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Iran's military chief: Death to Israel!


Nov 27, 2008
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Iran committed to ‘full annihilation of Israel,’ says top Iranian military commander

By Reza Kahlili - The Daily Caller, Published: 11:29 PM 05/20/2012

Iran is dedicated to annihilating Israel, the Islamic regime’s military chief of staff declared Sunday.

“The Iranian nation is standing for its cause and that is the full annihilation of Israel,” Maj. Gen. Hassan Firouzabadi said in a speech to a defense gathering Sunday in Tehran.

His remarks came on the day International Atomic Energy Agency director Yukiya Amano flew to Tehran to negotiate for inspections of Iran’s nuclear program. They were reported by the Fars News Agency, the media outlet of the Revolutionary Guards Corps.

While many within the Islamic regime, including President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, have often stated that Israel should be annihilated, until Sunday no one in the nation’s leadership has announced Iran’s determined intention to carry it out.

Josh Block, a Middle East expert and former spokesman for the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, told The Daily Caller that it’s unwise to shrug off the threats of a top Iranian military commander.

“When they say it, they mean it,” Block said. “That is the lesson of history. We had best heed that reality. You can be sure the Israelis already understand it.”

Block is a senior fellow at the Progressive Policy Institute who worked in the Clinton administration’s State Department. He told TheDC that the U.S. should be concerned about “an Iran that could give nuclear technology to their terrorist allies, including those like Al Qaeda and Hezbollah.”

In a statement, American Jewish Committee executive director David Harris said Firouzabadi’s comments “should also put to rest, once and for all, the fanciful views of those remaining political leaders, diplomats, and journalists who contend that Iran is a ‘peaceful’ nation which has simply been ‘misunderstood’ by the global community.”

Meir Dagan, the former head of Israel’s Mossad, and U.S. chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Martin Dempsey, have both said recently that Iran is a rational actor in the international arena and that the Iranians will consider the implications of their actions.

Block also told TheDC that “the radicals and pseudo-experts at places like Plowshares, Media Matters, NIAC [the National Iranian American Council], writers for ThinkProgress, the New America Foundation and on and on” are “useful idiots and regime apologists” for Iran who continue to believe irrationally that Iran does not have the capacity to build a nuclear weapon.

They “are the same cranks,” he said, “who claim Iran has been ‘misquoted’ or ‘mistranslated’ and never called for the ‘annihilation’ of Israel. Well, I am sure they will find some way to continue their charade, but only to their further discredit.”

On Sunday, Iranian Gen. Firouzabadi also pointed to Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei’s emphasis on the necessity of supporting Palestinians who fight against the “Zionist regime” Israel. Khamenei considers defending Israel’s enemies a religious duty.

The Fars News Agency quoted earlier statements by Khamenei that Iran was directly involved with helping Hezbollah and Hamas during Lebanon’s 33-day war in 2006 and the 22-day Gaza war of 2008-09, which he proclaimed were stinging defeats for Israel.

“In the future too, we will support and help everyone who opposes the Zionist regime,” Khamenei said in February. “The Zionist regime is a real cancerous tumor that should be cut and will be cut, God willing.”

The mullahs leading Iran’s Islamic regime believe in the messianic return of the 12th and last Islamic messiah, Imam Mahdi. According to Shiite belief, Mahdi will reappear at the time of Armageddon, and his coming — as the Iranian documentary “The Coming Is Upon Us” revealed – will be triggered by the destruction of Israel.

In a recent statement, Grand Ayatollah Jafar Sobhani, a religious authority and a top Iranian “Twelver Shia” — one who believes in the 12th Imam — addressed the future world described in the Quran. “The Quran is the proof that the world will be controlled and managed by the forces of truth and that there will be one government ruling everyone throughout the world,” he explained.

The Quran promises — twice — the worldwide rule of Islam and its victory over all other religions, Sobhani said, and this will only happen when the last descendant of Muhammad, Imam Mahdi, returns and takes the rule of Islam across the world.

Ayatollah Khamenei referred to this prophecy in a recent speech. “In light of the realization of the divine promise by almighty God,” he said, “the Zionists and the Great Satan [America] will soon be defeated. Allah’s promise will be delivered, and Islam will be victorious.”

In February, conservative Muslims writing on a website tied to Khamenei told their followers that the Quran’s promises were “a ‘jurisprudential justification’ to kill all the Jews and annihilate Israel, and in that, the Islamic government of Iran must take the helm.”

Read more: Iran committed to ‘full annihilation of Israel,’ says top Iranian military commander | The Daily Caller
I'm shocked. Iran is known for their tolerant and peaceful nature...
Next thing you'll tell me is that they support terror organizations outside of their country.

On a serious note:
People already know this, they just do not care enough for it to matter to them.
Inflammatory meaningless statements seem to be a new national hobby for the Iranian leadership.
What is new about it, people listen to such words every fortnight.
Why is this regime obsessed with Israel? If they concentrate on their internal development than the rest of the world will leave you guys alone. Sometimes I wonder when they talk about wiping out Israel they might mean other enemy of theirs in the region which have advocated cutting off the head of Snake(Iran).
lmao two days before the talks that everybody wants to succeed bar the Israelis, this comes out. I see the propeganda division of zionist media organizations are sending out overtime cheques!

P.S. "bomb bomb bomb, bomb bomb Iran" > McCain on LIVE TV
P.P.S "we will annihilate Iran" > Hillary Clinton on Live TV
P.P.P.S "Iran must be bombed" > Every zionist scum bag in the terrorist Israeli leadership

Tell me something I don't know!
Why is this regime obsessed with Israel? If they concentrate on their internal development than the rest of the world will leave you guys alone. Sometimes I wonder when they talk about wiping out Israel they might mean other enemy of theirs in the region which have advocated cutting off the head of Snake(Iran).
You seriously are a naive canuk. Love you guys, really do. Canadians are aawesome people, but you guys are the most naive people I've ever met. You guys are like the old grandparents that hear rumors and then get all worked up about it.

Einstein, don't have a selective memory and maybe, just maybe, you can start understanding the conflict. And you need to watch and listen to both sides of the story, not one. I live in Canada and apart from CBC, every single channel is American. This country is pretty much a more liberal version of the US.

Washing down the american cool aid with zionist cool aid is easy for you as a Canadian, we get a tsunami of American propeganda everytime we turn on our TV, but finding out the truth is harder and it's up to you to dig out the truth.
Why is this regime obsessed with Israel? If they concentrate on their internal development than the rest of the world will leave you guys alone. Sometimes I wonder when they talk about wiping out Israel they might mean other enemy of theirs in the region which have advocated cutting off the head of Snake(Iran).

If you read Persian history, they have always used indirect warfare to neutralize their enemy..Iran cannot attack Israel without going over Saudi Arabia...and that would create a reason for Israel take retaliate on both! But KSA being closer will suffer more...
Highly untrustworthy source of information.

From FARS News:

Fars News Agency :: Top Commander Reiterates Iran's Commitment to Full Annihilation of Israel

Top Commander Reiterates Iran's Commitment to Full Annihilation of Israel

TEHRAN (FNA)- Chief of Staff of the Iranian Armed Forces Major General Hassan Firouzabadi said threats and pressures cannot deter Iran from its revolutionary causes and ideals, and stressed that the Iranian nation will remain committed to the full annihilation of the Zionist regime of Israel to the end.

Addressing a defense gathering here in Tehran on Sunday, General Firouzabadi said that nations should realize the threats and dangers posed by the Zionist regime of Israel.

He reiterated the Iranian nation and Supreme Leader's emphasis on the necessity of support for the oppressed Palestinian nation and its causes, and noted, "The Iranian nation is standing for its cause that is the full annihilation of Israel."

The top military official reminded that the Iranian Supreme Leader considers defending Palestine as a full religious duty and believes that any kind of governance and rule by anyone other than the Palestinians as an instance of usurpation.

Earlier this year, Supreme Leader of Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei stressed in explicit remarks Iran's direct involvement in the Palestinian and Lebanese confrontation with Israel, including the Lebanese Summer 2006 33-day resistance against the Zionist regime.

"Wherever Iran interferes, it announces it in a very straightforward manner. For instance, we interfered in confrontations against Israel, which resulted in the (Lebanese) victory in the 33-day war and (Palestinians' victory in) the 22-day (Gaza) war," Ayatollah Khamenei said, addressing millions of Friday Prayers worshippers on Tehran University Campus in February.

"In future too, we will support and help everyone who opposes the Zionist regime," the Leader underscored.

"The Zionist regime is a real cancerous tumor that should be cut and will be cut, God Willing," Ayatollah Khamenei underscored.
From FARS News:

Fars News Agency :: Top Commander Reiterates Iran's Commitment to Full Annihilation of Israel

Top Commander Reiterates Iran's Commitment to Full Annihilation of Israel

TEHRAN (FNA)- Chief of Staff of the Iranian Armed Forces Major General Hassan Firouzabadi said threats and pressures cannot deter Iran from its revolutionary causes and ideals, and stressed that the Iranian nation will remain committed to the full annihilation of the Zionist regime of Israel to the end.

Addressing a defense gathering here in Tehran on Sunday, General Firouzabadi said that nations should realize the threats and dangers posed by the Zionist regime of Israel.

He reiterated the Iranian nation and Supreme Leader's emphasis on the necessity of support for the oppressed Palestinian nation and its causes, and noted, "The Iranian nation is standing for its cause that is the full annihilation of Israel."

The top military official reminded that the Iranian Supreme Leader considers defending Palestine as a full religious duty and believes that any kind of governance and rule by anyone other than the Palestinians as an instance of usurpation.

Earlier this year, Supreme Leader of Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei stressed in explicit remarks Iran's direct involvement in the Palestinian and Lebanese confrontation with Israel, including the Lebanese Summer 2006 33-day resistance against the Zionist regime.

"Wherever Iran interferes, it announces it in a very straightforward manner. For instance, we interfered in confrontations against Israel, which resulted in the (Lebanese) victory in the 33-day war and (Palestinians' victory in) the 22-day (Gaza) war," Ayatollah Khamenei said, addressing millions of Friday Prayers worshippers on Tehran University Campus in February.

"In future too, we will support and help everyone who opposes the Zionist regime," the Leader underscored.

"The Zionist regime is a real cancerous tumor that should be cut and will be cut, God Willing," Ayatollah Khamenei underscored.


P.S. "bomb bomb bomb, bomb bomb Iran" > McCain on LIVE TV
P.P.S "we will annihilate Iran" > Hillary Clinton on Live TV
P.P.P.S "Iran must be bombed" > Every zionist scum bag in the terrorist Israeli leadership

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