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Islamabad: Red Mosque Alert

@Horus did we trigger this :what: ....although this has been going around for a while but things got heated up since then....

Idk if you have heard, but mullah had it coming he was calling for Jihad and was back to his old tactics of brainwashing.......according to his recent sermon His followers shouldn't be afraid of Jails or confinement as it is only there you get more close to Allah

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yes or jihad k safar main larkio ko panah k tor par istimal kernay say be na ghabrain.zarorat paray to unkay kapray pahan lain ya unki goad main chup jain. mullah aziz.
Sometimes it looks like people at charge in Pakistan have habbit of pull down their pants, bend over and get shafted. Until we get ride of people with cuck mindset, we will not get out of this never ending cycle of security crisis.
IF, Pakistan as a state was delivering and all systems were go... I'd suggest a more hands on approach by the state in religious matters. No shops in the name of faith ... no cashing the weak in faith for their needs and wants... no manipulation of the masses... no tolerance for innovation and newer or recent iterations. State could have owned and defined faith such as Ahl Sunnah only described as four interpretations(and if you ask me we know better today about faith and ahadith then people did 1200 years ago, we have all materials and traditions notated ... whereas then people would travel distances to learn one hadith or tradition) and for Shi'ite their three interpretations. When Persian General Rustam asked Sahabi Rabi ibn Amr(R.A) on why they came? He replied “Allah Azza wa jal has sent us to deliver you from worshiping the creation to worshiping the Creator and to deliver you from the constriction of this world to the vastness of this world and the hereafter and from the oppression of the religions to the justice of Islam. Allah Azza wa jal has sent us to save you from worshiping each other.”

Think for yourself, aren't Muslims exactly doing the opposite?

Besides, no one should be able to stop one Muslim to enter a Masjid just because these have a new or different interpretation than the four original. I don't want to delve more into it ... but at the end of the day, states outlook and manifestation must change to reflect not only it's constituents but it's values as well.
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What a joke, might as well surrender to this Burka mullah and make him your Caliph. Pakistani state is too weak to deal with terrorism. I have reached two conclusions as to why this Mullahs and his supporters are still around:
1. The Establishment is scared of him and does not want to take difficult decisions that threatens their status quo.
2. The Establishment or a part of it are actively supporting him or keeping him for some other internal or external geo strategic reasons.
And if someone is demanding sharia in Pakistan, then it should not be a crime.
Demanding Sharia is not a crime, crime at the name of Sharia MUST be dealt as Crime.

If you remember Sikandar Hayat the man who took his own wife and child as hostage also demanded Sharia after consuming drinks multiple times in public
Sikandar Hayat.jpg
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I think we should just give this country to USA, maybe they will manage it better than our incompetent leaders and spineless Establishment. USA should open huge Military bases in every Province and take much of the administrative authority to themselves , and rest can be given to their own choosing puppet leaders . I think like this Pakistan will be more progressive and peaceful .
Bhai, this problem has nothing to do with Fazul Rehman. And if someone is demanding sharia in Pakistan, then it should not be a crime.


There is no such thing as sharia law---. It is all a drama created by fanatics---.

It is basically Tribal law of that region from where Islam came---.

There is no such thing as sharia law---. It is all a drama created by fanatics---.

It is basically Tribal law of that region from where Islam came---.

It seems almost everyday I find an exceptionally wise guy... you take the cake today... very narrowly though... but you got it!

What is shara? Something prescribed... How you got married? Ever been to a Muslim funeral? Performed Salah? Paid Zakah? Or charity? Know who you can and can't marry? Who you cannot be among? What you eat? Ever heard Halal? What are Halal? What are the rights of your neighbor? How to distribute inheritance? Rights of parents and siblings? How to divorce? How to keep oneself clean? ...

I mean I can go on and on ... but I'm now interested in knowing that tribe... tribe that follows shariah?
It seems almost everyday I find an exceptionally wise guy... you take the cake today... very narrowly though... but you got it!

What is shara? Something prescribed... How you got married? Ever been to a Muslim funeral? Performed Salah? Paid Zakah? Or charity? Know who you can and can't marry? Who you cannot be among? What you eat? Ever heard Halal? What are Halal? What are the rights of your neighbor? How to distribute inheritance? Rights of parents and siblings? How to divorce? How to keep oneself clean? ...

I mean I can go on and on ... but I'm now interested in knowing that tribe... tribe that follows shariah?


It is a modified part of Roman law / Biblical law---.

You can go on and on---and you will be running around in circles like your predecessors and end up with nothing---.

What is sharia law in pakistan---stone women to death for sex---stone girls to death for sex even if they are raped---. Mary 4 women---then divorce one and mary again---.

Punish people who eat in public during the month of ramzan---kill someone who desecrates the name of Prophet---or the Quraan---burn them to death---butcher them slaughter them---. Basically this is the only part of sharia that pakistanis are interested in---.

The thugs want to enforce it---the mullahs---just like in Iran.

It is a modified part of Roman law / Biblical law---.

You can go on and on---and you will be running around in circles like your predecessors and end up with nothing---.

What is sharia law in pakistan---stone women to death for sex---stone girls to death for sex even if they are raped---. Mary 4 women---then divorce one and mary again---.

Punish people who eat in public during the month of ramzan---kill someone who desecrates the name of Prophet---or the Quraan---burn them to death---butcher them slaughter them---. Basically this is the only part of sharia that pakistanis are interested in---.

The thugs want to enforce it---the mullahs---just like in Iran.

You are an example of a person who has no idea of what he/she is talking about!!!
Concept of law as in enforcement of limits and punishments has a very intrinsic meaning and impact for those who witness!
Islam promises JUSTICE! Not always in your lifetime... in fact most of the time the most vile people, murderers, pedophiles and thieves die in peace without seeing the justice they deserved and their victims hoped and wished. For harsh punishments you have to understand the believers accepting the fact that his/her acts caused mischief and for that he/she will be held accountable ... Islam offers two options to trial, in this life and a fair punishment, (as prescribed) or, the one in hereafter... in case you choose the way of repentance and Almighty hides your mischief from public... you may or may not receive pardon in the hereafter (again this is for the believers only) as prescribed by Ar-Rahman(the most Gracious)... but if you chose and accepted your punishment in your lifetime then that is not something you'd be trialled again for...

Do let me know that tribe you mentioned earlier.
Demanding Sharia is not a crime, crime at the name of Sharia MUST be dealt as Crime.

If you remember Sikandar Hayat the man who took his own wife and child as hostage also demanded Sharia after consuming drinks multiple times in public
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As I said before, if someone is demanding sharia in a peaceful manner, or, without guns, let them be. We should let this feudal mentality go, where no one is even allowed to talk about things.


There is no such thing as sharia law---. It is all a drama created by fanatics---.

It is basically Tribal law of that region from where Islam came---.
Sharia is a law made under the guidance of Quraan and Hadith.
Very respectfully bhai, its not a drama, it's a full fledged law science.
For love of GOD TTP is dying this needs to be handled carefully and if it goes wrong which most likely it would it could turn into real boost for dying TTP and give it a new life. Lal Masjid operation is what turned them monsters in first place.

There needs to be a dialogue with those female students and Maulana with Imran Khan (in the same room). Every one should know facts, while also knowing this Maulana is a mentally sick person even if he doesn't show up as one.
Let's not make him a martyr, deal with his narrative through intellect, Musharraf was lacking on that hence he only knew the language of force like wild beasts would. His idiocy costed the country a lot.
#Breaking: #Islamabad admin has laid a siege to the area outside the #LalMasjid as Maulana Abdul Aziz occupied the state-owned masjid. 100 female students of #JamiaHafsa, G-7, broke into the sealed building of the seminary at H-11 (Jamia Hafsa) on 6th Feb night.
He should be eliminated when he got caught wearing burka instead of showing him alive on T.V....Mosque should be raised to ground and instead should build a play ground for children...

Now this drama repeat again....

Nvm, this guy belongs from a makhsoos tabqa which lives on monthly saudi stipend. They're also the ones who supported ttp back in days, now they're just disguising themselves under the patriot certification.
Yeah just like mahsoos tabqa who believe Kaba is in Tehran.
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