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Irani nuclear program and the american concern.

Now let me tell you something, Azarbaijan was, is and will forever be part of Iran. Just b/c the ******* communists invaded a century ago it won't make us give up on our territory. Bahrain was part of Iran until 30 years ago. I don't know what the shah was thinking but he was probably pressured by the US. And we will forever support our Armenian brothers. Our relationship predates even Iran itself. We are brothers.

Nearly whole of Middle East and North Africa was part of the Ottoman empire. Turkey has accepted the dissolution of Ottoman empire and has no territorial designs on its former territories. Iran should do the same. Persian empire is gone. Iran needs friendly neighbors and not enemies that invite foreign powers to protect them from Iran.
Nearly whole of Middle East and North Africa was part of the Ottoman empire. Turkey has accepted the dissolution of Ottoman empire and has no territorial designs on its former territories. Iran should do the same. Persian empire is gone. Iran needs friendly neighbors and not enemies that invite foreign powers to protect them from Iran.

man I'm getting a headache b/c of you.
Persian empire?
who the hell is talking about the Persian empire? The Persian empire is done and dusted. Just b/c Iran has territory disputes it doesn't mean we are an empire lol. We lost Azarbaijan b/c Russia invaded! Same with a few other countries. Right now Iran is weak but of course once Iran becomes powerful it will regain some of these territories back.
man I'm getting a headache b/c of you.
Persian empire?
who the hell is talking about the Persian empire? The Persian empire is done and dusted. Just b/c Iran has territory disputes it doesn't mean we are an empire lol. We lost Azarbaijan b/c Russia invaded! Same with a few other countries. Right now Iran is weak but of course once Iran becomes powerful it will regain some of these territories back.

And here in lies the problem. Turkey desires to annex foreign land to create a "Greater Turian Empire", Iran desires to annex foreign land to create a "Greater Persian Empire", and Israel desires to further annex foreign land to create a "Greater Jewish Empire". Notice how their areas of interest overlap??? :no: This is a recipe for future confrontation. And all sides are preparing for the inevitable day by building up their armies and weapons. :no:
why do people talk about things they don't understand?
First of all, lets not invent stuff k mate?
here's the latest number on Iran's demographics. I have no ******* clue where you got 30 mill from lol.

Now let me tell you something, Azarbaijan was, is and will forever be part of Iran. Just b/c the ******* communists invaded a century ago it won't make us give up on our territory. Bahrain was part of Iran until 30 years ago. I don't know what the shah was thinking but he was probably pressured by the US. And we will forever support our Armenian brothers. Our relationship predates even Iran itself. We are brothers.

Dude, it's obvious from that image that Bahrain is much closer to Qatar and SA. It's so near that you don't even need a boat -- a strong swimmer can make it across! :cheers: I'm guessing the people are also Arabs as well.
And here in lies the problem. Turkey desires to annex foreign land to create a "Greater Turian Empire", Iran desires to annex foreign land to create a "Greater Persian Empire", and Israel desires to further annex foreign land to create a "Greater Jewish Empire". Notice how their areas of interest overlap??? :no: This is a recipe for future confrontation. And all sides are preparing for the inevitable day by building up their armies and weapons. :no:

wrong wrong and wrong.
Iran and Turkey are both interested in Azarbaijan but not b/c they want to build empires.

Iran's position:
-Azarbaijan was/is an Iranian territory.
-There is more Azaris in Iran than in Azarbaijan.
-Azriz in Iran wish to be reunified with their brethren.
turkey's position:
-Azaris speak a Turkish language, therefore they are Turkish.
-Control of Armenia.

Now why the interest.
Iran is scared that if Turkey annexes Azarbiajan than the Iranian provinces will be next. Turkey doesn't want Iran to expand its borders. Both countries love Azarbaijan's proximity with the Caspian sea (Iran would like to extend its borders with the caspian sea). The Caspian sea is rich in oil and gas. More borders with the sea=more drilling=$$$$.

It has nothing to do with imperial ambitions which is why Iran doesn't give a rats *** about Afghanistan.
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Dude, it's obvious from that image that Bahrain is much closer to Qatar and SA. It's so near that you don't even need a boat -- a strong swimmer can make it across! :cheers: I'm guessing the people are also Arabs as well.

They're mixed.
Many also speak Persian and celebrate the Persian new year.
A big chink of Kuwaities are also Persian.

Also why do you think all the arab shias live around the Persian Gulf?? Because they all used to be part of Iran. Kuwait, UAE, Bahrain, south of KSA etc... (that whole band around the Persian Gulf) was part of Iran not too long ago. It has nothing to do with Persian or arab. For thousands of years Persians have been less then half of Iran. Actually today smtg like 60 percent of IRan is Persian while in the past it was much less.
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wrong wrong and wrong.
Iran and Turkey are both interested in Azarbaijan but not b/c they want to build empires.

Iran's position:
-Azarbaijan was/is an Iranian territory.
-There is more Azaris in Iran than in Azarbaijan.
-Azriz in Iran wish to be reunified with their brethren.
turkey's position:
-Azaris speak a Turkish, therefore they are Turkish.
-Control of Armenia.

Now why the interest.
Iran is scared that if Turkey annexes Azarbiajan than the Iranian provinces will be next. Turkey doesn't want Iran to expand its borders. Both countries love Azarbaijan's proximity with the Caspian sea (Iran would like to extend its borders with the caspian sea). The Caspian sea is rich in oil and gas. More borders with the sea=more drilling=$$$$.

It has nothing to do with imperial ambitions which is why Iran doesn't give a rats *** about Afghanistan.

Then what's the deal about claiming Bahrain? Bahrain is clearly Arab and it's proximity is clearly closer to Qatar and S. Arabia. So why does Iran want to claim the "Persian" Sea so much??? That's very confrontational.:disagree:
Then what's the deal about claiming Bahrain? Bahrain is clearly Arab and it's proximity is clearly closer to Qatar and S. Arabia. So why does Iran want to claim the "Persian" Sea so much??? That's very confrontational.:disagree:

read my other post.
Bahrain is an Iranian province. It's not about being Persian! hell my own grand father was a qashqai (Turkish speaking tribe). IRan has been loosing territory to the West b/c of weakness. Now it's time to regain some of the impt ones.
man I'm getting a headache b/c of you.
Persian empire?
who the hell is talking about the Persian empire? The Persian empire is done and dusted. Just b/c Iran has territory disputes it doesn't mean we are an empire lol. We lost Azarbaijan b/c Russia invaded! Same with a few other countries. Right now Iran is weak but of course once Iran becomes powerful it will regain some of these territories back.

Demanding Azerbaijan and Bahrain is to recreate Persian empire. These land now belong to independent Shia Muslim states that have close cultural and historical bonds with Iran. You have to have close relations with rather than claim them as part of your empire. Iraq claimed Kuwait and see what happened.
And here in lies the problem. Turkey desires to annex foreign land to create a "Greater Turian Empire"

There is no desire for Turkey to create Turan state. Turkey will neither give or annex any territory. That is very clear Turkish policies. Turkic state would have close relations. Turkey wants to be part of Europe. Rebuffed by EU it is moving closer to Middle East.
wrong wrong and wrong.
Iran and Turkey are both interested in Azarbaijan but not b/c they want to build empires.

Iran's position:
-Azarbaijan was/is an Iranian territory.
-There is more Azaris in Iran than in Azarbaijan.
-Azriz in Iran wish to be reunified with their brethren.
turkey's position:
-Azaris speak a Turkish language, therefore they are Turkish.
-Control of Armenia.

Now why the interest.
Iran is scared that if Turkey annexes Azarbiajan than the Iranian provinces will be next. Turkey doesn't want Iran to expand its borders. Both countries love Azarbaijan's proximity with the Caspian sea (Iran would like to extend its borders with the caspian sea). The Caspian sea is rich in oil and gas. More borders with the sea=more drilling=$$$$.

It has nothing to do with imperial ambitions which is why Iran doesn't give a rats *** about Afghanistan.

You seemed to have grand designs. Are you sure you are Iranian ? Many of my Iranian friends do not think as you. It is better to have friends with your brotherly Azerbaijan and Bahran than claim them. You do seem to represent extremist fringe position of small number of Iranian I am not sure that you sure you are Iranian ? You seem to be trying to make Iran look expansionist ?
You seemed to have grand designs. Are you sure you are Iranian ? Many of my Iranian friends do not think as you. It is better to have friends with your brotherly Azerbaijan and Bahran than claim them. You do seem to represent extremist fringe position of small number of Iranian I am not sure that you sure you are Iranian ? You seem to be trying to make Iran look expansionist ?

quite right..
☪☪☪☪;962129 said:
Well Pakistan has nuclear weapons because dumbfucks were not at the top and there were sane people like Munir Ahmed Khan - Unlike Pakistan, Iran signed NPT as such it cannot obtain nuclear weapons.Therefore, legally Pakistan could not be stopped from obtaining nuclear teach and it was a infidel state (since you love islamic states so much) that helped us most.I am sure you don't even know what NPT is?You're just trying support Iranian program because they're Muslims?Will you support a rapist if he is a Muslim?India/Pakistan/Israel have nuclear weapons because we have never signed NPT.

only pakistan, india and israel are not the members of npt nuclear proliferation treaty...
but those are the members of it,,,what they are doing now,,,they have the bombs tooo...europe, canada, and america was involved in proliferation....then what NPT was doing on that time..hahhh
You are an iran hatred guy....need to improve your knowledge...
Iran has perfect right to possess nuclear weapons. Iran has been a regional superpower for last 3,500 years. Iran has not attacked any country in last 250 years. It was Iraq supported by United States and Saudi Arabia that attacked Iran. If UK and France have the right so does Iran. The illegal Zionazi entity occupies Palestine and has 200 nuclear weapons to threaten Arab states that does not seem bother Western countries. Pakistanis support nuclear Iran.

The problem with Iran haveing nuclear weapons is they have independent organizations or groups very large and very powerful that are engaged in large economic enterprises that are Islamic Extremist that belive that if the world is destroyed, Mohammed will return.

Some of those groups are devoted to terrorism..all it takes is one group getting its hands on a nuclear weapon and useing it or even planning on useing it and all hell breaks loose, Isreal has its Samson Doctrine that calls for the complete destruction of the middle east if they are attacked with WMD, the USA has its MAD Doctrine Mutual Assured Destruction if its ever attacked with nuclear weapons. Do you think is stable enought to stake the future of the middle east or even the entire world on Iran.
And here in lies the problem. Turkey desires to annex foreign land to create a "Greater Turian Empire", Iran desires to annex foreign land to create a "Greater Persian Empire", and Israel desires to further annex foreign land to create a "Greater Jewish Empire". Notice how their areas of interest overlap??? :no: This is a recipe for future confrontation. And all sides are preparing for the inevitable day by building up their armies and weapons. :no:

Turkey has full right to get back their whole land stolen form them after ww1
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