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Iranian helicopter industry

After, how many helicopters do they build?

If We have to respond this question in accordance with Iranian sightseeing, Turkey has produced hundreds of helicopters until now. Many state of art BlackHawk, AB-212 helicopters have been produced in Turkey with their original names...

I mean That's nothing different to produce a foreign helicopter and cloning a foreign helicopter in your country. Both are same. You do not design-develop anything.

At licence building, You just take permission from abroad to produce ready-foreign information legally...
At cloning, You produce foreign systems in your country illegally.
If We think this question in accordance with Iranian sightseeing, Turkey has produced hundreds of helicopters until now. Many BlackHawk, AB-212 helicopters have been produced in Turkey...

I mean That's nothing different to produce a foreign helicopter and cloning a foreign helicopter in your country. Both are same.

No they're not. Turkey does it in kit form. Every single thing is built in Iran, the engines, the avionics everything. This means we have the trained engineers and the required infrastructure. Turkey on the other hand has trained engineers that put an engine on a fuselage.

By the way, Iran makes their own designs also.

To clone something it means you have the required technology to build your own. Cloning and building from kit form is not similar.
This means we have the trained engineers and the required infrastructure. Turkey on the other hand has trained engineers that put an engine on a fuselage.

Yes They are...That's the common thinking about Turkey for Iranians but never reflect any truths. At international forums I visited, You, Iranians always tries to show Turkish defence industry like assembly base of West but It is a bullsh@t. TAI-ALP aviation, KALE, TEI and many other institues are able to produce 5th generation composite-methalic parts of every aircrafts-helicopters in World including USA F-22...(You, Iranians can not even imagine what is the meaning of this technologically). Many European-USA civilian-military aircrafts use many Turkish produced parts on their bodies-engines.

TAI on his own, is producing and exporting every part of AW-139 fuselage for many international costumers...

By the way, Iran makes their own designs also.

I do not meet...

 Cloning and building from kit form is not similar.

Agree... Cloning is something like producing things you did not design-develop, without knowing any single info about it.

I mean The developer countries type hundreds of pages information, Iran is just copying them without knowing any single information about what the requirements are...

Everything is for propaganda in Iran. At least, Stop throwing mud to Turkish industrial capabilities and learn respecting the technological abilities of other countries...
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So we agree then, Turkey assembles Western built helicopter in kit form, Iran builds everything down the the screws, it clones and improves on western equipment and it has the capability of building their own.
I mean The developer countries type hundreds of pages information, Iran is just photocopying them without knowing any single information about what the writtens are...


Reverse engineering is like photocopying. :rofl: If it was that easy then even Turkey could do it (using foreign printers that is).
If It is too difficult to make a clone, Why are you applying to copy 1970's USA technology instead of designing a better one ?

Because we had to start producing our own spare parts for them and we reached such a level of self sufficiency that we could reverse engineer them and now we have all of the infrastructure in place, all the knowledge and technology and the needed scientists and now we are building our own designs.




Bigger ones are in development as well.

Reverse engineering is like photocopying. :rofl: If it was that easy then even Turkey could do it (using foreign printers that is).

Turkey do not need cloning. We prefer developing everything after designed but Unfortunately the countries like Iran do not have such capabilities. You need at least 15-20 years to come to a similar level with Turkish defence industry at every area you can imagine excluding missile sector...
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So we agree then, Turkey assembles Western built helicopter in kit form, Iran builds everything down the the screws, it clones and improves on western equipment and it has the capability of building their own.

No, Turkey is able to produce foreign helicopters like you are doing and calling it like Clone...

and We have 3 different indigenous helicopter development program thanks to our engineers !!!
Turkey do not need cloning. We prefer developing everything after designed.

This is how building it in kit form works. (lets say for an American equipment)

The fuselage is developed in America.
The engine is developed in America
The avionics are developed in America
The tires are developed in America

They are shipped to Turkey and a Turkish worker puts the engine on the fuselage etc.

When you reverse engineer a system, you learn how the system works and you have the ability to build it all on your own and your technological base goes up. Now Iran is producing their own helicopters and you will soon see more capable ones.

Turkeys base doesn't go up by screwing Engines to a fuselage.

If Zimbabwe had the money, they could do it too.
No, Turkey is able to produce foreign helicopters like you are doing and calling it like Clone...

and We have 3 different indigenous helicopter development program thanks to our engineers !!!

We build have been building our own helicopters for years we already have three that have been designed and built and are being produced, and we're designing more.

Turkey is not able to produce anything, it is constructing it by putting an engine on the fuselage and screwing it in place.

By the way, the T-129 is Italian, not Turkish.
Turkey do not need cloning. We prefer developing everything after designed but Unfortunately the countries like Iran do not have such capabilities. You need at least 15-20 years to come to a similar level with Turkish defence industry at every area you can imagine excluding missile sector...

You mean Turkey has to catch up right? You don't build anything by yourself! The Cobra is based on a Humvee, the T-129 (which isn't even working) built by Italy, your tank, built by south korea.
This is how building it in kit form works. (lets say for an American equipment)

The fuselage is developed in America.
The engine is developed in America
The avionics are developed in America
The tires are developed in America

They are shipped to Turkey and a Turkish worker puts the engine on the fuselage etc.

When you reverse engineer a system, you learn how the system works and you have the ability to build it all on your own and your technological base goes up. Now Iran is producing their own helicopters and you will soon see more capable ones.

Turkeys base doesn't go up by screwing Engines to a fuselage.

If Zimbabwe had the money, they could do it too.

That's what I want to say... After you have cloned, You suppose that You have developed the helicopter you have cloned ?

Turkey is also developing own helicopters.
Like i said, even Zimbabwe could construct western equipment from Kits, it's not complicated lol.
You mean Turkey has to catch up right? You don't build anything by yourself! The Cobra is based on a Humvee, the T-129 (which isn't even working) built by Turkey, your tank, built by south korea.

:) Good for you...

Now, Go and educate yourself before talking about technology...

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