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@ghilzai Tell me about the human beings. How is that possible, how can anyone change his ethnicity.
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Perhaps we pashtuns are fated (or cursed?) to always quarrel with each other on every plateform, in every walk of life....the rest of the world is laughing at us, they are happy that such fearsome people are always divided and disunited.
My advice is similar to yours, swallow some of your pride if you are going to get along well with pakistan. Pashtuns are very proud people and they do the mistake of looking down on others. You should remember that for rest of pakistanis your pride is arrogance , it will keep them away from you.

I am never too proud to admit my.mistakes and never proud to shake hands, but you have just gone beyond reason, at times your anti pak views, your persistent harassment of those you have clearly lost debate to.

We are cursed like hajooj majooj but one day we will break that wall and nothing will stand in our way, that is our destiny.

I let bygones be bygones, i personally think you should offer your apologies to all pakistanis and especially havi.
@ghilzai Tell me about the human beings. How is that possible, how can anyone change his ethnicity.

Yaraa even the Pashtuns, the Punjabis, the Sindhis, the Kashmiris, the Bengalis & so on & so forth of today are nothing more than the descendants of a bunch of people who a few thousand years ago, despite being born out of some other civilizations or races, decided to call themselves Pashtuns or Punjabis or Sindhis & so on & so forth !

Pashtun History goes back 4000 years, I'm sure Punjabi & Kashmiri history is just as long - What were they before that ? They must have been something...right ? None of those ethnicities descended from heaven; they were created through interactions between different people who, through time, evolved a language of their own, a culture of their own & a history of their own & then a time came when they grew a common collective consciousness & lo & behold - a Nation was born !

So if they really are 'created' identities as modern sciences tell us that they are then it would be logical to assume that a person can call himself a Pashtun, a Punjabi or anything of the sort if they wish it !

Take my example - I'm an ethnic Kashmiri but culturally & linguistically I'm a Punjabi & I identify very...very strongly as a Punjabi & not as a Kashmiri because I've made that choice as an individual to call the Punjabis of Pakistan as my own people, within the context of Pakistan !
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Yaraa even the Pashtuns, the Punjabis, the Sindhis, the Kashmiris, the Bengalis & so on & so forth of today are nothing more than the descendants of a bunch of people who a few thousand years ago, despite being born out of some other civilizations or races, decided to call themselves Pashtuns or Punjabis or Sindhis & so on & so forth !

Pashtun History goes back 4000 years, I'm sure Punjabi & Kashmiri history is just as long - What were they before that ? They must have been something...right ? None of those ethnicities descended from heaven; they were created through interactions between different people who, through time, evolved a language of their own, a culture of their own & a history of their own & then a time came when they grew a common collective consciousness & lo & behold - a Nation was born !

So if they really are 'created' identities as modern sciences tell us that they are then it would be logical to assume that a person can call himself a Pashtun, a Punjabi or anything of the sort if they wish it !

Take my example - I'm an ethnic Kashmiri but culturally & linguistically I'm a Punjabi & I identify very...very strongly as a Punjabi & not as a Kashmiri because I've made that choice as an individual to call the Punjabis of Pakistan as my own people, within the context of Pakistan !

You can transform into other ethnicity through some generations that is happening through ancient time, that's your case too but instantly its impossible.
99% of threads started on daily basis here are in no way related to defense, yet the name 'Pakistan defense forum', and all most all the threads opened are to abuse, hate, target and vent their frustration on others, including this very own thread, religion bashing, racism etc etc happen blatantly, if the mods were educated good enough on what amounts to violation of 'rules', all most all would have been banned permanently, this forum is nothing but an open sewage were any one can come in and open a new thread bashing others. In such a situation you are hoping to make friends here. don't pay too much attention to negativity, try to look at good things.


A hell better than your indian forum
Nothing but ****

WHY THE HELL SO MANY indians have joined
You can transform into other ethnicity through some generations that is happening through ancient time, that's your case too but instantly its impossible.

Abbaiii post 'thank' kar diyaa kar mein koii suteilaaa nahin hooon ! :angry:

Waisee huun lakin phir bhii kar diyaa kar ! :D

Dude, the time frame is irrelevant if identity is all about choice ! Yes it requires an easing in, in almost all organically or subconsciously induced changes, but if its a deliberate choice then whats the need for an easing in because you've already defined yourself as what you are !
Abbaiii post 'thank' kar diyaa kar mein koii suteilaaa nahin hooon ! :angry:

Waisee huun lakin phir bhii kar diyaa kar ! :D

Dude, the time frame is irrelevant if identity is all about choice ! Yes it requires an easing in, in almost all organically or subconsciously induced changes, but if its a deliberate choice then whats the need for an easing in because you've already defined yourself as what you are !

Mobile pe hoon,:cry:
Abbaiii post 'thank' kar diyaa kar mein koii suteilaaa nahin hooon ! :angry:

Waisee huun lakin phir bhii kar diyaa kar ! :D

Dude, the time frame is irrelevant if identity is all about choice ! Yes it requires an easing in, in almost all organically or subconsciously induced changes, but if its a deliberate choice then whats the need for an easing in because you've already defined yourself as what you are !
National Identity might be instantaneous e.g in 1947 we suddenly became pakistanis but we simply cant change our race, it is determined at birth , you carry this racial identity to the grave. Exact words of havi are "i have adopted pashtun race", one can be admirer, fan of pashtuns but wtf is adopting a race?
This ISPR article was dated 2007..dont bring in 1999 books written by civilians.

What ISPR says regarding ethnic composition of Pak Army is the most credible and an outsider like me would rather go with ISPR's words than anybody else. By denying what ISPR said you are making them look like liars which is a great disservice to your Army.

If you want to defend Pathans fine..but please dont cook up facts to prove your point,


It can mean abother thing..That the Pathans were so disgusted with the conduct of the Pak Army in the WoT that many of them got voluntarily discharged from the army and the % fell from 30% to 13.5%. Take your pick

I am sending a message to the ISPR. The information will be in your inbox tomorrow if reply comes. But last time they didn't reply realizing there is no guarantee of my articles being published.

The percentage still is around 20-25%. I can guarantee it. Furthermore ISPR has a lot of outdated statistics. These army men in reality are as lazy or more lazy than people like me. These statistics look like those from the 1970's and 1980's. Later the Pashtun ratio climbed heavily along with the ratio of Kashmiris. The Sindhis have a low population along with the Balochs. That is an issue indeed.

You might be happy that a supporter has poped up for you against me. But this akhroat is a ticking time bomb, he is doing more harm than good whenever i poke him a little.

Luffy I am not kidding when I say I don't dislike you or have anything personal against you but this is open hypocrisy. What madness is this? It was an insult to Pashtuns and you let it go. Everywhere else you are nitpicking fights. Then you distorted entire Pashtun history in order to prove me wrong. Luffy you won't admit it but you know I have every statistic available with me, I have sources, tons of books, I have entire reports about various topics I can access. You waste your time on me and perhaps I waste mine on you in the futile hope that I may be able to convince you.

National Identity might be instantaneous e.g in 1947 we suddenly became pakistanis but we simply cant change our race, it is determined at birth , you carry this racial identity to the grave. Exact words of havi are "i have adopted pashtun race", one can be admirer, fan of pashtuns but wtf is adopting a race?

That could very well be my race... at least from one side. Only thing is it is unproven and my family have imposed that false term called Muhajir on themselves. I rebel against it.
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Icewolf is doing his best to make that happen.

Abt identity, sure identities have been created over millenia, and THATS why you can not change those overnight. Sure we have all come from Africa, but I'm not going to become a scandanavian by badly wanting to. You guys are using wrong examples and faulty logic.
National Identity might be instantaneous e.g in 1947 we suddenly became pakistanis but we simply cant change our race, it is determined at birth , you carry this racial identity to the grave. Exact words of havi are "i have adopted pashtun race", one can be admirer, fan of pashtuns but wtf is adopting a race?

The same as you came up with a 'Pashtun Race' a few thousand years ago ! :lol:
The same as you came up with a 'Pashtun Race' a few thousand years ago ! :lol:

The pashtun race did not come about one day and they decided to call themselves pashtun. This evolution happened over millenia, its not like one wakes up one day and choses to be one ethnicity for that day. Your logic is plain faulty.
@ghilzai Tell me about the human beings. How is that possible, how can anyone change his ethnicity.

It has happened throughout history. If Ghilzai's turk theory holds true then Pashtuns were all once turks and settled in the region and became Pashtuns. My ancestor Abu Ayub Ansari was an arab, he travelled, Abdullah Ansari was born from my house and is a Tajik. Then we settled in Lucknow area, one of our ancestors may have been Bayazid Ansari who went to Pakhtunkhwa and was an Ansari.

Then we have a link from the fathers side which is unproven-it is said we married a Pashtun princess-from a lower Kinglets house-A mughal vassal probably but no one knows for sure. If true I have some Pashtun blood. Ethnicity is constantly changing which is what I have explained to Luffy. Luffy declares all the characters from Pashtun history are Persians or Turks according to his own benefit in a debate. It destroys his debating power. Frankly it doesn't matter. It is my personal choice what I do.

The logical choice for me was to merge with Pashtuns anyway as Muhajir is not an identity. I explained both why adopt Pashtun identity and why refuse Muhajir identity. Frankly the only reason I say adopt is because the links are unconfirmed and my family after it moved started calling itself muhajir (those in Pakistan) and became very racist. (There are relatives in India too)
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