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Israel Hijacks Aid cargo, executes hostages - Pak journo, Talat Hussain taken hostage

A wrong is a wrong. Israel has no business attacking an aid ship that too in International waters. If Israel is so honest in its claims why is so it is refusing a international panel to investigate its commando raid?

Israel rejects international panel to study raid: envoy | Reuters

Israel rejects international panel to study raid: envoy

(Reuters) - Israel does not want an international panel to investigate its commando raid on a Gaza-bound aid ship but is talking with Washington about how an inquiry of the incident should proceed, Israel's U.S. ambassador said Sunday.

"We are rejecting an international commission," Michael Oren, Israel's ambassador to the United States, said on "Fox News Sunday."
"We are discussing with the Obama administration a way in which our inquiry will take place."

Nine pro-Palestinian activists were killed last week when Israeli troops boarded the ship carrying aid to Gaza. U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon had discussed his proposal for multinational investigation of the raid Saturday with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

Ban had suggested establishing a panel that would be headed by former New Zealand prime minister Geoffrey Palmer and include representatives from Israel, the United States and Turkey, under whose flag the ship sailed, an official from Netanyahu's office said earlier Sunday.

Netanyahu planned to convene senior Cabinet ministers on Sunday to decide whether Israel would take part, said the official, who spoke on condition of anonymity.

But Oren told Fox: "Israel is a democratic nation. Israel has the ability and the right to investigate itself, not to be investigated by any international board."

Israeli leaders have spoken publicly about having foreign observers for an Israeli investigation into Monday's interception of the Turkish-flagged Mavi Marmara, which was part of a six-vessel fleet.

Asked if an Israeli investigation would include foreign participation, Oren said, "This is an ongoing discussion in the Israeli government. But at the end of the day, Israel has the right, the duty, as a democracy to investigate any military activity."

Ban also discussed with Turkish Prime Minister Tayyip Erodogan "options for moving forward with the investigation called for by the Security Council," the United Nations said on its website, referring to the council's call for an impartial inquiry.

Israel's navy boarded another ship carrying aid to Gaza on Saturday. Its interception of the MV Rachel Corrie ended without violence following diplomatic efforts to avoid bloodshed.

U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman John Kerry said on ABC's "This Week" it was in Israel's "security and national defense interest to deal more effectively with the Gaza situation."
Israel has every right to ensure weapons are not being smuggled into Gaza but there is still too much confusion about what goods humanitarian groups are allowed to bring in, he said.

"I think that what we need to do in the days ahead is put out a list of the things that cannot go in," Kerry said.
Republican Senator John Cornyn accused the pro-Palestinian activists of "a premeditation provocation" that resulted in Israeli troops having to defend themselves.

"If the people organizing this flotilla had been committed to a peaceful activity as opposed to provocation, this would not have occurred and Israel would have been able to examine the contents of the flotilla and they would have been delivered to the people in Gaza who needed help," Cornyn said on "This Week."
ummm i got a question for pak and chinese member.

Do you guys hate the whole of the israeal , there goverment or the jews ? 0_0.

Realy i don't know ._..
ummm i got a question for pak and chinese member.

Do you guys hate the whole of the israeal , there goverment or the jews ? 0_0.

Realy i don't know ._..
Let me guess you're gonna act like a retard and use anti Semite card again?According to Israel if you're not Jewish and you criticize Israel then you're anti Semitic. This attitude that some people have- where either you are for Israel or you are an anti-Semite is *****.Human rights groups and activists, journalists and generally nice sane people Like N Chomsky throughout the world have been labeled as anti-Semitic for having the audacity to disagree with israel. ***** Israel, I'm tired of their *****.Israel has become the thing they hated 60 years ago.I find Israeli Government and Talibans to be cousins.Both are ultra-right wing and use/abuse their respective religion.
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ummm i got a question for pak and chinese member.

Do you guys hate the whole of the israeal , there goverment or the jews ? 0_0.

Realy i don't know ._..

I guess for most part it's the policies of the Israeli government. I guess if Israel hadn't had the post-independence history that it has, none would have had any problem. If Europens had given the Jews a place to live in peacefully, there wouldn't have been any problem.

im a little confused about the comments made at the end of this video.
could someone enlighten me..???
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Sura 10:93-94

“We settled the Children of Israel in a beautiful dwelling-place...If thou wert in doubt as to what We have revealed unto thee, then ask those who have been reading the Book from before thee"

---------- Post added at 12:48 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:47 AM ----------

Sura 17:4
"And We [Allah] gave (clear) warning to the children of Israel in the Book, that twice would they do mischief on the earth and be elated with mighty arrogance (and twice would they be punished)!"

---------- Post added at 12:49 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:48 AM ----------

Sura 17:7

The Palestinians deny that there ever was a Jewish Temple in Jerusalem. But Sura 17:7 records the destruction of the First Temple by Babylon and the Second Temple by Rome, and even prophet Mohammed never contests the Bible's claim that the Temples were in Jerusalem.
Sura 17:104
The Jews' return from 19 centuries of exile is actually the fulfillment of Islamic prophecy. Sura 17:104 says that 'And we said to the Children of Israel afterwards, "Go live into this land. When the final prophecy comes to pass, we will summon you all in one group."'

---------- Post added at 12:51 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:50 AM ----------

all those who say israel has captured palestinian land , please refute these verces.
all those who say israel has captured palestinian land , please refute these verces.

Would you show same care if Quran had said that US/ India is a land promised to Muslims, Go conquer it!!!

Just Curious to know!!

The Palestinians deny that there ever was a Jewish Temple in Jerusalem. But Sura 17:7 records the destruction of the First Temple by Babylon and the Second Temple by Rome, and even prophet Mohammed never contests the Bible's claim that the Temples were in Jerusalem.

Why would he do so, before reading these references you must understand that the Muslim belief is that Our Prophet (P.B.U.H) was sent from the same God (to Complete Allah's religion) who send all the Prophets from Adam to Mohammad (P.B.U.H), including Jesus, Moses and many others..

So why would our Prophet (P.B.U.H) would deny claims of Bible!!

Sura 17:104
The Jews' return from 19 centuries of exile is actually the fulfillment of Islamic prophecy. Sura 17:104 says that 'And we said to the Children of Israel afterwards, "Go live into this land. When the final prophecy comes to pass, we will summon you all in one group."'

---------- Post added at 12:51 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:50 AM ----------

all those who say israel has captured palestinian land , please refute these verces.

if you read it carefully then there is a huge difference, the Islamic prophecy says that Jews will return to this land but it doesn't mention anywhere that they have to return to claim ownership of the land or to overthrow those who already live their but for all the Muslims, Christians & Jews to unite before the Day of Judgement.

Also it mentioned that they(Jews) will be cruel and carry out all their evil deeds, and it also says that Jews & Christians would do everything possible thing in the later ages to suppress and harm Islam. And that is the reason for hatred in among Muslims specially for Jews and other western nations, because we can see this all happening that was written 1400 yrs back.

So, it also justifies the need for reaction to jewish barbarism in Palestine.

Also, it provides an account for all the current Zionist acts of Jews worldwide which most of our Indian members refuse when its not favorable in discussions.

So, plz don't twist the meanings of verses and prophecies of the book which you don't believe in, to back your claims and support for an allied nation.
all those who say israel has captured palestinian land , please refute these verces.

Following that it becomes justified that Greece can claim all the lands that Alexander conquered(Egypt, Iraq, Iran & some parts of Pakistan, Turks can Invade India again, India can claim Pakistan, Pakistan can claim BD.:woot:

I thought Quran teaches love and peace. No wonder thats reason for so many jihadists.
I thought Quran teaches love and peace. No wonder thats reason for so many jihadists.

Ofcourse Quran teaches & promotes love and peace but also it asks to defend yourself.

I understood one thing now, why God gave humans two eyes, to see both the sides of a coin and I hope that you try to use both of them. And im sure you won't be unaware of killings of Palestine.

If Palastines try to defend themselves then is it terrorism !! Jihadies manipulate these verses for their own interests and they donot follow them in their pure essence resulting in a bad image of our religion.

Quran gives all the rules and regulations for all the matters of daily life to running a country and in Jihad as well there are hard & strict rules to avoid any injustice to innocent.
Would you show same care if Quran had said that US/ India is a land promised to Muslims, Go conquer it!!!

Just Curious to know!!

Why would he do so, before reading these references you must understand that the Muslim belief is that Our Prophet (P.B.U.H) was sent from the same God (to Complete Allah's religion) who send all the Prophets from Adam to Mohammad (P.B.U.H), including Jesus, Moses and many others..

So why would our Prophet (P.B.U.H) would deny claims of Bible!!

if you read it carefully then there is a huge difference, the Islamic prophecy says that Jews will return to this land but it doesn't mention anywhere that they have to return to claim ownership of the land or to overthrow those who already live their but for all the Muslims, Christians & Jews to unite before the Day of Judgement.

Also it mentioned that they(Jews) will be cruel and carry out all their evil deeds, and it also says that Jews & Christians would do everything possible thing in the later ages to suppress and harm Islam. And that is the reason for hatred in among Muslims specially for Jews and other western nations, because we can see this all happening that was written 1400 yrs back.

So, it also justifies the need for reaction to jewish barbarism in Palestine.

Also, it provides an account for all the current Zionist acts of Jews worldwide which most of our Indian members refuse when its not favorable in discussions.

So, plz don't twist the meanings of verses and prophecies of the book which you don't believe in, to back your claims and support for an allied nation.

cut the crap , and come to the point.

do u agree that the country isreal always existed in middle east as the quranic and biblical verces say , and therefore they have not stolen anyone else's land , and just got back their own land that was always theirs.
u think these quranic verces are wrong and there was no such nation called israel historically n jews have no right over the land of israel.

vats ure stand..???

its not only for u , its for all muslims who accept quran as god's word.

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