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Iran versus Azerbaijan - which one is stronger?

How can people even compare Azerbaijan with Iran in military might???

If Azerbaijan is stronger than Iran then USA wouldn't have wasted so many years to attack Iran..... and if USA can't have a stomach to do that can Azerbaijan even dream about going to war with something like Iran which is far superior military ready to take USA head on and very very likely an undisclosed nuclear power???

I mean Azerbaijan has decent military and they successfully defeated Armenia but then comparing them with Iran is an insult to Iran.... seriously.....
How can people even compare Azerbaijan with Iran in military might???

If Azerbaijan is stronger than Iran then USA wouldn't have wasted so many years to attack Iran..... and if USA can't have a stomach to do that can Azerbaijan even dream about going to war with something like Iran which is far superior military ready to take USA head on and very very likely an undisclosed nuclear power???

I mean Azerbaijan has decent military and they successfully defeated Armenia but then comparing them with Iran is an insult to Iran.... seriously.....
In this era, any country with a superior air force can beat the other country easily in conventional warfare. Iran airforce is a complete joke, thats why people even say that Pakistan military can easily beat Iran. So that's why i also believe Azeris have a better chance at beating them with the help of Turkey.
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In this era, any country with a superior air force can beat the other country easily in conventional warfare. Iran airforce is a complete joke, thats why people even say that Pakistan military can easily beat Iran. So that's why i also believe Azeris have a better chance at beating them with the help of Turkey.
what people ? who said Iran is week ? Iran enemies ? you want to know just how powerful IRGC is ? look at Yemen. Iran has influence in both Pakistan and Azerbaijan which means in an event of war Iranian ballistic missiles like Qiam and Qader will fly from your own mainland among other things like drones and ATGMs and air defense systems just look how Iran supplied countries that are 1500 kms away from her






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Ballistic missile carries a low level conventional warhead
Not enough fire power, that is why Iran(via Hezbollah) fails to make a difference to Isreal?
how can Iran and HEzbollah fail to "make a differennce" towards Israel when smaller proxy Hamas did so much damage already to Israel recently? The last Gaza war made hezbollah feel overprepared for ISrael. u are trolling..lol..or u still believe we are in year 2005 or something.
In this era, any country with a superior air force can beat the other country easily in conventional warfare.
LMAO. can you give us some concrete examples??? That factor alone hasnt won the past few modern wars for the countries with stronger airforces, so just give us some examples pls.
In this era, any country with a superior air force can beat the other country easily in conventional warfare. Iran airforce is a complete joke, thats why people even say that Pakistan military can easily beat Iran. So that's why i also believe Azeris have a better chance at beating them with the help of Turkey.
With what? 14 Mig-29s,16 Su-25s,a couple of Su-24s and maybe a few Mig-21s if they repair them? Their only chance is for the Turks to send a dozen of F-16s 🤷🏻‍♂️
In this era, any country with a superior air force can beat the other country easily in conventional warfare. Iran airforce is a complete joke, thats why people even say that Pakistan military can easily beat Iran. So that's why i also believe Azeris have a better chance at beating them with the help of Turkey.
Yes,that might well have been a valid assertion back during the cold war,and even during the 90s,but in the era of cheap precision guidance that we are now in,those assertions are now looking,shall we say....somewhat less credible.
I`m actually reminded of the very same sort of confident assertions,made way back in the day,by the various fleet admirals,who were no doubt also quite sure about the invincible power of the battleship fleets that they commanded,tho these same assertions also looked somewhat less credible after ww1,tho` it would take another 20+ years before the prophesies of the then nascent air power proponents would come to pass in that respect.
There is no chance of war happening between the two. It's basically saber-rattling and muscle-flexing by the two. Both aim to deter the other from miscalculating. Azerbaijan with a modern and tiny military will be swept away without Turkish involvement. Thats why its MPs have been throwing Pakistan into the mix too. Meanwhile, Tehran adversaries are waiting for it to make such a colossal blunder, and Tehran knows this.

The only war will be the one between the fanboys
No it's not just a saber-rattling. under Israelis plan, Azerbaijan had to cut Iran-Armenia border, we will never allow that.
Also Iran will not tolerate the presence of Israelis on its borders, the same way things happened in Persian gulf and Arbil.
With what? 14 Mig-29s,16 Su-25s,a couple of Su-24s and maybe a few Mig-21s if they repair them? Their only chance is for the Turks to send a dozen of F-16s 🤷🏻‍♂️
Thats why i said "with the help of turks"
what people ? who said Iran is week ? Iran enemies ? you want to know just how powerful IRGC is ? look at Yemen. Iran has influence in both Pakistan and Azerbaijan which means in an event of war Iranian ballistic missiles like Qiam and Qader will fly from your own mainland among other things like drones and ATGMs and air defense systems just look how Iran supplied countries that are 1500 kms away from her


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Oh please dont i am so scared, iran military going to shoot down more civilian airplanes. Incompetent clowns chest thumping. If you wanna talk about missiles, you are forgetting we have tactical nukes which will absolutely annihilate your armies if airforce wouldn't already do.
how can Iran and HEzbollah fail to "make a differennce" towards Israel when smaller proxy Hamas did so much damage already to Israel recently? The last Gaza war made hezbollah feel overprepared for ISrael. u are trolling..lol..or u still believe we are in year 2005 or something.

LMAO. can you give us some concrete examples??? That factor alone hasnt won the past few modern wars for the countries with stronger airforces, so just give us some examples pls.
The latest example is Armenia vs. Azeris war. Armenia didn't have anything to detect Azeris drones. Absolutely annihilated even though Armenian army was considered superior.
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