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Iran's Infrastructure projects...

I look at Pakistan infrastructure projects from time to time...there are lots of projects in progress..good divided highways beautiful highrise buildings and few large power plants .There is money in Pakistan may be it is just not in the public sector..

If there was a successful development period in Pakistan it was in the 60s. There were technocrats serving under merit and the industry was thriving so much so that the Chinese and South Koreans at the time use to visit Pakistan to learn from us.

A city such as Karachi was what Dubai is right now in terms of aviation industry and aviation hub in Asia. Now its a garbage dump and perhaps the only mega city without a real transit system.

The downfall started in the 70s. We had a leader who nationalized everything and led us into nuclear weapons program and the same policies continued all the way until the 90s. The early 2000s on the other hand was all about fighting Afghan war for American aid. Since then we have not been able to recover economically and our bureaucracy is corrupt to core and our military establishment only cares about their benefits.

If you see some infrastructure developments its because there are few political individuals who want to do something and they have relied upon China for speedy progress while in power for brief stints. 3 years serving 10 years expelled, 3.5 years serving 5 years expelled etc.. For a country like Pakistan to be successful, the judiciary and military establishments should be kept away for political stability. Naturally if you have political stability there will be economic stability.
If there was a successful development period in Pakistan it was in the 60s. There were technocrats serving under merit and the industry was thriving so much so that the Chinese and South Koreans at the time use to visit Pakistan to learn from us.

A city such as Karachi was what Dubai is right now in terms of aviation industry and aviation hub in Asia. Now its a garbage dump and perhaps the only mega city without a real transit system.

The downfall started in the 70s. We had a leader who nationalized everything and led us into nuclear weapons program and the same policies continued all the way until the 90s. The early 2000s on the other hand was all about fighting Afghan war for American aid. Since then we have not been able to recover economically and our bureaucracy is corrupt to core and our military establishment only cares about their benefits.

If you see some infrastructure developments its because there are few political individuals who want to do something and they have relied upon China for speedy progress while in power for brief stints. 3 years serving 10 years expelled, 3.5 years serving 5 years expelled etc.. For a country like Pakistan to be successful, the judiciary and military establishments should be kept away for political stability. Naturally if you have political stability there will be economic stability.
I liked Imran Khan..and I was sorry to see him go..He seemed like a leader who cared about Pakistan more than his personal interests...but Ultimately it is Pakistanis who have to choose ..we had 8 years of an incompetent Rohani and paid the price for it..now people are more aware not to fall for promises of just any politician..hope that Pakistanis choose and stick with who ever they choose..It takes time to move the wheels of progress and see the results.
Iran is the only country in the world that has 98% natural gas coverage for the entire country (100% cities 97% rural areas).. To achieve such a wide area coverage you need to pipe the gas to every village no matter how far or how high..

And this is what they have to do to get to a village in the mountains:











Iran to build two oil refineries at the cost of $17.8 billion dollars.o_O

changing from crude oil seller to Oil products producer:smitten:
  • Both project done by Iranian companies and finacings
  • $11.1 billion for construction of the Shahid Soleimani Petrochemical Refinery on the Persian Gulf coast.
  • Refinery come on line in 2027 in Port city of Bandar Abbas
  • Shahid Soleimani Petrochemical Refinery will be Processing 300,000 bpd of oil into fuels and petrochemicals.
  • $6.7 billion for the construction of Morvarid Makran Refinery in the port of Jask, located in Makran coast
  • Morvarid Makran Refinery will process 300,000 bpd of crude oil and will produce various fuels

Iran awards $17.8 billion worth of contracts for building two refineries​

Tuesday, 02 August 2022 7:39 AM [ Last Update: Tuesday, 02 August 2022 11:12 AM ]

US Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) (L) talks with Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) during a rally with fellow Democrats before voting on H.R. 1, or the People Act, on the East Steps of the US Capitol on March 08, 2019 in Washington, DC. (AFP photo)

Iran contracts domestic consortia for building two major refineries in south of the country.
Iran has awarded two refinery construction contracts worth $17.8 billion to domestic consortia as it seeks to increase its crude oil refining capacity by 600,000 barrels per day (bpd) within the next five years.
The official IRNA news agency said in a report that Iranian President Ebrahim Raeisi personally oversaw the signing of the contracts between Oil Ministry officials and contractors on Monday.
The report said under a first contract, a consortium comprised of three energy holdings, five banks and the Oil Ministry’s fuel department will team up to provide the $11.1 billion in investment required for construction of the Shahid Soleimani Petrochemical Refinery on the Persian Gulf coast.
The refinery is expected to come on line by 2027 in southern port city of Bandar Abbas with a capacity of processing 300,000 bpd of oil into fuels and petrochemicals.
A second contract was awarded to a consortium of three banks and a financial conglomerate. The group will fund the construction of Morvarid Makran Refinery in the port of Jask, located to the east of Bandar Abbas, with an investment of $6.7 billion.
Iran has built major crude oil delivery terminals in Jask on the mouth of the Strait of Hormuz where oil produced in southwest Iran is transferred through a 1,100-kilometer pipeline to export facilities and storage houses in the area.
Morvarid Makran Refinery will process 300,000 bpd of crude oil and will produce various fuels, said the IRNA report.
It added that the two refineries will significantly boost Iran’s oil refining capacity at a time it is facing a growing domestic demand for fuels and petroleum products.
May 24, 2022

Iran led Middle East’s refinery condensate splitter units capacity​

By 2026, two new refinery condensate splitter units are expected to commence operations in the Middle East.

By GlobalData Energy

GlobalData’s latest report, ‘Global Refinery Condensate Splitter Outlook to 2026 – Capacity and Capital Expenditure Outlook with Details of All Operating and Planned Condensate Splitter Units’, says that the Middle East refinery condensate splitter unit capacity increased from 1,169 thousand barrels of oil per day (mbd) in 2016 to 1,748mbd in 2021, at an Average Annual Growth Rate (AAGR) of 8.0%. It is expected to increase from 1,748mbd in 2021 to 2,228mbd in 2026, at an AAGR of 4.9%.

United Arab Emirates, Iran, Qatar and Saudi Arabia are the only countries in the Middle East that accounted for total condensate splitter unit capacity in 2021.

The United Arab Emirates had the highest refinery condensate splitter unit capacity in 2021, with 650mbd. Other key countries in terms of refinery condensate splitter unit capacity were Iran, Qatar and Saudi Arabia, with 510mbd, 363mbd and 225mbd, respectively. Iran witnessed the highest capacity growth during 2016 to 2021, with an AAGR of 80.5%, among the countries, followed by the United Arab Emirates with 2.4%.

Middle East refinery capacity

In the Middle East, four countries had active refineries, with a total refinery condensate splitter unit capacity of 1,748mbd, in 2021. Bandar Abbas II, Ruwais, Ras Tanura, Jebel Ali and Laffan I were some of the largest active refineries in terms of condensate splitter unit capacity in 2021.

By 2026, two new refinery condensate splitter units are expected to commence operations in the Middle East. Siraf, Iran, and Bandar Abbas III, Iran, are the refineries with upcoming condensate splitter projects in the Middle East during the 2022 to 2026 outlook period.

A record to be proud of:

1- 6000 Mega watts of electricity (that is 6 nuclear power reactors like Busher) added to Iran's grid in just one year

2- Semnan 183 MW power plant ..MAPNA built this power plant in just 6 month..an International record..(average time is 12 to 14 months).

Kudos to the new Government and MAPNA.

رکوردشکنی‌ پیاپی ایران در صنعت برق/‌ ساخت یک نیروگاه گازی در کمتر از ۶ ماه


به دنبال رکوردزنی ساخت ۶۰۰۰ مگاوات نیروگاه در کشور در یک سال، برای اولین‌بار ساخت یک نیروگاه توسط سازنده داخلی در کمتر از ۶ ماه به سرانجام رسید و حدنصاب بین‌الملی جدیدی در این زمینه ثبت شد.
به گزار شمشرق، ۱۶ مرداد بود که مجری طرح احداث نیروگاه‌های صنایع معدنی توانیر از اتصال به شبکه نخستین واحد نیروگاهی احداث شده توسط صنایع خبر داد.
قرعه اولین سنکرون شدن واحدهای نیروگاهی صنایع در قالب تفاهم ۱۰ هزار مگاواتی وزارت صنعت، معدن و تجارت و وزارت نیرو به نام واحد گازی ۱۸۳ مگاواتی نیروگاه سمنان افتاد اما سنکرون این واحد نیروگاهی فارغ از مسائل یاد شده یک رکورد منحصر به فرد دیگر را در بر داشت.
در همین راستا به منظور پرده‌برداری از این رکورد باید به تاریخ ۱۹ مهر سال ۱۴۰۰ بازگردیم، جایی که علی‌اکبر محرابیان و سیدرضا فاطمی‌امین به عنوان متولی دو وزارت‌خانه نیرو و صنعت، معدن و تجارت در قالب امضای تفاهم‌نامه‌ای از احداث ۱۰ هزار مگاوات ظرفیت جدید نیروگاهی توسط بخش صنعت و معدن خبردادند.
پس از امضای این تفاهم‌نامه، بررسی‌هایی به منظور جزئیات ساخت تک تک واحدهای نیروگاهی زیرمجموعه در دستور کار قرار گرفت و ۳ ماه بعد یعنی در تاریخ ۲ بهمن‌ماه سال ۱۴۰۰، اولین قرارداد تفاهم‌نامه وزارت نیرو و وزارت صمت بین شرکت تولید انرژی سامان سمنان به عنوان زیر مجموعه صنعت و شرکت مپنا به عنوان سازنده رد و بلد شد.
۲ روز بعد در تاریخ ۴ بهمن سال ۱۴۰۰، زمین توسط کارفرما به پیمانکار تحویل شد و اولین پیش‌پرداخت نیز در تاریخ ۱۴ بهمن همان سال به پیمانکار پرداخت شد.

* رکورد ساخت نیروگاه در ایران شکسته شد
مطابق قرارداد منعقده در نیروگاه سمنان، به تبعیت از مدت زمان عادی برای ساخت یک واحد گازی، زمان سنکرون واحد اول باید ۱۲ ماه پس از پرداخت پیش‌پرداخت یعنی در تاریخ ۱۴ بهمن سال ۱۴۰۱ اتفاق می‌افتاد.
بر این اساس، شرکت مپنا با ثبت یک رکورد بین‌المللی در زمینه ساخت نیروگاه فقط ۶ ماه پس از جاری شدن قرارداد ساخت یعنی حدود ۵۰ درصد از زمان قراردادی موفق به سنکرون این واحد نیروگاهی شد.

* ساخت یک نیروگاه در شرایط نرمال ۱۲ تا ۱۴ ماه زمان نیاز دارد
در همین رابطه، صادق جوادی، کارشناس حوزه برق در گفت‌وگو با خبرنگار فارس ضمن اشاره به‌ ساخت نیروگاه سمنان گفت:‌ ساخت یک نیروگاه در شرایط نرمال ۱۲ تا ۱۴ ماه زمان نیاز دارد، در دنیا رکوردهایی از ساخت نیروگاه در بازه زمانی ۹ ماه، آن هم به ندرت دیده می‌شود اما کار انجام شده در این نیروگاه توسط سازنده به معنای واقعی کلمه تحسین برانگیز و مشخص کننده توان ساخت نیروگاه در ایران است.‌
این کارشناس حوزه برق تاکید کرد: ایران دانش روز ساخت نیروگاه را در اختیار دارد و این مسئله را به توسعه در دو بعد اقتصادی و راهبردی ادامه داده و همین امر در نهایت ختم به چنین رکوردزنی‌هایی می‌شود.‌

* جزئیات رکوردشکنی ساخت نیروگاه سمنان
به گزارش فارس، بر اساس اطلاعات ارائه شده از سوی شرکت مپنا به عنوان سازنده این نیروگاه، از شروع نصب واحد تا زمان سنکرون در قالب ۱۲۰ روز به سرانجام رسیده در حالی که زمان نرمال این بخش در شرایط عادی بیش از ۲۱۰ روز ادامه دارد.
همچنین در بخش بهره‌برداری از زمان شروع فلاشینگ روغن تا برق‌دار شدن DCS، به طور نرمال به ۹۰ روز زمان نیاز دارد که این کار تنها در ۵۲ روز به سرانجام رسیده است.
با توجه به این مسئله نیروی کار فعال در سایت ساخت نیروگاه در مقاطعی نظیر تیرماه سال ۱۴۰۱ در اوج گرما به نزدیک ۳۰۰ نفر رسیده و این آمار تا زمان نصب نهایی ادامه یافته است.

* افزایش ۶ هزار مگاواتی ظرفیت تولید برق برای جلوگیری از خاموشی
به دنبال خلق رکورد ساخت نیروگاه گازی کامل در کمتر از ۶ ماه کشور از شروع دولت سیزدهم در یک دوره یک ساله یعنی تا انتهای شهریورماه سال ۱۴۰۱، بیش از ۶ هزار مگاوات نیروگاه را وارد دوره بهره‌برداری کرده است.
این مسئله در شرایط رقم می‌خورد که رکورد تاریخی ساخت نیروگاه در ایران مرتبط با ساخت ۴۹۳۵ مگاوات واحد نیروگاهی در سال ۱۳۸۹ است.
به معنای دیگر، تلاش نیروهای عملیاتی صنعت برق سبب شده تا در سال ۱۴۰۱ به عنوان اولین سال شروع فعالیت دولت سیزدهم شاهد شکستن رکورد تاریخی ساخت نیروگاه باشیم. همین مسئله سبب شده تا ۳۱ درصد از ناترازی شکل گرفته در صنعت برق پوشش داده شده و زمینه تامین برق پایدار برای مشترکان خانگی، صنعتی و کشاروزی مهیا شود.
Iran has done really well in developing itself into a modern country despite the challenges

they have very good rail and subway infrastructure and also they do look after their investments

makes Pakistan looks terrible !
Iran starts construction of first nuclear desalination plant
  • Plant is located in Bushehr​
  • Capacity of 70,000 cubic meters of water per day (that is 70 million liters per day)
  • Note: World largest desalination plant in Saudi has capacity of 728 million liters per day)
  • Two more nuclear desalination plants on the works
  • The Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI) will contribute to the construction of the desalination plant in Bushehr​

Iran starts construction of first nuclear desalination plant
  • Plant is located in Bushehr​
  • Capacity of 70,000 cubic meters of water per day (that is 70 million liters per day)
  • Note: World largest desalination plant in Saudi has capacity of 728 million liters per day)
  • Two more nuclear desalination plants on the works
  • The Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI) will contribute to the construction of the desalination plant in Bushehr​
View attachment 871191
Awesome. I hope they take care to pipe it to distant locations taking losses due to heat in account.
Unrelated but I hope Deutschland's looming energy crisis is resolved, friend.

I hate that ordinary Germans will have to pay the price in winter for international politics.

Thank you for your hopes, but it needs a war to repair all the damage the politics have done to Germany.

btw this is not unrelated


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