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Israeli Air Force Gears up to Strike Iran.

So, guys, after fifty pages think hard: is there any good outcome possible to the Islamic Republic of Iran possessing nuclear weapons?

coupled with it's interest in exporting it's revolution. they will only bring it strife and misery.
So, guys, after fifty pages think hard: is there any good outcome possible to the Islamic Republic of Iran possessing nuclear weapons?

Why Not?When Israel can import WMDs from US so why can't IRAN make Nukes for Protection.(Please Don't give me Ahmedinijad's Israel wipe off the map thing it just talk for domestic consumption and Israel knows it.Iranians are not stupid enough to endanger their existence by starting a Nuclear war)

and 2 Islamic Nuclear Powers are always better than 1.
Why Not?When Israel can import WMDs from US so why can't IRAN make Nukes for Protection.(Please Don't give me Ahmedinijad's Israel wipe off the map thing it just talk for domestic consumption and Israel knows it.Iranians are not stupid enough to endanger their existence by starting a Nuclear war)

and 2 Islamic Nuclear Powers are always better than 1.

Iran isn't looking for a nuke anyways.
The mullahs want Iran to be like Japan, to be able to make a nuke @ moments notice but never ever make one.
Iran will never make or test a nuke unless it's under imminent danger. Anybody that is familiar with Iran will tell you the same but unfortunately I can't expect Americans to understand this.

The Soviet Union had THOUSANDS OF NUKES but it fell on its ***! Nukes are useless. You want power you better stick to improving your economy etc...
Unh-uh, py. My question was about good, not right. "Please be honest."
Iran isn't looking for a nuke -
I don't believe that, I don't see why anyone else would.

The mullahs want Iran to be like Japan -
Nobody is worried about Japan's ambitions nowadays. You do know what happened to Japan's imperial ambitions, don't you?

Iran will never make or test a nuke unless it's under imminent danger.
And the mullahs are very good at creating that atmosphere, aren't they?

The Soviet Union had THOUSANDS OF NUKES but it fell on its ***
The Soviets didn't both threaten others with annihilation AND run external terror networks so they couldn't be held accountable in case of attack.

No, the mullahs are giving out every signal that they intend not just to acquire but to USE nuclear weapons. Already, before they have them, they are intent on using their dark shadow to inspire fear and obedience in others:

Try picturing a Shiite-Muslim mega-church in a huge downtown tent, with separate entrances for men and women and separate seating (with the women all covered in black). A huge poster of a nuclear mushroom cloud surmounts the scene, with the inscription oh zionists, if you want this type of war then so be it! link
I don't believe that, I don't see why anyone else would.

Nobody is worried about Japan's ambitions nowadays. You do know what happened to Japan's imperial ambitions, don't you?

And the mullahs are very good at creating that atmosphere, aren't they?

The Soviets didn't both threaten others with annihilation AND run external terror networks so they couldn't be held accountable in case of attack.

No, the mullahs are giving out every signal that they intend not just to acquire but to USE nuclear weapons. Already, before they have them, they are intent on using their dark shadow to inspire fear and obedience in others:

Try picturing a Shiite-Muslim mega-church in a huge downtown tent, with separate entrances for men and women and separate seating (with the women all covered in black). A huge poster of a nuclear mushroom cloud surmounts the scene, with the inscription oh zionists, if you want this type of war then so be it! link

you're giving the Western European view. The 118 member non aligned movement always sides with Iran and they account for the majority of countries on earth.
For 2500 years we haven't gave a **** about the Western opinion and we're not about to change how we do things. You think we are making nukes than you're welcome to come and attack.

Only a brain dead American will believe the **** that repeated on Fox and CNN 24/7
So you refuse to answer the question. You're really scared aren't you, Nima?
Iran has every right to produce limited number of nukes to defend itself against Israeli aggression.

When the notorious jewish state can have 300 warheads and no one likes to talk about them so what the bloody hell is so wrong with iran ?
So you refuse to answer the question. You're really scared aren't you, Nima?

those are questions to you; to me they're nothing but the same old sentences being repeated on American TV stations.

You guys justify nukes by saying "we're not worried about such and such country b/c they don't do such and such."
well as you know a revolution can change everything in two generations. One day Japan could become Nazi Germany again. Why do you guys condone Japan's ability to make nukes or Israel's acquired nukes??? What if Israel becomes a failed state, what will happen to all those nukes? What if......
This is not about double standards, this is about being naive and stupid enough to believe everything your govt wants you to believe.

In Iran we all watch the state run TV like we're watching a Benny hill movie, nobody takes it seriously. In the US everybody watches Fox and CNN like they're the mouth pieces of God himself!!!!

You also think Mullahs are still running Iran! LMAO
It's been a decade since they lost control. Today the IRGC runs Iran. They will just abolish the "velayate faqih" system once they're completely done with them. Khamenei doesn't run Iran any longer, it's IRGC and it's branches. They're the ones calling the shots today.
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Who do I have to be?

Nobody else steps up to the plate to do the job, yes? Nevertheless, most Americans would deny that the U.S. is the world's policeman. Perhaps the best explanation of U.S. policy under the G.W. Bush Administration was given by newspaper columnist Charles Krauthammer, who termed it "Democratic Realism":

We will support democracy everywhere, but we will commit blood and treasure only in places where there is a strategic necessity--meaning, places central to the larger war against the existential enemy, the enemy that poses a global mortal threat to freedom.

The Wall Street regime is doing a great job of crushing democracy at home. Maybe the US Army need to liberate the US from Wall Street. Send some B-52's to Manhattan, that'd be quite the show.
One day Japan could become Nazi Germany again. Why do you guys condone Japan's ability to make nukes or Israel's acquired nukes??? What if Israel becomes a failed state, what will happen to all those nukes? What if......
Nima, I do believe you're starting to panic.

You also think Mullahs are still running Iran! LMAO
It's been a decade since they lost control. Today the IRGC runs Iran. They will just abolish the "velayate faqih" system once they're completely done with them. Khamenei doesn't run Iran any longer, it's IRGC and it's branches.
Like the Janissaries did to the Ottomans, yes? In that case the Pasdaran would have to control the purse as well as the gun, but the last time I checked disposition of property was in the hands of the mullahs. Do correct me if I'm wrong.

So far nobody has argued that there is any possible good outcome to the IRI possessing nuclear weapons.
Nima, I do believe you're starting to panic.

Like the Janissaries did to the Ottomans, yes? In that case the Pasdaran would have to control the purse as well as the gun, but the last time I checked disposition of property was in the hands of the mullahs. Do correct me if I'm wrong.

So far nobody has argued that there is any possible good outcome to the IRI possessing nuclear weapons.

I'm starting to panic?
what do you mean?

The mullahs no longer control Iran, the IRGC does.
piece by piece they are taking over. First it was the military, now it's the economy. They have now taken over the stock exchange and all major companies including Iran's telecom companies.
Worrying Trend: IRGC taking over the economy. - Iran Defense Forum

about your moronic sentence at the end.
nuclear weapons are against humanity and are disgusting in the hands of all, not just the mullahs. Ask the hundreds of thousands of murdered Japanese.
I'm starting to panic?
what do you mean?
You're not effectively challenging anything I write, instead you are going all nutter on unsupportable what-ifs.

The mullahs no longer control Iran, the IRGC does.
piece by piece they are taking over. First it was the military, now it's the economy -
Very interesting. Once the Janissaries started running things they became more interested in using their position to build wealth and didn't want to risk their comfy situation by war. Do you see the same thing happening with the IRGC?

about your moronic sentence at the end.
nuclear weapons are against humanity and are disgusting in the hands of all, not just the mullahs. Ask the hundreds of thousands of murdered Japanese.
You can write that and then accuse me of making moronic statements? If the fate of millions of people wasn't at stake I might laugh.
So you refuse to answer the question. You're really scared aren't you, Nima?

Why don't you respond to this guy who says: Iran has every right to produce limited number of nukes to defend itself against Israeli aggression.

When the notorious jewish state can have 300 warheads and no one likes to talk about them so what the bloody hell is so wrong with iran ?

You're avoiding it, are u scared ?
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