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Israeli air raid targets key Syrian port of Latakia: State media

Do not be so naive. You expect the Syrians to come and say the Russians are putting pressure on them to not open fire? The best face saving way is to claim they are not efficient or the Israelis are operating outside of Syrian skies. Everyone knows the Russians block any Syrian retaliation against Israel.
In contrast to what they said, about how they will defend Syria's airspace f.e. after the cruise missile attack.
Merely days after Israel attacked Syria yet again. Been doing so for years, I remember how Russian shills were saying "Wait until the S-300 arrives in Syria" and this system has managed to do nothing, the Syrians themselves said it cannot prevent Israeli attacks.
Remember who is attacking...when your children are in the firing line don't cry like the persecuted jew
Do not be so naive. You expect the Syrians to come and say the Russians are putting pressure on them to not open fire? The best face saving way is to claim they are not efficient or the Israelis are operating outside of Syrian skies. Everyone knows the Russians block any Syrian retaliation against Israel.
Do they? Syrian air defenses keep trying to intercept Israeli jets. I believe the S-300 isn't used because Russia knows it would fail and get destroyed which would hurt its sales.
Attack caused ‘significant material damage’, but no casualties were reported, SANA news agency says.


Firefighters work at the scene of the attack at the seaport of the coastal city of Latakia [SANA via AP Photo]

An Israeli air raid has struck Syria’s Mediterranean port of Latakia for the second time this month, causing “significant material damage”, according to Syrian state media.

“At around 3:21am (05:21 GMT), the Israeli enemy carried out an aerial aggression with several missiles from the direction of the Mediterranean … targeting the container yard in Latakia port,” SANA state news agency cited a military source as saying on Tuesday.

Live footage aired by state television showed flames and smoke in the container terminal. Later on Tuesday, the Syrian government’s media office said emergency services brought under control fires that had broken out in the port’s container storage area.

The missile attack also wrecked the facades of a hospital, some residential buildings and shops, according to SANA.

There were no immediate reports of casualties from the attack, which activated Syrian air defences, it said.


Since the outbreak of Syria’s war in 2011, Israel has routinely carried out air raids on its strife-torn neighbour, mostly targeting Syrian government troops as well as allied Iran-backed forces and fighters affiliated with the Lebanese Hezbollah group.

A reporter for the state-run Al-Ikhbariyah TV in the area said the explosions could be heard in Tartus, another coastal city more than 80km (nearly 50 miles) south.

Asked about the raid, an Israeli army spokesman said: “We don’t comment on reports in foreign media.”

Latakia is Syria’s main commercial port.

Russia, which has been President Bashar al-Assad’s most powerful ally during the war, alongside Iran, operates an airbase at Hmeimim, some 20km (12 miles) south of the city.


Israeli missiles fired from the Mediterranean struck the port of Latakia early Tuesday, igniting a fire in the container terminal, Syrian state media said, in the second attack on the vital facility this month [SANA via AP]

Routine air raids
On December 7, Israel carried out raids on the port in Latakia, located in al-Assad’s western Syrian heartland, without causing any casualties.

That earlier attack, which was the first on the facility since the start of the war, targeted an Iranian arms shipment and triggered a series of explosions, according to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, a UK-based monitor with a wide network of sources in Syria.

In November, three soldiers and two Syrian fighters affiliated with Hezbollah were killed in Israeli raids, according to the monitoring group.

While Israel rarely comments on individual attacks it carries out on its northern neighbour – with which it is officially at war – it has confirmed hundreds since 2011.

According to a report by the Israeli army, it hit about 50 targets in Syria in 2020.

In the deadliest operation since the raids began, Israel killed 57 Syrian government soldiers and allied fighters in eastern Syria overnight on January 13, 2021.

In a shadow war, Israeli forces have targeted Iran’s military sites in Syria and also carried out a sabotage campaign inside the country against its nuclear programme.

Iran has been a key supporter of al-Assad in the conflict. It finances, arms and commands a number of Syrian and foreign militia groups fighting alongside the regular armed forces, including Hezbollah.

The war in Syria has killed hundreds of thousands of people since it started a decade ago with the brutal repression of peaceful demonstrations.

Zionist scum
Russians bombs Syrian cities and towns for years hospitals. Israel strike is hardly worth mentioning after what putin been doing in there
Syria the nation which after 10 years of ripping each other apart during civil war Israel feels the need to hit Syria? what has Syria got left

Israel hits anyone at anywhere and no one bats a eye lid

anyone else saying Pakistan spends too much on its military ?

we need more advanced fighter jets and more nuclear missiles more submarines and more sophisticated weapons

btw Russia already knew about the attack but decided to do nothing as no Russian assets were hit

I don't understand you; 1st bash China all day long and give your Queen mother an orgasm, and then you expect Pakistan to get more advanced fighter jets, etc., knowing full well China is basically our sole advanced equipment supplier at the moment. You are a living contradiction day in and out.
The biggest beneficiary of 9/11 has been Israel.

It has destroyed Middle East through American help and by promoting terror organizations. Syria had been its arch rival due to Golan Heights issue. Syria was the only country which in a state of war. Look at where Syria is now.

Assad is good or bad, I dont care. What I feel for is how Syrians have been dislocated and forced into destitution and homelessness.

Its geopolitics. If Assad was on the side of the 'human rights champion', he would have been feted and toasted. Is Modi or Naftali better than Assad? India and Israel are war criminals. But since they are chummies of human rights champion, their violence and abuses is just normal.
Russia bombed civilians and a bunch of Jihadic goat rapists, Israel kills Iranian soldiers and blows up their weapon systems

No lol, Russia can't even hope to match Israel in its own play field.
Jihadist goat rapist..

@waz @The Eagle is this allowed? Please take care of the son of Jeffery Epstein
I don't get it, you suddenly defend Syrian terrorists and ISIS? That's exactly what they are. Except they're not worse than Assad and Iran.
Syrian terrorist like you defend the nazis army of Israel.. who even kill children nd ambulance men ... who kill men in wheelchairs and evict people from their homes and uproot 1000 year old olive trees and you talk about terror. You Israelis are born from nazi rapes. That's why you behave like nazis ... so f off with your bs
The biggest beneficiary of 9/11 has been Israel.

It has destroyed Middle East through American help and by promoting terror organizations. Syria had been its arch rival due to Golan Heights issue. Syria was the only country which in a state of war. Look at where Syria is now.

Assad is good or bad, I dont care. What I feel for is how Syrians have been dislocated and forced into destitution and homelessness.

Its geopolitics. If Assad was on the side of the 'human rights champion', he would have been feted and toasted. Is Modi or Naftali better than Assad? India and Israel are war criminals. But since they are chummies of human rights champion, their violence and abuses is just normal.

Syria was on the hitlist when the Iraqi war started, it was mentioned plenty of times that Syrian chemical weapons are a threat to the west, the west got stuck in Iraq and Afghanistan so they didn't want a new war in Syria. Then 2007 Hizbollah v Israel war happened and Syria helped Hizbollah defeat Israel. The Israeli generals and west made plans that Syria must be finished and suddenly Holy War was declared against Assad regime. Syria is a weak state at the moment, what can they do to challenge the enemies? Is was the only Arab state which spoke for Palestine and supporter Hizbollah but all arabs supported jihadis to destroy Syria. Traitors.
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