster[creator of superman:)].So yeah ,lots of them.
A non-practicing Jew. I'm an Atheist myself, so were most of these guys. Nonetheless they were of Jewish ancestry.

I thought you said you were Iranian, and wore an Iranian flag?

I guess you are Jewish-Iranian-American then?

All of them? Jews did this, Jews did that. People seriously think that Jews are some sort of organization that plan conspiracies day and night?

These Jewish conspiracy theories merely deflect the blame off the politicians and ultra-rich who are the ones actually calling the shots. I wouldn't be surprised if they actually encouraged these conspiracy theories, to take the attention off themselves.
I started with Physicists because I love Physics. Einstein is well known so I didn't start with him.


Richard P. Feynman was born in New York City on the 11th May 1918. He studied at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology where he obtained his B.Sc. in 1939 and at Princeton University where he obtained his Ph.D. in 1942. He was Research Assistant at Princeton (1940-1941), Professor of Theoretical Physics at Cornell University (1945-1950), Visiting Professor and thereafter appointed Professor of Theoretical Physics at the California Institute of Technology (1950-1959). At present he is Richard Chace Tolman Professor of Theoretical Physics at the California Institute of Technology.

Professor Feynman is a member of the American Physical Society, the American Association for the Advancement of Science; the National Academy of Science; in 1965 he was elected a foreign member of the Royal Society, London (Great Britain).

He holds the following awards: Albert Einstein Award (1954, Princeton); Einstein Award (Albert Einstein Award College of Medicine); Lawrence Award (1962).

Richard Feynman is married to Gweneth Howarth, they have a son, Carl Richard (born 22nd April 1961), and a daughter Michelle Catherine (born 13th August 1968).

I thought you said you were Iranian, and wore an Iranian flag?

I guess you are Jewish-Iranian-American then?

These Jewish conspiracy theories merely deflect the blame off the politicians and ultra-rich who are the ones actually calling the shots. I wouldn't be surprised if they actually encouraged these conspiracy theories, to take the attention off themselves.

I already told you ;)
There were 100k Jews in Iran before the revolution there. My father, an American married to My mom an Iranian-Jew and they moved to Australia, where I was born (but I absolutely hate).

Oh don't get me wrong, I'm proud of my Iranian heritage, but I chosen Australia because I was born there, and I'm currently in USA so I thought its more proper?
I thought you said you were Iranian, and wore an Iranian flag?

I guess you are Jewish-Iranian-American then?

Just to clarify things up. Iranian-Jews have been there for thousands of years, as a matter of fact Muslims are the newcomers.
But the reason for my increased "vocality" about these things is that Israeli members here don't even take time to defend the Jewish dignity, so I thought at least I should do something. You know its all ironic! Because I didn't get along with them too good last year ;)


John von Neumann, original name János Neumann (born Dec. 28, 1903, Budapest, Hung.—died Feb. 8, 1957, Washington, D.C., U.S.), Hungarian-born American mathematician. As an adult, he appended von to his surname; the hereditary title had been granted his father in 1913. Von Neumann grew from child prodigy to one of the world’s foremost mathematicians by his mid-twenties. Important work in set theory inaugurated a career that touched nearly every major branch of mathematics. Von Neumann’s gift for applied mathematics took his work in directions that influenced quantum theory, automata theory, economics, and defense planning. Von Neumann pioneered game theory and, along with Alan Turing and Claude Shannon, was one of the conceptual inventors of the stored-program digital computer.
Two Polish Jews i respect much are

Stanislaw Ulam, father of the hydrogen bomb (with Teller)
Akiba Rubinstein, Polish Chess Grandmaster

But the Top spot together with Einstein have these two guys

Just to clarify things up. Iranian-Jews have been there for thousands of years, as a matter of fact Muslims are the newcomers.
But the reason for my increased "vocality" about these things is that Israeli members here don't even take time to defend the Jewish dignity, so I thought at least I should do something. You know its all ironic! Because I didn't get along with them too

They don't bother defending because after a certain point it becomes too exhausting to defend against blind hatred. Similar is case with Indians. Old members don't bother to defend India or Hinduism in a mudslinging contests that take place on this forum.
They don't bother defending because after a certain point it becomes too exhausting to defend against blind hatred. Similar is case with Indians. Old members don't bother to defend India or Hinduism in a mudslinging contests that take place on this forum.

I agree with you. But some say "Jew this" and "Jew that" as if "Jew" is an insult.
They don't bother defending because after a certain point it becomes too exhausting to defend against blind hatred. Similar is case with Indians. Old members don't bother to defend India or Hinduism in a mudslinging contests that take place on this forum.
i used to be fierce in the beginning,defending india
now its like....................meh,who cares

I agree with you. But some say "Jew this" and "Jew that" as if "Jew" is an insult.

some religions believe they are superior than others,,,its due to that

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