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Iran versus Azerbaijan - which one is stronger?

Esfandiyar, your post shows that you do not understand the Caucasus and Western Asia ethnic and political affiliations.. Why not just stick to commentary on the Pakistani-Indian affairs? You are just inflaming the situation here and unwillingly making Pakistan and Pakistanis a potential threat to the eyes of millions of Iranians, Armenians and other peoples. Azari people are NOT Persians. They are a mix of Turkish, Iranian heritage.. with the Northern part of the Azarbaijan province (that got separated from Iranian mainland, you can read up the Treaty of Torkmanchay here https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Treaty_of_Turkmenchay) being more mixed as time passed. The Southern provinces have kept their largely Iranic-Turko heritage and were not affected by mass migration and cultural influence from the USSR. Southern provinces have always kept a distance from their Northern brothers (cousins by now) because of the forced separation and their allegiance with outsiders e.g. Russia,Israel, US etc

I can tell you that 5,6 pictures of so called hand signs out of a 20 million population does not assist you at all in understanding the dynamics of that region. But well, as a Pakistani, you have no background information on Iranian-Turkish affairs and no relevant cultural upbringing. Therefore, it is futile to try to explain it more in detail to you. The relevant parties Iran, Azarbaijan republic and Turkey however do know since we all are born and grown up with these affairs. I suggest Pakistanis to just keep it at the Islamic brotherhood level with Turkey and Azarbaijan and not meddle in Iranic, Turko cultural,ethnic issues.

And Aliyov understood the message. He has to tame the Israeli presence somewhat and not cross red lines regarding the borders. There is no need for a conflict. This is just a regular event between the modern Persian and Ottoman empires.
I stopped reading when you misspelled my name on purpose. Sorry, you had to write so long of a reply for nothing.
according to an ex-irani diplomat Iran has maintained a well-armed revolutionary sleepers/assassins force of some 28,000 in Pakistan since 1979.
If they will do some misadventure with us the world will read the stories like "once there were persians...."
Better play games with Azeris and don't disturb us with your self thumping claims
how can Iran and HEzbollah fail to "make a differennce" towards Israel when smaller proxy Hamas did so much damage already to Israel recently? The last Gaza war made hezbollah feel overprepared for ISrael. u are trolling..lol..or u still believe we are in year 2005 or something.

LMAO. can you give us some concrete examples??? That factor alone hasnt won the past few modern wars for the countries with stronger airforces, so just give us some examples pls.
I am well aware of Iran's ability and I as simple quoting what Tel Aviv thinks of a country that is Capable to hit back versus a country that is NOT capable hit back.
Also picking a useless fight yet again with a Muslim country Azerbaijan goes against Iran any day for sorrounding nations? Why?

Israel’s longstanding relationship with Azerbaijan has been an outlier when compared with other Muslim-majority countries. While diplomacy between the two countries has been bilateral and mutually beneficial, Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev suggested in 2009 that “nine-tenths of it is below the surface.” In 2012, Avigdor Lieberman, Israel’s foreign minister at the time, quipped during a visit to Baku: “Azerbaijan is more important for Israel than France.”

If Baku wants to be an Israeli lackey they are free. However there will be resistance to Israeli presence in Azarbaijan and Aliyov needs to understand this.
Israel’s longstanding relationship with Azerbaijan has been an outlier when compared with other Muslim-majority countries. While diplomacy between the two countries has been bilateral and mutually beneficial, Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev suggested in 2009 that “nine-tenths of it is below the surface.” In 2012, Avigdor Lieberman, Israel’s foreign minister at the time, quipped during a visit to Baku: “Azerbaijan is more important for Israel than France.”

If Baku wants to be an Israeli lackey they are free. However there will be resistance to Israeli presence in Azarbaijan and Aliyov needs to understand this.
basically has to do with Isreal + Azerbaijan military sales deal
Also picking a useless fight yet again with a Muslim country Azerbaijan goes against Iran any day for sorrounding nations? Why?
1. This fight is useless TO YOU, not to Iran.
2. making the statement that this fight is useless indirectly implies you dont even understand what led to it, because if you actually did, you wouldnt say the fight is useless.
3. Azerbaijan is the 1 who started this fight.
4. why you jump on Azerbaijan and falsely understand the situation by presuming they are innocent without 1st getting the full story.
5. you have anti-Iran bias and you do a decent job hiding it...but it still comes out.
Obviously Iran is stronger. Although from the Karabakh war, we see that Azerbaijan has significantly boosted its military capabilities over the last couple decades.
If they will do some misadventure with us the world will read the stories like "once there were persians...."
Better play games with Azeris and don't disturb us with your self thumping claims
Genocide is a strong and hateful feeling bro, and that is what you are hinting at....and you're Muslim....thinking about genociding other Muslims (Iran)....how does that look to you?
1. This fight is useless TO YOU, not to Iran.
2. making the statement that this fight is useless indirectly implies you dont even understand what led to it, because if you actually did, you wouldnt say the fight is useless.
3. Azerbaijan is the 1 who started this fight.
4. why you jump on Azerbaijan and falsely understand the situation by presuming they are innocent without 1st getting the full story.
5. you have anti-Iran bias and you do a decent job hiding it...but it still comes out.
Oh yeah straight up
1.Iran is 1st country to Openly go Anti Pakistan by siding with #1 enemy of Muslims that is India. Iran + India on social levels are sleeping in bed almost every day. Only China Pakistan forced $400 deal to invest in Iran therefore made Iran to its senses to bring trade partner with China(otherwise Iran was India pet)?
2.Every terrorist attack inside Balochistan is being backed up via Open Iranian support to the militants BLA party via Iran. Get this straight you don't poke nose another country for no reason?
3.The bullsh!t iranian media picks up bullsh!t india media without understanding a fact on ground and blames Pakistan used its mighty air force to assist Taliban in Panjsher? Eh?
4.iran always play sunni / shia crap with Pakistan when all Pakistan does on Official level with Arabs + Iranians is to unify? Who is the problem maker in mid east? Eh?
5.Every uneducated Iranian who utters a single word of English says bad sh!t on Pakistan nation living in the Westerns nations without justification to transparent views? Eh?
6.Iran loses almost every 2-3 months on average a nuke scientist shot & killed by Isreal yet unable to revenge attack on Isreal? Why?
7.Iran doesn't have credible military to last against Pakistan but still does anyway to make headline news for the illiterate backward mullahs, although the only point I like is Hamas & Hizbollah put on fight against Isreal.
Oh yeah straight up
1.Iran is 1st country to Openly go Anti Pakistan by siding with #1 enemy of Muslims that is India. Iran + India on social levels are sleeping in bed almost every day. Only China Pakistan forced $400 deal to invest in Iran therefore made Iran to its senses to bring trade partner with China(otherwise Iran was India pet)?
2.Every terrorist attack inside Balochistan is being backed up via Open Iranian support to the militants BLA party via Iran. Get this straight you don't poke nose another country for no reason?
3.The bullsh!t iranian media picks up bullsh!t india media without understanding a fact on ground and blames Pakistan used its mighty air force to assist Taliban in Panjsher? Eh?
4.iran always play sunning shia crap with Pakistan when all Pakistan does on Official level with Arabs + Iranians is to unify? Who is the problem maker in mid east? Eh?
5.Every uneducated Iranian who utters a single word of English says bad sh!t on Pakistan nation living in the Westerns nations without justification to transparent views? Eh?
6.Iran loses almost every 2-3 months on average a nuke scientist shot & killed by Isreal yet unable to revenge attack on Isreal? Why?
7.Iran doesn't have credible military to last against Pakistan but still does anyway to make headline news for the illiterate backward mullahs, although the only point I like is Hamas & Hizbollah put on fight against Isreal.

Does Iran have any claims on Balochistan? Why is it agitating Pakistan so much?
Does Iran have any claims on Balochistan? Why is it agitating Pakistan so much?
Because if one check news of Balochistan on Google one will find ALL TERRORIST attacks originated by Iran supporting groups inside Pakistan.
Because if one check news of Balochistan on Google one will find ALL TERRORIST attacks originated by Iran supporting groups inside Pakistan.

But why are they wanting to disrupt Balochistan? Is it because they want to take over the region due to ethnic ties?

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