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Is the US’s complete support for Israel in the best interest of the US?

There is another problem.Israel is a nuclear power,u don't want to put it into a desperate situation.Especially with its last resort 'the samson option' named after the biblical figure samson who brought down the whole temple on his heads killing himself and his phillistine captors.Basically if faced with extinction,israel will take evrybody from europe to the whole middle east down with it.Some say This was used as blackmail in 1973 to force usa to airlift supplies during the early phase.
Samson Option - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Jews are pretty crazy, moreso than Arabs. They really know how to survive, and have thrived under harsh circumstances. This is likely no bluff.
Jews are pretty crazy, moreso than Arabs. They really know how to survive, and have thrived under harsh circumstances. This is likely no bluff.

They should be. Else they wont survive in that neighborhood !
So hating Arabs/Muslims should be declared a sport ?

Your words are not resounding with brotherly love either.

Yet Turkey is providing the largest army for NATO after US but can't find a place in the EU because of European arrogance

Yet the US always finds a way to have good relations when it serves it interests (think the Mujahedin in Afghanistan)
And may be that Allah S.W.T. Plan for Turkey.

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