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Iran Israel War Drums: News & Discussions.

How many Jews are in India? 4000 maximum? And you are one of them? Nice Jewish name you have Sajeev. I am guessing all the other Indians with Israeli flags are also members of the 4000 strong Indian Jews.

Sajeev is a Sanskrit name..Not a Jewish Name

The majority of Indian Jews have "made Aliyah" (migrated) to Israel since the creation of the modern state in 1948. A total of 75,000 Indian Jews now live in Israel (over 1% of Israel's total population). There are reminders of Jewish localities in Kerala still left such as Synagogues. Majority of Jews from the old British-Indian capital of Calcutta (Kolkata) have also migrated to Israel over the last six decades.(According to Sources)

I don't think so ..all of the Israeli flag Holders are not Jews...They just Loving Israel...Just showing their Thankful Mind....The Helps from the Israel during the WAR times and during the Economic crisis ...
iran is a terror support country, we will not lett u to have any nuclear program even it civil.

so dont be surprised if u hear that some scientist exploded in hes car.

soon in iran.
if US or NATO make a strike againt iran :
first , iran will close the strait of hormuz who is one of the world’s most important waterways, with daily flow of about 15 million barrels of oil. That’s 90% of Persian Gulf Exports and 40% of global consumption .. and iran have a lot of sea mines , ballistic missiles and a stong militry marine with destroyers and submarines .. so it's will be an easy job for iran .. at les they can close it for 3 or 4 mouths .. and then it will be an international crise .. and the petrodolars falls ! ... it's means the end for america
second , Iran have Hizboallah in lebnanon , Hamas in Palistine and Syria .. they will respond againt Israel
and if america or nato will strike iran .. they can't do a ground strike .. it's like walking to their death .. cuz iran is very large and have a strong ground militry with more than 14 millions Basijs .. so there is just the air option ,
to make a air strike they can use militry bases in gulf contries .. it will taugh .. iran is not an easy contry .. not like iraq or afghanistan .. and america has lerned a lot .. they can't do an other war with a lot of risque
even in case of air strike israhell has no chance against Iran.
thank u kollang :) i'm new here
iranians anti air miciles can strike stealth fighters ? like the f35
I think the following map does not show the variation in geographical size between Iran and Israel as proportional as it should be in reality. But still:


I think the following map does not show the variation in geographical size between Iran and Israel as proportional as it should be in reality. But still:

Israel: 20 770 km2
Iran: 1 648 000 km2
Scroll forward to 5:06 in the video. American general David Hutchens says: They (Iran) can stand and take a nuclear hit and survive, but if Tel Aviv.."

You can watch the whole thing, although its outdated info from 2010 and we know how well arrow seem to be working..there are a couple of hints for you which should be interesting....
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if US or NATO make a strike againt iran :
first , iran will close the strait of hormuz who is one of the world’s most important waterways, with daily flow of about 15 million barrels of oil. That’s 90% of Persian Gulf Exports and 40% of global consumption .. and iran have a lot of sea mines , ballistic missiles and a stong militry marine with destroyers and submarines .. so it's will be an easy job for iran .. at les they can close it for 3 or 4 mouths .. and then it will be an international crise .. and the petrodolars falls ! ... it's means the end for america
second , Iran have Hizboallah in lebnanon , Hamas in Palistine and Syria .. they will respond againt Israel
and if america or nato will strike iran .. they can't do a ground strike .. it's like walking to their death .. cuz iran is very large and have a strong ground militry with more than 14 millions Basijs .. so there is just the air option ,
to make a air strike they can use militry bases in gulf contries .. it will taugh .. iran is not an easy contry .. not like iraq or afghanistan .. and america has lerned a lot .. they can't do an other war with a lot of risque

Ya You Guys Does These things in a Series Manner and the NATO countries and Israel watching Mr. Bean on Television ....Kids they Hit you Back hard than ever seen before ....History Repeats itself same IN Libya..!!!

thank u kollang :) i'm new here
iranians anti air miciles can strike stealth fighters ? like the f35

They didn't comes with their Latest F 35's ..They have Better F18 and F 15 with Bombers Like B 52 and B2 ..you have SAM's like S 300 and some Iran versions of Russian SAM....but they have F 15 EASILY ASSIGN AS a SEAD operation to Blow up your AIR Defenses
south azerbaijan our brothers they hate persian regime more than west, so in the rigth time they will turn they weapons, they just wait for the timing. (kul kalb biji yumo)

the kurds, turks, azeri, us, west, uk and arabs will share the persian land like world shared germany after ww2.
i dont see any difrence between ahmedinujat to hitler same same.
so hes destiny should be the same.

ok now....US and EU wasnt enough...this azerbaijanian is also offending us..what a shame...

does your country even have an army capable of fighting thugs...
i had a friend in AZ,he told me criminal thugs role over streets of your cities like pie!!!!
deal with them firstly them come and play role in global issues bro...you are not this much
Ya You Guys Does These things in a Series Manner and the NATO countries and Israel watching Mr. Bean on Television ....Kids they Hit you Back hard than ever seen before ....History Repeats itself same IN Libya..!!!

They didn't comes with their Latest F 35's ..They have Better F18 and F 15 with Bombers Like B 52 and B2 ..you have SAM's like S 300 and some Iran versions of Russian SAM....but they have F 15 EASILY ASSIGN AS a SEAD operation to Blow up your AIR Defenses

F-15 and F-16 are old jets, they are not as capable as more modern jets, and the F-35 is not even fully operational yet, so no fear of them flying anywhere and the F-22 Craptor is in very low numbers and still has problems. The F-18 is not the most modern anymore either, Finland is looking to replace them by 2025, and US only has the Super-hornet which will be replaced by the F-35 in the future. So i dont think Aerial bombings would be very effective, as Iran mass-produces SAM systems and the B-373 will soon be taken into service too.
F-15 and F-16 are old jets, they are not as capable as more modern jets, and the F-35 is not even fully operational yet, so no fear of them flying anywhere and the F-22 Craptor is in very low numbers and still has problems.

Still F22 is better Platform which Humans Achieved a New Goal ..If that Beauty Comes to the Jewish hands they will Make them Awesome ..Better you Need to study More Topics in Military Forum

I don't Know Completely But Some Sources Their in Internet says Israel had F22 Raptors

The F-18 is not the most modern anymore either, Finland is looking to replace them by 2025, and US only has the Super-hornet which will be replaced by the F-35 in the future. So i dont think Aerial bombings would be very effective, as Iran mass-produces SAM systems and the B-373 will soon be taken into service too.

Better you Need to look how the Jewish pilots Bombed inside Syria Deeply Covered By Pantsir S1 SAM
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