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Iranian Navy | News and Discussions

Parliament speaker Dr.larijani visits the IRGCN's Special Operation HQs during wargames :

why to sink? waste of money, they can use it for Qaher-313 squadron :pop:

anyway for who did not understand the goal of this exercise... this for interior propaganda, so dont be excited they are not planing to scare someone... just enjoy the video clip ;)
To sink or not so sink , thats the question .Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer
The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,
Or to take arms against a sea of troubles and by opposing end them

this for interior propaganda
informative stuff , keep it up bro
What was the purpose of detonating 1000kg of explosion under the ground?:-)
Iran's foes are in the region. To weaken Iran, regional enemies will be used to launch proxy conflict rather than full scale invasion. Without regional partner the west will never go for war. Back stabbers are in the region and not countries on the other side of Atlantic.

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