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Is it time for Pakistan to reveal the Taimur(ICBM) ?

We don't have any

I understand what you are saying but if it is not tested now it would have been a great lost opportunity. You never know when the next opportunity comes. These type of opportunities comes only once in a decade.

Pehlay awam ko pira, likha lo! Khuda ka khoaf karo...
ridiculous theory
trying to say spending money on military is stupid when we are living in an active war for the last 15 years.

tell the politicians to stop doing corruption and look after the education system before you say anything about military spending.
I am not saying that we dont have the technology or capability. I am saying that the technology ready and usable for a Pakistani ICBM is based on liquid fueled rocket which we do not intend to use anymore because of Indian ABM.
To make a solid fueled ICBM if ever Pakistan wants to do that, will need improvement in our solid fuel technology.
For Example look at the plume of this French M51 ICBM. Its about 4 times longer than the missile.

Now look at the plume of our Shaheen-3. Its about the same length as the missile itself.

So by common sense the French M-51 is producing 4 times more thrust than our Shaheen-3., and by same assumption we will need at lest twice as much fuel to reach same distance as a French ICBM or any other solid fueled ICBM. I am saying twice the fuel because i also assume that our ICBM is carrying 1 ton warhead not 2.5 tons like Trident or M51. For that kind of throw weight we will need even more fuel .
By that stipulation under current solid fuel tech capability of ours, the ICBM we make will be too heavy to be feasible.
I like your post but I just want to make some corrections. The French M-51 plume seems to be 3 times its length and not 4 while Shaheen-III plume is slightly longer than its length around 1.2 times. Just to reduce the amount of the perceived effort required to develop a solid fuel motor for an ICBM. By the way, why can't we launch an ICBM from deep inside our territory to avoid interceptions by any ABMs of the enemy. I don't think India will be fool enough to place its ABM very close to the border and risk being easily taken out by Pakistan. So a combination of liquid and solid fuel stages should do the trick.
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ridiculous theory
trying to say spending money on military is stupid when we are living in an active war for the last 15 years.

tell the politicians to stop doing corruption and look after the education system before you say anything about military spending.

Instead of that we want to say defense fanboys to keep all that corruption money for defense fanboys wish list and let budget amount to spend on education and health and on people development. My English is not good but i think you can understand what I am trying to say.

and nothing personal.

Pehlay awam ko pira, likha lo! Khuda ka khoaf karo...
Wahi tou Sir Jee,kar rahey hain.App ko nazar nahi atta itna bara CPEC bana rahey hain.

Call it HATF-X ,Target -X .
Why name them after Arab invaders? Kinda arbitrary.
Which Arab Invader was HATAF-X:what:

I like your post but I just want to make some corrections. The French M-51 plume seems to be 3 times its length and not 4 while Shaheen-III plume is slightly longer than its length around 1.2 times. Just to reduce the amount of the perceived effort required to develop a solid fuel motor for an ICBM. By the why can't be launch an ICBM from deep inside our territory to avoid interceptions by any ABMs of the enemy. I don't think India will be fool enough to places its ABM very close to the border and risk being easily taken out by Pakistan. So a comb of liquid and solid fuel stages should do the trick.
ICBM's at close range,like 4000km from launch to Target,are impossible to Target.

Dont worry, the National command authority are no foreigners. They are from this country and made policies and procedures as per our situation.
Yup it is.
A whole generation has been converted into India fearing cowards who are also gender confused and atheists.
Our ideological boundaries have been attacked and destroyed.

There is no fear of India,America or any Nation in Pakistanis,lately they have started to fear peoples who are at helm of affairs in Pakistan.
Why does Pakistan need ICBMs at first? Our main adversary is our next door neighbour, and further, Isreal is within the targeting range of Shaheen 3 if you hypothetically assume her as Pakistan's potential enemy.
Inaddition, an ICBM test will alert the west, and you may get prone to sanctions.
We don't have any
tou ye kya tha phir?

we do not pose any threat to anyone by testing an ICBM , i have had some info from my sources but it is too early to disclose at least we would like to say that PK does have an ICBM programe.
It would be for greater defence capibility and also to step into space age, Uncle sam ? we would not care about them if we have to test a missile because its not the Govt who does that alone on their own :pakistan:
Why does Pakistan need ICBMs at first? Our main adversary is our next door neighbour, and further, Isreal is within the targeting range of Shaheen 3 if you hypothetically assume her as Pakistan's potential enemy.
Inaddition, an ICBM test will alert the west, and you may get prone to sanctions.

Pakistan need ICBM just to satisfy and please Fanboys. Isn't it enough???
You clearly don't want to get the point.
So it is like to create an illusion that we have an ICBM but we dont have an ICBM so we still gonna work with west keeping our adversaries (including potential ones) off balance but will test it when it is most needed.
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