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Featured Israel-Palestinian Conflict Resurgence 2021: Al-Aqsa attacks, riots, rockets, military clashes and Jerusalem conflict

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Al Jazeera journalist in Israel says one rocket hit Ben Gurion airport.

Hamas armed wing takes responsibility, says it's in response to the massage in Sha'atee refugee camp(strike on home that killed 8-18) and the massacre of Palestinians in the West Bank yesterday.
Why are Muslim now crying for Secular West?

The Secular Human Friendly West has already been stabbed by the Muslims in their back. The Muslims in Europe didn't integrate in the local culture and brought a huge problem of conflicts in the European local societies, which ultimately made the Secular Voices weaker, and the voices of the right wings in Europe became stronger.

Problem is this Muslim community prefers Sharia over the democratic secular laws. They impose their Sharia laws in their Muslim countries, but demand secular laws in Europe and India, where they are in minority. These DOUBLE STANDARDS of Muslim community are not going to last long. By doing this, it were Muslims who stabbed the Secular forces in the West.

We see Jeremy Corbyn of Labour party was supporter of Palestine and against the Israel occupation. But Muslim community in UK pushed UK towards right through their non-integration behaviour. Thus ultimately secular people like Jeremy Corbyn have to pay the price of this Muslim community behaviour.

My message to Muslim community:

Do follow the Secular values without any hypocrisy. Only then you will get the World support against Israel. Otherwise everyone will turn against you sooner or later. China, India, Myanmar have already turned against you openly. But with your double standards, sooner or later Western countries will also stand up against you.
Mayor of london is Muslim, you can find muslims in US congress and you can find muslims in army and police. Your verbal diarrhea has no meaning here
A few days ago, I felt NO malice or hatred towards Jews/Israel but now I can see that they are just as evil and monstrous as indians........... :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry:

Well they celebrate genocide of other ethnic groups in their festivals. Their favourite festival is the killing of first born children of Egypt and they have celebrated that for 3,000 years. geez, what's not to like, wake up.
You are absolutely right that Europeans supported Israel much before the forming of Muslim communities in Europe.

But at the same time, I feel that Europeans were the colonialists at that time and not PERFECT. But gradually they gave up colonialism and then they started moving towards Secularism more and more. They welcomed Muslims and other communities in their lands.

The first Intefada (Resistance) of Palestinians, which was only fought with stones (and no rockets), was a huge hit in Europe and got a lot of support from the European Public.

But then emergence of extremist Muslims made Europeans fearful. And then Secularism started loosing the battle in Europe and right wing (or conservative) parties started gaining the popularity.

Without European Secularism, the things will come to very bitter war between Muslims and the non-Muslims.
Europe had decades of prosperity and peace after the end of the World War II. That, in contrast to years of misery and death during two world wars, made the Europeans embrace liberal ideas that advocated diversity and inclusion of all kinds of people. After all, when your policies are inclusive, the chance of a war is reduced significantly.

Europe is accepting immigrants these days because your average European society does not have enough human resources to function normally as it used to. With most European countries having fertility rates well below the replacement level, and huge masses of immigrants going to Europe, Europeans find themselves in a much weaker position than decades ago. That's why they are looking for ways to coexist with Muslims, as a very large community in the world. It's all out of desperation and need, not because they're genuinely nice people.

Palestinian uprisings (Intifadas) were supported only by liberal groups in Europe, and European liberals continue to support Palestine, but never by the European governments or politicians. There are many Europeans that are well aware of the atrocities of Israelis. They know that Israel is in the wrong and Palestinians are in the right, but they either do not care about it or cannot do anything about it. People are not decision makers. And contrary to what everyone thinks, even in the most democratic country in the world, the people who are elected are filtered by the elite. And those elite people who filter the candidates have been mostly pro-Israel as of now.
Zionists only come in Isreal to kill Muslims . This is the only agenda in their mind. Wake up from deep deep sleep. Pakistan is a ideological country , it is not created in name of ethinic associations with land or tribal clan. ALLAH assigned us some responsibilities and we should raise our voice as one of our responsibility against isreali brutality on Gaza-Strip innocent muslims.

Are we forgetting our fonder message?

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How are they going to integrate when they dont look European? For 20 generations locals will be asking them where they are from and when are they going back home.
They can stop asking Europeans to convert to Islam as a start, for example.
Believe it or not, there are too many creepy, annoying Muslims that when you start talking to them, they want to talk you into becoming a Muslim.
On the AJ stream , Israeli firefighters seem to be putting out a fire in Tel Aviv. Damage can be seen in the area.

I'm seeing reports now that one Israeli was killed in the rocket strikes on Tell Aviv.

Confirmed. Raising official Israeli death toll to 10.
The matter of the fact is that there are layers and layers of armies protecting the Jews. I can count All the Arab armies and Russia in Syria and the US and Turkey too and finally the apostate faggots of the PA, their main goal is protecting the jewish borders against AQ and the muslim unorganised groups of people like the ones we have seen yesterday trying to cross the borders. Israel is weak, but the traitors are too manyand doing all they can to protect the jews.
Please wait here. Please refer to them as Zionists. Protecting the zionists. I am a jew but i have always supported muslim cause and if it means taking up arms on their side; there are thousands of us who stand up for their rights

You are correct all arabs leaders are total sellouts; if it is not for perfume shopping for their women; they are busy buying weapons which cannot be used except to feel good on parades or agaisnt poor yemeni women/children.

You talk of Arabs; where was Iran when the Armenians dogs were going against Azeris? Their duplicity was at the highest. thankfully, Pak and Turkey remained the bed rock. I can say Turkey would still not send manpower when push comes to shove; Pak would have sent in.

What did we see; the mass orgy by Master Bone Sawer and his pimping Gulfies with these Zionists dogs overseen by Kuchy/TiT.

The only way i see is for people to come out in mass and raise up to throw these wretched dogs and their fake rulers out first. PA and Hamas are both segmented and Zionists as well as Arabs have used them to divide further.
I am seeing alot of rocket attacks but what is the casualty ratio/ numbers of Israelis? Imagine if Hamas or other groups is able to kill a large number of Zionists Israelis, that should put them into a frenzy and pressure mounting on the government to reach some sort of peace owing to their small size. I think the objective should be killing and just killing of Israelis by whatever means possible. All civilian areas, homes, shelters, hospitals should be a fair game considering how Israel is doing the same.

fear will work better than dead bodies!!! now Israel is under pressure to push into gaza and end hammas enter gaza would mean dead zionist pigs if yahood swines with all their military might enter gaza and rockets dont stop then israeli will live in constant state of fear!

man i wish someone arm Palastinians with some Aks zionist will die of fear!
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