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Israel Hijacks Aid cargo, executes hostages - Pak journo, Talat Hussain taken hostage

cut the crap , and come to the point.

do u agree that the country isreal always existed in middle east as the quranic and biblical verces say , and therefore they have not stolen anyone else's land , and just got back their own land that was always theirs.
u think these quranic verces are wrong and there was no such nation called israel historically n jews have no right over the land of israel.

vats ure stand..???

its not only for u , its for all muslims who accept quran as god's word.

Well, my stand is all clear,but cudn't understand this idiotic concept that you are trying to extract out of it.

Quran tells about them coming back to those lands, but where does the ownership comes in ?? its quite funny that u r trying to legalize their ownership over the lands following a verse of a book u don't follow and when world that u follow never offers any recognition of religion to legal issues.

It doesn't provide jews any legal ownership, what it means is that they can come back and live their and nowhere it mentions of them forming a government or grabing the land. Its more like them coming as immigrants than political or military takeover. To live somewhere never means or forming a state by force after over throwing the actual owners.

What if Quran had mentioned India instead of Palestine so would you say that jews can come and take over India ?? Capture it, kill innocent people and form their own state replacing the orignal one ???

Its you who has to clear his stance.

Anyway, no more comments from me on a thread made exclusively for trolling.

Spain and India were once under Muslim rule and remained under Muslim rule for centuries, do you u mean to say Muslims should Invade and takeover India and Spain again !!!! Because Muslims ruled them centuries back and they still have ownership !!

No, but of course they can migrate and live like other nationals recognizing the state and its government (just as the case mentioned above).
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I thought Quran teaches love and peace. No wonder thats reason for so many jihadists.

Rss, Shiv Sena, BJp learns and follows Gita????
Hitler did Follow bible????
Zionists did follow Gospel???
WW1 and WW2 countries did follow their faith???
If some criminals not follow Quran that doesn't means that they are Islamic,,,,They are Kafirs.....
Jihad can only be allowed by the state,,, You can read Quran for that sentences...
Individual Jihad is illegal....
So it was, is, will not Jihad...
dont call them Jihadis again if you dont know about Islam otherwise.....
Expressing his concern over the treatment of Palestinians, musician Elvis Costello has canceled shows scheduled in Tel Aviv, Israel, on June 30 and July 1.

In a message posted on his website, Costello apologizes for the move, but notes that "there are occasions when merely having your name added to a concert schedule may be interpreted as a political act that resonates more than anything that might be sung and it may be assumed that one has no mind for the suffering of the innocent." He adds, it is "quite impossible to simply look the other way

Guess why they reject ? What are they trying to hide ?:blah:

Israel rejects international probe of flotilla raid - USATODAY.com

JERUSALEM (AP) — Israel rejects the idea of a having an international commission look into the country's deadly raid on a Gaza-bound aid flotilla, Israel's ambassador to the U.S. said Sunday.
Michael Oren said Israel has the ability and the right to investigate its own military. And he said Israel will not apologize for the incident, but is talking with the Obama administration about ways to deal with it.

"We are open to any ideas on how to somehow deal with the Gaza situation," Oren said on Fox News Sunday, He added, however, that "there is no simple idea."

SATURDAY: Israel remains defiant, seizes Gaza-bound aid ship

Israel's prime minister is claiming that the Turkish activists who battled Israeli commandos last week had prepared for the fight ahead of time.

An Israeli official said Sunday that United Nations chief Ban Ki Moon is moving ahead with plans for an international commission to investigate Israel's deadly raid, which came as it was trying to stop the Turkish ship from breaching a blockade of Hamas-ruled Gaza. The official spoke on condition of anonymity because Ban has not announced details of his proposal.

Eight Turks and a Turkish American were killed in the May 31 raid, and a preliminary autopsy report released by Turkey on Saturday said they were shot a total of 30 times. Israel said its forces acted in self-defense against people it described as Islamic extremists.

Oren said Sunday that Israel regrets the casualties.

The Turkish ship, which was part of a six-vessel international aid flotilla, was breaching an Israeli blockade of Gaza. Israel argues that a blockade is necessary to keep weapons and other military components out of the hands of Gaza militants who have attacked Israel with bombs, rockets and mortars for years.

Copyright 2010 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.
Well, my stand is all clear,but cudn't understand this idiotic concept that you are trying to extract out of it.

Quran tells about them coming back to those lands, but where does the ownership comes in ?? its quite funny that u r trying to legalize their ownership over the lands following a verse of a book u don't follow and when world that u follow never offers any recognition of religion to legal issues.

It doesn't provide jews any legal ownership, what it means is that they can come back and live their and nowhere it mentions of them forming a government or grabing the land. Its more like them coming as immigrants than political or military takeover. To live somewhere never means or forming a state by force after over throwing the actual owners.

What if Quran had mentioned India instead of Palestine so would you say that jews can come and take over India ?? Capture it, kill innocent people and form their own state replacing the orignal one ???

Its you who has to clear his stance.

Anyway, no more comments from me on a thread made exclusively for trolling.

Spain and India were once under Muslim rule and remained under Muslim rule for centuries, do you u mean to say Muslims should Invade and takeover India and Spain again !!!! Because Muslims ruled them centuries back and they still have ownership !!

No, but of course they can migrate and live like other nationals recognizing the state and its government (just as the case mentioned above).

are u sure u didnt understand my question..???
or ure intentionally avioding it..???

my question i simple.
why do muslims claim that israel has stolen palestinian land , when in thier own quran its written that israel is land of jews.
cut the crap , and come to the point.

do u agree that the country isreal always existed in middle east as the quranic and biblical verces say , and therefore they have not stolen anyone else's land , and just got back their own land that was always theirs.
u think these quranic verces are wrong and there was no such nation called israel historically n jews have no right over the land of israel.

vats ure stand..???

its not only for u , its for all muslims who accept quran as god's word.

You ......... ,,,,,, Muslim should attacked Spain,,,,,Russia should attacked Central asia,,,,British and Muslims should attack India,,,,
Roman should attack all europe,,,,,
Turkey should attack all for retaining of ottoman empire...
Australian should be wiped off because this is a land red indians..
Americans should migrate anywhere cause this land is not for them..
Well, my stand is all clear,but cudn't understand this idiotic concept that you are trying to extract out of it.

Quran tells about them coming back to those lands, but where does the ownership comes in ?? its quite funny that u r trying to legalize their ownership over the lands following a verse of a book u don't follow and when world that u follow never offers any recognition of religion to legal issues.

It doesn't provide jews any legal ownership, what it means is that they can come back and live their and nowhere it mentions of them forming a government or grabing the land. Its more like them coming as immigrants than political or military takeover. To live somewhere never means or forming a state by force after over throwing the actual owners.

What if Quran had mentioned India instead of Palestine so would you say that jews can come and take over India ?? Capture it, kill innocent people and form their own state replacing the orignal one ???

Its you who has to clear his stance.

Anyway, no more comments from me on a thread made exclusively for trolling.

Spain and India were once under Muslim rule and remained under Muslim rule for centuries, do you u mean to say Muslims should Invade and takeover India and Spain again !!!! Because Muslims ruled them centuries back and they still have ownership !!

No, but of course they can migrate and live like other nationals recognizing the state and its government (just as the case mentioned above).

as for india and spain , these lands were never muslim lands , they always belonged to hindus and christians , so there is no point that muslims can call these lands theirs.(even during islamic period whole of india was never ruled by muslims , expect few northern states were)

but isreal's case is different.
israel was always a jew's land , unless u refuse quranic verces , its proven that the land of israel actually belongs to jews.
The Jews have historic right over Israel. There is a detailed history about them, and not just their own that traces them to that land for almost $3,500 years. Many ancient towns in Israel, like Jerusalem, Bethlehem, etc, still have Hebrew names. In fact the Quranic stories narrated by Muhammad about Moses and the Israelites, confirm that the Jews called that part of land home at least 2000 years before Islam was invented.

The truth is that the Jews never deserted Israel completely. Many of them have been living there forever. But their land was under the domination of other powers, such as the Romans, the Caliphs of Islam and the Ottoman Empire.

(( dont bring india and spain into ure arguement , these lands were never muslim lands n will never be ))
moreover , nobody is asking muslims to leave india and spain today , muslims are still present in good numbers in these countries,and living peacefully.

but its muslims who have been crying over a tiny piece of land israel , which was never theirs.
are u sure u didnt understand my question..???
or ure intentionally avioding it..???

my question i simple.
why do muslims claim that israel has stolen palestinian land , when in thier own quran its written that israel is land of jews.

Yes Quran says that,,,and the prophecy is already here,,,,Israel got the land...
let me tell something more to you read whole Quran.....
There is a prophecy too when israel reclaim that piece of land then after some years ( 60, 70, 100, or e.t.c.)
The muslim will got this land forever and then there will be no jews in that land cause WHOLE the world accepts ISLAM as a religion(DEEN)...
This will only happen when Imam Al Mahdi arrives...
I believed that you will also read that too...
Hope you will believed in that too for your faith is concerned...
Yes Quran says that,,,and the prophecy is already here,,,,Israel got the land...
let me tell something more to you read whole Quran.....
There is a prophecy too when israel reclaim that piece of land then after some years ( 60, 70, 100, or e.t.c.)
The muslim will got this land forever and then there will be no jews in that land cause WHOLE the world accepts ISLAM as a religion(DEEN)...
This will only happen when Imam Al Mahdi arrives...
I believed that you will also read that too...
Hope you will believed in that too for your faith is concerned...

dont dream that far son.
u can get such al mehdi hobblywobbly stories in every religion n cult.
muslims are not god's(real god,not allah) favourite , and u dont need much intelligence to see that.
moreover , nobody is asking muslims to leave india and spain today , muslims are still present in good numbers in these countries,and living peacefully.

but its muslims who have been crying over a tiny piece of land israel , which was never theirs.

There will be peace in Palestine the day Palestinians put down their arms and start negotiating on equal terms.

This is not happening because Muslims hate the Jews gutturally.
Palestinians are not homeless. After sixty years they are not refugees. Israelis built thier country from scratch during these years, Palestinians could have done the same. But their leaders got the money from USA, filled their bank accounts and financed war with Israel instead.
Now the question is, if not in their ancestral land, where the Israelis should build their country. Where do you think they should go? Would Antarctica satisfy you or rather you’d prefer they are sent to Mars?
For Israelis it is a matter of survival. They have nowhere to go. Palestinians have enough land to build their country and live happily. But that is not what they want. They want revenge and are readly to kill themselves for that. Most Palestinians prefer being killed in a nuclear bomb if the Jews are also going to be killed than leave side by side with the Jews and share the land with them.

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