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Iran can 'easily' help Japan on nuclear plant: scientist

I dont know why so many indian are laughing on the iranian. You think it is a joke?Think before you make saome crap here,iran is better than india in some science achivement.

hahahahaha by saying this you are making fun of yourself........................tell me some scintific achievements in which iran has left behind india
I dont know why so many indian are laughing on the iranian. You think it is a joke?Think before you make saome crap here,iran is better than india in some science achivement.

hey it is not just indians anyone will laugh on such claims about iran can easily help japan while US, russia and france cannot.
All you salafis must also realize that Iran is the world leader in scientific growth. In 10 years our output will be higher than almost every single

If you are referring to Pakistanis than don't forget you stole every thing from Pakistan.
I know it is in your nature but i request you not to seed sectarian seeds in Pakistan and stop humiliating MUSLIMS on international forum.

I'm surprised you are happy with comments of non Pakistanis but only problem is with Pakistanis.
Iran cant help japan. for that they need ultra high tech which they lack. they are under sanctions. its us or Russia which can help japan. though, India has experience of bringing back flooded reactor to full capacity in 3 days( Kalmpakam reactor was hit by tsunami in 2004) India , in my opinion, has not enough knowledge to help japan. so its us which will help japan as japan will not take help of Russia.
well we should underestimate anyone. Especially Persians, who are self-esteem and ambitious people in science and tech.

lots of people were also laughing at us in the past and for the time being. i believe they will regret at the end of the day.

true. they consider Asians as eastern ignorants ( i know this term was used in 40s in west for soviet union). before 50 years if some one had said that " china and India will be nuclear powers" they would have laughed madly.
true. they consider Asians as eastern ignorants ( i know this term was used in 40s in west for soviet union). before 50 years if some one had said that " china and India will be nuclear powers" they would have laughed madly.

:coffee: 50 years ago, China already has nuclear weapons.
AS you can see on that graph, our ascendency started merely 5 years ago. Before that we were nothing, and that was precisely because of people like you. You grew up under a monarchy that was a slave to the West and after that you had to take the brunt of a repressive theocracy that wanted to ban even Western sports such as football. Clearly you will never believe that Iran can be great because in all of your life you have witnessed the opposite.
Post 2000 Iran is something I am proud of. We have seen Iran improve in every field in a matter of a decade. The old generation of Iran failed the country in every way. First the shah and then the Islamic Republic. We don't need your opinion cuz it's frankly useless, your track record shows it.
I don't care a propagandist from the regime is thinking.

For your information, again and again, i was in Iran during war and i never been any royalist family and supporting royalist in our ancestors. as i know. so stop your bullshits.
I am speaking as a scientist by formation and having a PhD i worked in few labs and i know a little about what i am speaking.
I know many Iranians who say the same like me: they cannot work in Iran because:
1/ not paid teachers sometimes in universities
2/ bad technology and machines
3/ low level of knowledges

they are people like me or people in USA or inside Iran who can help the country.
But with the sick minded Khamenei, nothing is possible.

And again stop always making propaganda and use your little brain : the number of papers doesn't mean the level of high tech in a country.
Who will believe what you say except your basiji friends
I am scientist by formation i am in business now.
To say that the number of papers published relates the level of a country is bullshit.
there are many labs many scientists who publish articles which are almost useless.

Papers for Papers sake is the bane of real research not a product of it.

To go from a few high quality papers to thousands of garbage just to say wow look at how much we publish is stupid.
Papers for Papers sake is the bane of real research not a product of it.

To go from a few high quality papers to thousands of garbage just to say wow look at how much we publish is stupid.

Kind of how like "biomedical" research is done in the US right?
1) he was a Saudi so I called him a Saudi and showed him what's going on.

2) I just showed you our "pure level of science." That graph wasn't made by me was it? In 2010 our output was 25 thousand papers.This year we will have over 35 thousand. Both Iran and Turkey are currently ahead of countries like Finland, Israel, Norway, greece, Austria etc... This year we will both beat belgium, holland and even Russia in the rankings. They are online and you can go check them out if you don't believe me.
Scimago Journal & Country Rank

3) Last year we went up by 18 places in the Human Devolpment Index which is the index used to determine the development of a nation. The 42 top countries are considered developed while the rest are considered developing countries. We're now number 70 while KSA is 55. Right now your country is only ahead in the per capita GDP department and we're closing the gap fast, which is why we went up 18 places. At this rate we will be a developed country by 2015. As you can see our scientific growth is 11 times the world average and that will help us accelerate our growth in every department.

Therefore, we ARE more developed than all Middle Eastern countries. we're an independent country under 4 ROUNDS OF UN SANCTIONS and yet we're achieving such results. Before me and you get old, Iran will be a country like Japan. I only wish Arab countries would wake up and smell the coffee and realize that making shiny buildings is not development. Throwing away your money on assets that will have to be renovated and destroyed in a few decades is utterly stupid, specially since they are not used for production and growth. Iran is building Metros in EVERY major city in the country. 15 years ago we couldn't dream of this. We are sending sattelites into orbit with our own launch vhiecles. Even 5 years ago this was unimaginable. In 10 years you will look back and see the mistakes your leaders made. By then hopefuly it won't be too late. Iran and KSA could become giants in the world stage and we could help all ME countries become powerful. The people of the Arab world are being punished however. The subservient nature of your relationships with the West is destroying development in your countries while all around you people are moving forward. Oil money won't last you the next quarter century even, What are you gonna do after that? You can't keep the 5 million imported workers without money and you don't have the expertise youself.

Alright bunny boy !

Do not rape science like you are doing so right now ...

Look at the source you are quoting .. Thompson Reuters ! for the love for God.

Do you even have an idea was a scientific paper is ?

Can you please elaborate which journals were these "Papers" published in ?

Since you are ardently making the case of the next decade belonging to Iran,

will you please care to explain exactly how do you see that happening ? Where is the economic / Industrial base on account of which you plan to own the next decade. ( as a yard stick, you can count the number of years you have been trying for your reactor not to work)

Last we checked, Iran has found the cure for AIDS, Fusion reactor was under control, People were on their way to moon, and every shabang one can imagine.

Look at what every one is trying to tell you ... you stink for all the brain fart you are letting go !

and if you do not understand my questions, I suggest you admit that instead of making it another ashoura on the forum.
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