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Iraqi who threw shoes at Bush to be released next month


Jul 13, 2009
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BAGHDAD : An Iraqi journalist imprisoned for hurling his shoes at former President George W. Bush will be released next month after his sentence was reduced for good behaviour, his lawyer said on Saturday.

Muntadhar al-Zeidi's act of protest during Bush's last visit to Iraq as president turned the 30-year-old reporter into a folk hero across the Arab world, as his case became a rallying point for critics who resented the 2003 US invasion and occupation.

"Al-Zeidi's shoes were a suitable farewell for Bush's deeds in Iraq," Sunni lawmaker Dhafir al-Ani said in welcoming the early release. "Al-Zeidi's act expressed the real will and feelings of the Iraqi people. His anger against Bush was the result of the suffering of his countrymen."

The journalist has been in custody since the December 14 outburst, which occurred as Bush was holding a news conference with Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki. Al-Maliki, who was standing next to Bush at the time, was said to have been deeply offended by the act.

Al-Zeidi was initially sentenced to three years in prison after pleading not guilty to assaulting a foreign leader. The court reduced it to one year because the journalist had no prior criminal history.

Defence attorney Karim al-Shujairi said al-Zeidi will now be released on Sept. 14, three months early.

"We have been informed officially about the court decision," al-Shujairi told The Associated Press in a telephone interview. "His release will be a victory for the free and honourable Iraqi media."

Judicial spokesman Abdul-Sattar Bayrkdar said he had no immediate information about the release because it was a weekend.
BAGHDAD : An Iraqi journalist imprisoned for hurling his shoes at former President George W. Bush will be released next month after his sentence was reduced for good behaviour, his lawyer said on Saturday.

Muntadhar al-Zeidi's act of protest during Bush's last visit to Iraq as president turned the 30-year-old reporter into a folk hero across the Arab world, as his case became a rallying point for critics who resented the 2003 US invasion and occupation.

"Al-Zeidi's shoes were a suitable farewell for Bush's deeds in Iraq," Sunni lawmaker Dhafir al-Ani said in welcoming the early release. "Al-Zeidi's act expressed the real will and feelings of the Iraqi people. His anger against Bush was the result of the suffering of his countrymen."

The journalist has been in custody since the December 14 outburst, which occurred as Bush was holding a news conference with Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki. Al-Maliki, who was standing next to Bush at the time, was said to have been deeply offended by the act.

Al-Zeidi was initially sentenced to three years in prison after pleading not guilty to assaulting a foreign leader. The court reduced it to one year because the journalist had no prior criminal history.

Defence attorney Karim al-Shujairi said al-Zeidi will now be released on Sept. 14, three months early.

"We have been informed officially about the court decision," al-Shujairi told The Associated Press in a telephone interview. "His release will be a victory for the free and honourable Iraqi media."

Judicial spokesman Abdul-Sattar Bayrkdar said he had no immediate information about the release because it was a weekend.

Was the Iraqi media 'free and honourable' under Saddam Hussein for any of them to throw his shoes at Saddam? The irony is so obvious but conveniently ignored.
Yes the irony is the biggest Liberator and guardian of freedom have killed more innocent people in the name of WOT which will put Hitler and saddam to shame So i would say take a chill pill brother, he should have put some bomb in the shoes and thrown at that monkey face. Really hate this man, i still believe its just because of his personal vendetta the iraqi war happend, he really used the so called gr8 country to his own benifits. And what is the freedom that you have given them useful if they have to survive a bomb attack and viloance every day.
Saddam did n t kill civilians like fanatical like Americans did.

Saddam Hussein Abd al-Majid al-Tikriti was born on April 28th, 1937 in al-Awja, a suburb of the Sunni city of Tikrit. After a difficult childhood, during which he was abused by his stepfather and shuffled from home to home, he joined Iraq's Baath Party at the age of 20. In 1968, he assisted his cousin, General Ahmed Hassan al-Bakr, in the Baathist takeover of Iraq. By the mid-1970s, he had become Iraq's unofficial leader, a role that he officially took on following al-Bakr's (highly suspicious) death in 1979.

Political Oppression:
Hussein openly idolized the former Soviet premier Joseph Stalin, a man notable as much for his paranoia-induced execution sprees as anything else. In July 1978, he had his government issue a memorandum decreeing that anyone whose ideas came into conflict with those of the Baath Party leadership would be subject to summary execution. Most, but certainly not all, of Hussein's targets were ethnic Kurds and Shiite Muslims.

Ethnic Cleansing:
The two dominant ethnicities of Iraq have traditionally been Arabs in south and central Iraq, and Kurds in the north and northeast, particularly along the Iranian border. Hussein long viewed ethnic Kurds as a long-term threat to Iraq's survival, and the oppression and extermination of the Kurds was one of his administration's highest priorities.

Religious Persecution:
The Baath Party was dominated by Sunni Muslims, who made up only about one-third of Iraq's general population; the other two-thirds was made up of Shiite Muslims, Shiism also happening to be the official religion of Iran. Throughout Hussein's tenure, and especially during the Iran-Iraq War (1980-1988), he saw the marginalization and eventual elimination of Shiism as a necessary goal in the Arabization process, by which Iraq would purge itself of all perceived Iranian influence.

The Dujail Massacre of 1982:
In July of 1982, several Shiite militants attempted to assassinate Saddam Hussein while he was riding through the city. Hussein responded by ordering the slaughter of some 148 residents, including dozens of children. This is the only war crime on which Hussein has been charged, and he will almost certainly be executed before any other charges go to trial.

The Barzani Clan Abductions of 1983:
Masoud Barzani led the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP), an ethnic Kurdish revolutionary group fighting Baathist oppression. After Barzani cast his lot with the Iranians in the Iran-Iraq War, Hussein had some 8,000 members of Barzani's clan, including hundreds of women and children, abducted. It is assumed that most were slaughtered; thousands have been discovered in mass graves in southern Iraq.

The al-Anfal Campaign:
The worst human rights abuses of Hussein's tenure took place during the genocidal al-Anfal Campaign (1986-1989), in which Hussein's administration called for the extermination of every living thing--human or animal--in certain regions of the Kurdish north. All told, some 182,000 people--men, women, and children--were slaughtered, many through use of chemical weapons. The Halabja poison gas massacre of 1988 alone killed over 5,000 people. Hussein later blamed the attacks on the Iranians, and the Reagan administration, which supported Iraq in the Iran-Iraq War, helped promote this cover story.

The Campaign Against the Marsh Arabs:
Hussein did not limit his genocide to identifiably Kurdish groups; he also targeted the predominantly Shiite Marsh Arabs of southeastern Iraq, the direct descendants of the ancient Mesopotamians. By destroying more than 95% of the region's marshes, he effectively depleted its food supply and destroyed the entire millennia-old culture, reducing the number of Marsh Arabs from 250,000 to approximately 30,000. It is unknown how much of this population drop can be attributed to direct starvation and how much to migration, but the human cost was unquestionably high.

The Post-Uprising Massacres of 1991:
In the aftermath of Operation Desert Storm, the United States encouraged Kurds and Shiites to rebel against Hussein's regime--then withdrew and refused to support them, leaving an unknown number to be slaughtered. At one point, Hussein's regime killed as many as 2,000 suspected Kurdish rebels every day. Some two million Kurds hazarded the dangerous trek through the mountains to Iran and Turkey, hundreds of thousands dying in the process.

The Riddle of Saddam Hussein:
Although most of Hussein's large-scale atrocities took place during the 1980s and early 1990s, his tenure was also characterized by day-to-day atrocities that attracted less notice. Wartime rhetoric regarding Hussein's "rape rooms," death by torture, decisions to slaughter the children of political enemies, and the casual machine-gunning of peaceful protesters accurately reflected the day-to-day policies of Saddam Hussein's regime. Hussein was no misunderstood despotic "madman." He was a monster, a butcher, a brutal tyrant, a genocidal racist--he was all of this, and more.

But what this rhetoric does not reflect is that, until 1991, Saddam Hussein was allowed to commit his atrocities with the full support of the U.S. government. The specifics of the al-Anfal Campaign were no mystery to the Reagan administration, but the decision was made to support the genocidal Iraqi government over the pro-Soviet theocracy of Iran, even to the point of making ourselves complicit in crimes against humanity.

A friend once told me this story: An Orthodox Jewish man was being hassled by his rabbi for violating kosher law, but had never been caught in the act. One day, he was sitting inside a deli. His rabbi had pulled up outside, and through the window he observed the man eating a ham sandwich. The next time they saw each other, the rabbi pointed this out. The man asked: "You watched me the whole time?" The rabbi answered: "Yes." The man responded: "Well, then, I was observing kosher, because I acted under rabbinical supervision."

Saddam Hussein was unquestionably one of the most brutal dictators of the 20th century. History cannot even begin to record the full scale of his atrocities and the effect they had on those affected and the families of those affected. But his most horrific acts, including the al-Anfal genocide, were committed in full view of our government--the government that we present to the world as a shining beacon of human rights.

Make no mistake: The ouster of Saddam Hussein was a victory for human rights, and if there is any silver lining to come from the brutal Iraq War, it is that Hussein is no longer slaughtering and torturing his own people. But we should fully recognize that every indictment, every epithet, every moral condemnation we issue against Saddam Hussein also indicts us. We should all be ashamed of the atrocities that were committed under our leaders' noses, and with our leaders' blessing.

Source: civilliberty.about.com
Oh so saddam was the reason??? Then please send your troops to somalia and those lawless states of africa... and north korea. Its sad that your war is not based on principles but your convience and your flawed perception of the threat to the world. Its lucky that you got a reason in bad dictator in saddam, if he was a good dicator, what would be the reason that you would be clinging on..!! You did something wrong and is trying to justify it by projecting saddam's evil, but i would say you both are evil in iraq, and you are answerable and responsible for iraqis, if you withdraw from the mess that you have created in iraq, it is surely going to be a threat to the world peace.

And i would also say along with Saddam, bush too will find a place in history for being the person responsible for killing millions of innocents and giving the world one more dangerous place.
Saddam did n t kill civilians like fanatical like Americans did.

i think both saddam and bush (by iraq invasion) has killed innocent iraqi people in equal numbers approx, the only difference is saddam did it in his long dictatorship period but bush was able to do it within a few days of war.

although i did not like this act but interesting point about the shoe throwing and independence of iraqi media after US invasion is why this person threw both of his shoes at bush why not one at iraqi premier who was also their?


i think both saddam and bush (by iraq invasion) has killed innocent iraqi people in equal numbers approx, the only difference is saddam did it in his long dictatorship period but bush was able to do it within a few days of war.
And i would also say along with Saddam, bush too will find a place in history for being the person responsible for killing millions of innocents and giving the world one more dangerous place.
Source...Gentlemen. Spare US the meaningless rhetorics.
Source...Gentlemen. Spare US the meaningless rhetorics.

Well if you are in the news you would know, killing innocents neccessarily doesnt mean that taking the gun and shooting them personally, you might have heard the bombings in bagdahd that killed 100's couple of weeks back.... Don't you think bush was responsible for it??? Or is it still saddam from his grave. You have given them a playground to play and they are playing.. and you say.. WE are not responsible for it blaming it all on terrorists..!!! You are equally responsible for every lives lost in Iraq due to your flawed policy. What is the difference between saddams rule and yours???? When equal number of people are being murdered and killed daily and you have no control over it. Either stop blaming saddam or take the resonpsiblities for the lives lost there.
Oh so saddam was the reason???
No...Saddam Hussein and his evilness was not the sole reason. There are many that span over time. I take it complexity is not your strong suit?

Then please send your troops to somalia and those lawless states of africa... and north korea.
Neither situations constitutes global threats, not even NKR. Whereas Saddam Hussein, testified by those who knew him best, from Said K Aburish who was his arms shopping concierge in Europe and the ME, to his Mahdi Obeidi who was his chief nuclear scientist, that Saddam Hussein was an unstable element in the region and given the fact that the ME was the world's energy source, Saddam Hussein constituted a threat to global stability.

Its sad that your war is not based on principles but your convience and your flawed perception of the threat to the world.
What is really sad is your myopic vision which is the result of your irrational anti-Americanism. Show me a single country that does not view international affairs as based on self-interests and convenience. We have a 'flawed perception' of the threat to the world? What do you call the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait? I was in Kuwait in the immediate time the Iraqi army was in retreat. I know what oily air taste like. I have seen atrocities done against Kuwaiti citizens that could only come from a depraved military institution in the mold of the Nazis.

Its lucky that you got a reason in bad dictator in saddam, if he was a good dicator, what would be the reason that you would be clinging on..!!
Show me a single 'good dictator' in recent history.

You did something wrong and is trying to justify it by projecting saddam's evil, but i would say you both are evil in iraq, and you are answerable and responsible for iraqis, if you withdraw from the mess that you have created in iraq, it is surely going to be a threat to the world peace.
There is no need for US to 'project' anything. Saddam Hussein was a petty despot, like so many other petty despots in the region, that the world had to tolerate. So now you are saying that in leaving the Iraqis to rule their own fates under laws of their own creation insteading of having them imposed from above, we have created a threat to world peace. Your mental gymnastics is impressive.

---------- Post added at 11:41 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:40 PM ----------

Well if you are in the news you would know, killing innocents neccessarily doesnt mean that taking the gun and shooting them personally, you might have heard the bombings in bagdahd that killed 100's couple of weeks back.... Don't you think bush was responsible for it??? Or is it still saddam from his grave. You have given them a playground to play and they are playing.. and you say.. WE are not responsible for it blaming it all on terrorists..!!! You are equally responsible for every lives lost in Iraq due to your flawed policy. What is the difference between saddams rule and yours???? When equal number of people are being murdered and killed daily and you have no control over it. Either stop blaming saddam or take the resonpsiblities for the lives lost there.
In other words, you made shyte up.
No...Saddam Hussein and his evilness was not the sole reason. There are many that span over time. I take it complexity is not your strong suit?

Neither situations constitutes global threats, not even NKR. Whereas Saddam Hussein, testified by those who knew him best, from Said K Aburish who was his arms shopping concierge in Europe and the ME, to his Mahdi Obeidi who was his chief nuclear scientist, that Saddam Hussein was an unstable element in the region and given the fact that the ME was the world's energy source, Saddam Hussein constituted a threat to global stability.

What is really sad is your myopic vision which is the result of your irrational anti-Americanism. Show me a single country that does not view international affairs as based on self-interests and convenience. We have a 'flawed perception' of the threat to the world? What do you call the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait? I was in Kuwait in the immediate time the Iraqi army was in retreat. I know what oily air taste like. I have seen atrocities done against Kuwaiti citizens that could only come from a depraved military institution in the mold of the Nazis.

Complexity BS, i dont think you understand the simple fact that you fooled the world with the reasons to go into war, which was exposed after you couldn't find a thing from iraq that you claimed. If you can't understand that simple fact, there is no use of a COMPLEX head over the shoulders.

And i m not anti american, i supported your war in Afghanistan, and support it all the way. But CREATING REASONS after taking a wrong decision is the stuipdest thing. If demoracy was your countries biggest ambition i have sited the examples of somalia, north korea and libya, why don't you take actions against them.

And yes saddam was a threat to the world with his BOW AND ARROW. :lol:

Either you wanted their oil or bush really did want to kill saddam.. thats all the reason i can assume from ur stupid actions.

So dont give me that moral bull shyte.

Show me a single 'good dictator' in recent history.

Well there is none, and is your mission removal of all bad dictators from the world, well go ahead, but dont fool the world with an non existnt threat perception to the world. Iraq was crippled and you where banging on those bombs on a crippled nation. And now IRAQ is truely unstable nation even with your presense in it. Own it up and clear it up.

There is no need for US to 'project' anything. Saddam Hussein was a petty despot, like so many other petty despots in the region, that the world had to tolerate. So now you are saying that in leaving the Iraqis to rule their own fates under laws of their own creation insteading of having them imposed from above, we have created a threat to world peace. Your mental gymnastics is impressive.

Well that is why i said brother, dont get out of the mess that you generated. There ar two things,
1. you where wrong in invading iraq and is responsible for the deaths of millions of iraqis what ever may be your GOOD INTENTIONS are and where :lol:
2. Now you can't leave iraq just like that, without creating a true democracy where people in iraq can live FREELY with freedom as my dear friends in america originally intended :lol:.

And please understand, my objection is when you try to put blame on Saddam rather than admiting and owning up and clearing your own mistakes.

So don't give evil saddam or other BS and justify your actions, now truely work towards making iraq a safer place for the world.
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He should have thrown both his shoes.........if only he had better aim.
Now lets see... after release..... who is going to be his Next target..... I think people definetly contact him for this..:cheers:
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