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Iran, China at odds in disputed islands row following Xi visit to Saudi Arabia

seems impossible for China to be a key player in this region without having to choose a side in this centuries-long feud, is it?
Yeah, the Iranians should definitely trust you good old Americans more than the Chinese.

We told them in 1979 that they are under the bus and that hasn't changed. However it now looks like China is finding the Arabs to be a better friend to have than the Persians...and are actively throwing them under the bus...as mentioned before even the US isn't disputing their land rights.
We told them in 1979 that they are under the bus and that hasn't changed. However it now looks like China is finding the Arabs to be a better friend to have than the Persians...and are actively throwing them under the bus...as mentioned before even the US isn't disputing their land rights.
China is just neutral, not supporting either's claim to the islands, maybe they thought China should be on their side in the dispute.
You keep saying over and over that China is neutral, while it's statement obviously is not.

Looks like China is just another copy of the US, really disappointed....

You should just tell him to look at the islands like China does with Taiwan and see how quickly he changes his tune.
ISI just broke all bridge on her back , or else the communist party would know her place ...

anyway , technically , the real government of china is at taiwan , cummunist party just take power through civil war and war crimes ...
You keep saying over and over that China is neutral, while it's statement obviously is not.

Looks like China is just another copy of the US, really disappointed....
China doesnt support UAES claim to the islands either, China just saying that the dispute should be solved according to UN and international law, thats consistent with Chinese principle on dealings with all disputes. Which part of the statement is unacceptable and not neutral ?

China is no US in dealing with Mideast countries, US is a sworn enemy of Iran and pits Saudi Arabia against Iran, US unconditionally supports Israel in the dispute with Palestinians while China supports Palestine's position of creating its own state and others. China is a friend of Saudi Arabia, Iran and Palestine. Dont forget the Chinese vice premier just visited Iran also and there is 16 new agreements signed on 400 billions USD deals for cooperations of 25 years on many fronts. I dont see there is any comparison between China and US on the Mideast and that China is just another US, just rubbish except to make sounds like sensational.
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You should just tell him to look at the islands like China does with Taiwan and see how quickly he changes his tune.
Taiwan is different, every country wants to have relation with PRC has to accept Chinas position that Taiwan is part of China, the Taiwanese calls Taiwan part of Republic of China, so there is no dispute on the Chinas sovereignty over Taiwan. Typical you all the time distorting the facts. If any country wants to dispute the fact that Taiwan is Chinese, then China will cut off its diplomatic relation with that country, its that simple, US is no exception either. How do you feel if Chinese say that Haiwai and Texas are disputed lands of USA, thats a more approporiate comparison..Also, UN recognises that Taiwan is part of China, whats the dispute ?
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Saudi Arabia is pretty important to destroying the dollar dominance. Everything is moot until the Americans are gone. SA and Iran are like 2 sheep afraid of losing a patch of grass to the other while they are being circled by wolves.
Taiwan is different, every country wants to have relation with PRC has to accept Chinas position that Taiwan is part of China, the Taiwanese calls Taiwan part of Republic of China, so there is no dispute on the Chinas sovereinity over Taiwan. Typical you all the time distorting the facts. If any country wants to dispute the fact that Taiwan is Chinese, then China will cut off its diplomatic relation with that country, its that simple, US is no exception either.

I dont know what you are talking about and your logic, you people just being unreasonable thinking that China should support your position on your dispute with UAE. If you are feeling that strongly and think China violated your principle and your sovereignty, why dont you just cut off your relation with China as China would do on Taiwan. Also, the UN recognises that Taiwan is part of China, so whats there to dispute that China has the sovereignty of Taiwan.

And, what is your position on the the land and islands disputes between China and India, China and Japan for examples, you are neutral and dont support Chinese legitimate claims on these Chinese territories, right. So, dont be hypocritical yourself want China to support your claims while you dont support Chinese legitimate claims.
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You should just tell him to look at the islands like China does with Taiwan and see how quickly he changes his tune.

Not a problem. Iran can go ahead announce they support Taiwan,but I doubt Taiwan will reciprocate the sentiment from Iran. Taiwan gov will quickly clarify that they have nothing to do with Iran nor do they want anything to do with Iran,in the end Iran will just embarrass themself with such attempt
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Not a problem. Iran can go ahead announce they support Taiwan,but I doubt Taiwan will reciprocate the sentiment from Iran. Taiwan gov will quickly clarify that they have nothing to do with Iran nor do they want anything to do with Iran,in the end Iran will just embarrass themself with such attempt

An Iranian newspaper just did that because of the Xi thing and here the Taiwanese are reporting it:

An Iranian newspaper on Saturday said that Taiwan has a “legal right” to independence, in an apparent reaction to China siding with the United Arab Emirates (UAE) in a diplomatic row over three islands in the Strait of Hormuz that Iran also claims.

The Arman Daily’s front page story, titled “Taiwan Independence: A Legal Right,” said Beijing would have to accept Taiwan’s independence despite attempts to suppress it by force.
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