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Islam And Pakistan

Now Coming back to main topic which i wanted to discuss is Can we differentiate islam and Pakistan Answer is No why is that because its the only reason why Pakistan was created every thing else comes after that without islam their is no Pakistan and their will be no Pakistan -
The problem with that approach is that once faith is made the fundamental criterion for identity, the status of people lacking such faith, or not possessing faith in sufficient degree, becomes tenuous. Either laws will oppose people with insufficient faith or different faith directly or else the populace will be incited to act against the faithless outside of the law.

How Israel (the "enemy" state Pakistanis see as founded with a parallel vision to their own) avoids the cruelties of Pakistan seems to be a mystery to educated Pakistanis who know the anti-Israel propaganda of the Muslim world is antisemitic genocide-inspiring hogwash. They ask themselves such questions as, "How can Tel Aviv be a city of fifty-nine mosques?" link

I suppose I could just throw out answers, but I really think it's more edifying for motivated Pakistanis to not believe me blindly and seek out the answers themselves and report them instead. (No credit for perpetrating lies or baseless propaganda, of course.)
The problem with that approach is that once faith is made the fundamental criterion for identity, the status of people lacking such faith, or not possessing faith in sufficient degree, becomes tenuous. Either laws will oppose people with insufficient faith or different faith directly or else the populace will be incited to act against the faithless outside of the law.

How Israel (the "enemy" state Pakistanis see as founded with a parallel vision to their own) avoids the cruelties of Pakistan seems to be a mystery to educated Pakistanis who know the anti-Israel propaganda of the Muslim world is antisemitic genocide-inspiring hogwash. They ask themselves such questions as, "How can Tel Aviv be a city of fifty-nine mosques?" link

I suppose I could just throw out answers, but I really think it's more edifying for motivated Pakistanis to not believe me blindly and seek out the answers themselves and report them instead. (No credit for perpetrating lies or baseless propaganda, of course.)

Deported from Israel for being a Muslim who visited Pakistan – The Express Tribune Blog
These travails of a short-term visitor shed little light on how Israel succeeds in creating a functioning and prosperous multi-ethnic polity that preserves democratic freedoms. In that sense there is nothing to learn from the story - save that careful readers discern that the decision to detain and deport this writer wasn't made arbitrarily but only after questioning and examining evidence, including records which the author thought was his right to keep secret.
These travails of a short-term visitor shed little light on how Israel succeeds in creating a functioning and prosperous multi-ethnic polity that preserves democratic freedoms. In that sense there is nothing to learn from the story - save that careful readers discern that the decision to detain and deport this writer wasn't made arbitrarily but only after questioning and examining evidence, including records which the author thought was his right to keep secret.

lol my friend every coin has 2 sides may be Israel is a great state and half of the people who dont like israel just for fun, and what i had seen on media is wrong , what i heard from people is wrong , well i will wait bcz i had plans of going their one day now i will go and personally see by myself then we discuss it further
lol my friend every coin has 2 sides may be Israel is a great state and half of the people who dont like israel just for fun, and what i had seen on media is wrong , what i heard from people is wrong , well i will wait bcz i had plans of going their one day now i will go and personally see by myself then we discuss it further
Good luck. Security is tough there but I had it worse at Schiphol where police compelled me to take off my underpants and even in the U.S. where Homeland Security once seized personal papers from inside a carry-on and denied it until I pointed to them in the garbage can next to the officer.
Good luck. Security is tough there but I had it worse at Schiphol where police compelled me to take off my underpants and even in the U.S. where Homeland Security once seized personal papers from inside a carry-on and denied it until I pointed to them in the garbage can next to the officer.

Any suggestion cz None of my friends been their ?
their are 3 which Looks kool to me
David Citadel Hotel
the king david
Mamilla Hotel
any thing you have in mind i will try my best to go in next summer
Reading the article again. True or not, the story may be intended as a parable, to express ideas about politics that author felt would not be welcome if he stated them without Israel as the villain. Consider the following passage:

Pakistan today has become what one would call an anachronism. The very idea of a Muslim state where minorities are subjected to inferior treatment is an idea the roots of which lie in centuries past. This ethno-religious criteria used to denominate and rank citizens is hardly the hallmark of a liberal democracy. The Pakistani state is the only developed country on the planet which undertakes the policy of ethnic cleansing and encroachment of foreign land with such arrogant gusto and in doing so has forever became an international pariah.

All I did was substitute "Pakistan", "Pakistani", and "Muslim" for "Israel", "Zionist", and "Jewish". This passage makes more sense than the original as it is far more in accordance with facts.
Pakistan is not an Islamic state at all. It is a Muslim majority state but not Islamic state. The official name of the country is a misnomer. Its not Islamic republic of Pakistan since the law of the country is NOT Sharia. There is only one country which use extreme version of Sharia. Saudi Arabia. Iran also has strict version of Sharia Penal law but They are not as strict as Saudians in other areas. Pakistan may have some Sharia laws but even Bangladesh has those family related Sharia.

Having a true Islamic country in todays time is very hard. Islam is a very strict religion. Almost everything is haram in Islam. Even music and painting living beings are haram in Islam.

Girls have to wear Hijab. Its compulsary. Infact Hazrat Muhammad pbuh had a wife Reyhana whose refusal to wear Hijab made a rift between them. So in Islamic state its must to wear Hijab but do we see most Pakistani girls wearing Hijab? Look at Veena Malik. How she representing Pakistan in India is so embarrassing for an Islamic state. Pakistan is not an Islamic state. Even the founder had Christian missionary school background.
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