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Horse riding is a good thing to resolve your problem but it wouldn't be available to you. So you can fix it by having a football a pillow or any other thing reliable to in between your knees while sleeping.
Horse riding is a good thing to resolve your problem but it wouldn't be available to you. So you can fix it by having a football a pillow or any other thing reliable to in between your knees while sleeping.
Thnx bhai....! BTW, do u or anyone u know have any first hand experience for the football trick or horse riding technique...? And does age have any effect?
Registrations for 134 long course have been started
i have a question as to ISSB screening out principle.
what if i have applied for a course and fail to appear before ISSB and do not inform ISSB about any reason of my absence.

as per set rule 2 chances are given to appear in ISSB.
what will happen now.
my chance remains intact or is it counted as failed try.
your answer will be highly appreciated.

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