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It's gonna be very, very hard to come in: Trump on Pakistani immigrants

Pakistan should respond to American in the same language. Make import and export of every American equipment in and out of Afghanistan very very hard and only on exceptional need basis.

Let the voice of trump resound back to him and reflection his actions back on him. Talk back in the language they speak.
And who exactly will respond from the Pakistani side in the same language? The government of Nawaz Sharif? There is no denying that Pakistan needs to start responding others in the language they respond to us but than again a corrupt unethical PM like Nawaz and a president like Zardari who was before him and was dying to get an invitation to Trump swearing in, you can imagine the extend our leaders can go to please the americans in return for few petty favors. In such case one cannot expect anything from Pakistan. A country like Afghanistan even takes us for granted because they know nothing will happen from the Pakistani side. The government is busy defending the panama sher.
Yes. What Modi is now exploiting is what we have been doing for over 60 years now.
We should have a hawkish approach towards India they have made their intentions clear we should respond in the same tone

That doesn't mean we should start a war but diplomatically we need to implement a hard policy
And who exactly will respond from the Pakistani side in the same language? The government of Nawaz Sharif? There is no denying that Pakistan needs to start responding others in the language they respond to us but than again a corrupt unethical PM like Nawaz and a president like Zardari who was before him and was dying to get an invitation to Trump swearing in, you can imagine the extend our leaders can go to please the americans in return for few petty favors. In such case one cannot expect anything from Pakistan. A country like Afghanistan even takes us for granted because they know nothing will happen from the Pakistani side. The government is busy defending the panama sher.

I wouldn't get upset over this. Trump did not actually ban visas to Pakistanis like he did with people from other Muslim countries. All he said in the interview was that they would vet people much more so than they have in the past.
I think you misunderstood my post, I agreed with you. Chacha g, samjhe nahi meri gal. :P
Ooo , if that's the case then ,,,,, jann du g , okhi aae lakin sumjhe gaya waan :p::P

We should have a hawkish approach towards India they have made their intentions clear we should respond in the same tone

That doesn't mean we should start a war but diplomatically we need to implement a hard policy

Sheikh , u seriously thinking about hard line from Pakistani Political system?????????? Dam I still think u are trolling !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Please tell me u are!!!!!!!!!
As I said Miss its could be any thing ,,,,,,,,, it could be a simple ban on dependents entry or there right to work Australia and UK as example in some Cassese. And even a 50% American must policy will effects horribly.
I am not happy about it as I spent lots of years out side Pakistan ,People (immigrants) work really hard some times 12 to 18 hours a day (even legally) just to have good living , better life and well being for there families back home but I am saying it to those Indians who are jumping with joy on "May be a ban on Pakistanis".

Australia has a very pro immigrant policy. Visa 189/457 allow you to bring yourself and your dependent in. I will like to see US taking a point based immigration system like UK, Australia and Canada.

I still know few work around to all of these H1X bans :usflag:
Every government has right to protect country from any threat, everybody knows there is already extremism in Pakistan but it is reduced. U.S.A just want to make ensure no one of them escape to America and then put religious views on others, I don't think serious problem for secular people but everybody has to pass scrutiny . U.S.A don't want to put Pakistan in that list, just he want to ensure only right people come there , hence no threat for U.S.A from extremism & any type of terrorists., either on night clubs or other organizers of any event.

Trump is talking hot air...Saudi Arabia is one of the largest "exporter" of scholarship students...
Pakistan is key ally in WOT and banning its citizens would mean direct implication in Afghanistan...
Beside Trump needs to check more on Indian illegal immigration..
No U.S.A is not banning Pak citizens, just tough rules so that wrong people don't escape there and impose their agenda in America
That's not true, most Americans do not hold a favorable opinion of Pakistan.


Neither do Pakistanis hold a favorable opinion of the US.


I believe the most happiest man now will be Adnan Sami as he become now an Indian

LOL Only India and the US would get along.

The rest of the world is already on collision course with the USA.
You should get that looked at saab.

I like to have impact on my own life :D
last thing in my life to think abut to go USA and TBH its out of even my imagine to visit once USA . this should worry those whom have actually think abut this :D
I wouldn't get upset over this. Trump did not actually ban visas to Pakistanis like he did with people from other Muslim countries. All he said in the interview was that they would vet people much more so than they have in the past.
This is not the contention here but rather who is going to reply from the Pakistani side as the other poster suggested a strong reply. As for the Visa it does not matter since its already next to impossible for Pakistanis to obtain US visa. If they make it more tough, its better they pack up their embassy and leave because i dont see why the both countries need embassies for when the citizens of one are not allowed to travel to another. Most Pakistanis get visa from Dubai anyway.
Every government has right to protect country from any threat, everybody knows there is already extremism in Pakistan but it is reduced. U.S.A just want to make ensure no one of them escape to America and then put religious views on others, I don't think serious problem for secular people but everybody has to pass scrutiny . U.S.A don't want to put Pakistan in that list, just he want to ensure only right people come there , hence no threat for U.S.A from extremism & any type of terrorists., either on night clubs or other organizers of any event.

No U.S.A is not banning Pak citizens, just tough rules so that wrong people don't escape there and impose their agenda in America

No doubt. Their country their rules. Although the same rule applies for other countries. In other words, our country our rules.

Frankly, I think this Muslim registry ban thing is very beneficial. It is only exposing the true colors of this nation. I hope they go ahead with the waterboarding and mass surveillance of Muslims as well.

As long as Trump keeps up his word on his isolationist policy promise I have no issues. They can ban Muslims, Mexicans and aliens for all I care. They can build walls and make America great as much as they like. As long as they don't interfere with other countries.

It's cyclical, wait for a Democratic government and we will be best friends again.

Not so quick. Let Trump finish his term and let's see if anything survives.

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