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It's gonna be very, very hard to come in: Trump on Pakistani immigrants

I don't know for sure bro, he was promising it during elections but recently he said he had a change of heart and he also met people from Silicon Valley and H1B lobbyists. Let's wait and see.

Stephan Bannon is against all non European or white immigrants. This include the white people worshipping Indians. Just because some high caste Indians categorized themselves as Aryans, they can join the Aryan nation. If the Trump administration is indeed run by racist, all nonwhites are in trouble. No matter what is the immigration status or even citizenship status, even birth place, for that matter.
Stephan Bannon is against all non European or white immigrants. This include the white people worshipping Indians. Just because some high caste Indians categorized themselves as Aryans, they can join the Aryan nation. If the Trump administration is indeed run by racist, all nonwhites are in trouble. No matter what is the immigration status or even citizenship status, even birth place, for that matter.

I have no doubt he hates Indians and Pakistanis. No matter how we see ourselves, we are just brown people in their eyes. Banning H1B visas however will seriously screw up the US economy, I doubt it will happen. Let's wait and see.
You missed my point completely. If we don't want to admit refugees from certain countries as a policy fine, but we're talking about people who have homes here, they have greencards, pay mortgages and in some cases have married non Muslim Americans.

What if they come for Jews next?
I live just outside Washington. The golf course nearby was turned into an internment camp for Japanese-American citizens during WWII. That was a terrible waste of four years but when it was over they were released. (Years later they received an apology and $20,000/person token compensation from Congress.) I don't recall that any other minority was so afflicted so I'm not worried. And I don't think that is going to happen to Muslims in the U.S., either - the U.S. is not Nazi Germany; Trump is not seeking to convert America into the land of the "pure Aryan" or Christian or whatever, and we can develop better tools at screening than the U.S. had before Pearl Harbor.

point is that not all refugees are created equal; it would be prejudice to think so. It's irresponsible not to consider the potential security risks that some immigrant groups may represent. I only expect these "bans" to be temporary suspensions, to be eliminated once the risk declines.
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It's irresponsible not to consider the potential security risks that some immigrant groups may represent.

I agree, it does not. Obama did the same thing and he is within his rights to scrutinize visas from any troubled country. However, in this case he has made speeches claiming to target Muslims during his pre election campaign. If a private company did that to a protected class like pregnant women and then fired a pregnant woman for another reason just before she was going to go on maternity leave, they'd be inviting a lawsuit. I believe that the President should be held to the same standard and at least investigated for discrimination against a particular group of people.

Also, it is doubtful that he has the authority to target people who are already legal permanent residents.
You're not understanding, neither the wall or the Muslim immigration ban are going to be effective at anything. But they are intended as a big middle finger to hispanics and Muslims by the racist white demographic who voted him to power.

I believe Trump is testing waters for next step unless backlash is severe. People laughed at his wall idea but now he's going to build it. In next step he will likely outlaw birthright citizenship etc

Considering officials are ignoring Judge orders in airports essentially making USA look like banana republic so who knows.
That will be really good thing for USA, Pakistan as well as for Pakistanis living in USA.
For USA and Pakistan: USA will ensure it itself that Pakistan no longer have any thing to with what is happening in USA.
For Pakistanis living in USA: It will be great opportunity to move on some country even better.
good time to think about moving your eggs from one basket to an other.
i hope security in Pakistan improve with China's involvement so there would be new opportunities there...
what will be the impact on economy how much pakistan is exporting to US, Eu or china.
as we can assume china is more of a exporter than importer wouldnt this ban hurt exports of pakistan?
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